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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Getting in/out of the west of the city sounds brutal right now. Plenty of roadworks in the east as well.

Try getting out of seafield industrial estate on to seafield road at 5pm. There's always guaranteed to be a car transporter being unloaded at the side of the road further up, meaning every c**t drives in the right hand lane heading towards portobello. Then there's the nightly queue on sir Harry Lauder road, always queued right back down to the railway bridge. A journey that takes 15 minutes at 12pm on a Saturday can take over 30 minutes on a weekday.

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When going to East Lothian I go from Leith Links through Lochend/Craigentinny to bottom Portobello Road cutting out Salamander St and Seafield, been in too many hold ups there.

Do you find them more comfortable than wearing suspenders?

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I'm not sure if this is fair enough for getting annoyed about, but it has irked me somewhat. There's woman in our work who will never bring in a sandwich or the likes at lunch time, always buys stuff from the shops, which is fair enough. However, she never physically goes and gets her lunch herself. She'll often spend the morning floating around the factory asking folk what they're getting for lunch and if it's somewhere she fancies she'll hand them a few quid and ask them to go and get it for her because she can't be arsed walking the 5 minutes to the shop and so that she can sit and gossip with all the other old c***s. Not really putting anyone out too much and perhaps not exactly something that should get on my nerves, I agree. But, this morning she walked over and asked me what I was getting for my lunch tomorrow. I gave her a strange look and she just stared at me as if it was a standard question. I haven't even thought about what I'm having for my tea tonight and this bint wants top know if I'm going to be eating something that tickles her fancy tomorrow?

Am I over-reacting in saying that this chat is deserving of, at the very least, a kick in the pie?

Worth offering to fill her up with a nice length of sausage? :whistle

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You gie me the creeps.

New signature incoming...talk about a badge of honour :wub:

If by "nice length of sausage" you mean my penis then no, it is not worth it.

If by "nice length of sausage" you mean an actual length of sausage then no, it's still not worth it.

Back to the pie/boot scenario then, I'm afraid. That's just arsehole behaviour.

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I think that people speak even louder on their mobiles phones when they're on a Glasgow bus. Two trips in a row and I've had to listen to loud 30 minute conversations from ignorant tossers for the full duration of my journey. The sooner such miscreants are given an electric shock for using mobiles on public transport the better.

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Dicks who send a "reply to all" email round every single staff member at work (and to others, probably 10,000+).

Then the constant stream of dickheads replying to all with "please stop sending this", "remove me from the list", "im a fucking tosser".

Arseholes the lot of them.

West Hendersons Wynd Car Park, by any chance?

Because I was just about to come in here to post the exact same thing :lol:

Edited by The Master
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Might give the cinnamon roll recipe a try mind you.

Looks like someone has finally found the kill switch.

What goes through the minds of people who reply to these things? What rational, sane and logical thought process could possibly conclude with "I'll get people to stop replying-all by...replying-all".

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When your purchases work out to the same numerical value as your PIN, and you take a split second to process that the cashier somehow knows an important piece of security information about you, during which time a flicker of recognition passes across the boy's face as he realises that you are not only a tube, but that you've inadvertently given your PIN away.

I have form for this. Back when Chip & PIN was introduced, the bank sent me new cards, but everywhere still seemed to have the old equipment. When I finally was asked if I knew my PIN (as there was a grace period when you could still sign instead), I proudly blurted out, "Yes! It's 0000!" I'm used to people looking at me like I'm a moron, but that one was a bit special.

(not really 0000, of course. It's actually the same number as my suitcase)

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When your purchases work out to the same numerical value as your PIN, and you take a split second to process that the cashier somehow knows an important piece of security information about you, during which time a flicker of recognition passes across the boy's face as he realises that you are not only a tube, but that you've inadvertently given your PIN away.

I have form for this. Back when Chip & PIN was introduced, the bank sent me new cards, but everywhere still seemed to have the old equipment. When I finally was asked if I knew my PIN (as there was a grace period when you could still sign instead), I proudly blurted out, "Yes! It's 0000!" I'm used to people looking at me like I'm a moron, but that one was a bit special.

(not really 0000, of course. It's actually the same number as my suitcase)

How much were you buying for?


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