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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People that sit in front of the tv with their meal on a tray, rather than sitting at a table. The tv isnt that important that you cant be social for a little while?? Just the same as folk who play about with their phones whilst having a meal.

^^^Wife would rather watch the telly than hear about his day.

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Smoking in the streets. Walking behind someone who is lighting up their death and you can't see it and you get a face full of aids cancer smoke and you go home and you cry and you want to die...

Actually this is not petty.. It's pure seethe man.

Farting in public is generally considered anti-social but smoking isn't.

The world is a strange place.

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Can't mind if I've said it already but presenters who give it the "I'll just hold on for a few minutes in case others turn up".

Meeting starts at 9:30, it's 9:35, get on with it and let the unorganised fcukers have the walk (or door open) of shame.

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ITV's Eurpoa League highlights show. Last night was the first time I've watched it (so I now totally get the Glenn Hoddle hate) and what got on my nerves was the 'extended highlights' of the games involving the British teams, followed by 'highlights' from the rest of the games, which didn't even show all the goals from each game. Is this the norm? I'd much rather watch all the goals fly in from some nondescript eastern European stadium, and have less time dedicated to drab goalless draws involving the Brits.

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ITV's Eurpoa League highlights show. Last night was the first time I've watched it (so I now totally get the Glenn Hoddle hate) and what got on my nerves was the 'extended highlights' of the games involving the British teams, followed by 'highlights' from the rest of the games, which didn't even show all the goals from each game. Is this the norm? I'd much rather watch all the goals fly in from some nondescript eastern European stadium, and have less time dedicated to drab goalless draws involving the Brits.

Yea. I watched it a few weeks ago and there was a game that finished 4-1 IIRC but the only goal we saw was the 2nd because it was "the pick of the bunch"
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The Champions League highlights are worse, since they bump the news back to have them on at ten, show the four English teams for 45-50 minutes (with the other match in the relevant group just being the goals and nothing else), then once the news is done have an "Extra Time" bit where the other four groups get about 20 minutes. The Europa League ones are worse because they need to cram about double the amount of teams into that second 20 minutes. I understand the focus on British teams (and who doesn't like seeing Celtic get humiliated in great detail?) but there's no excuse for the shocking coverage of the rest of the competition.

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Yea. I watched it a few weeks ago and there was a game that finished 4-1 IIRC but the only goal we saw was the 2nd because it was "the pick of the bunch"

Napoli and Marseille games finished 5-2 and 4-2 respectively, I think they they showed about 4 or 5 goals between the two games.

Petty and on my fucking nerves.

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Being a kind and considerate driver I let a slightly more senior citizen driver out of a side street to join the queue of traffic I was in. When the traffic lights ahead changed to let us move he seemed to think that travelling along at 5mph was fast enough and he straddled two lanes as if uncertain where he was going. He then stopped two or three times to let some jay-walking Secondary school pupils cross the road instead of revving up and driving through them, sounding his horn and shouting abuse at them like any normal driver would do. Anyway he just gets through the lights on amber (dodgy move) as they change to red stopping what little progress I was making. When I did get moving again the old fogey (the other old fogey) was long gone and I managed to get to every other traffic light en-route just when they turned to red. My act of decency and consideration must have added about 15 minutes to my short journey, so if you are sitting in a side street and another driver lets you join the flow of traffic, show similar consideration, put the foot down and don't hold the good Samaritan back.

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Getting my phone replaced because I'm such a dafty and smashed the screen, have insurance so getting it replaced but it's a pain in the arse getting it sorted. Courier coming between 8am-6pm Monday meaning I'll probably have to take day off to make sure it goes away and then it takes 7 working days to get new one. Wish I could just walk into the shop and swap it there and then.

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Getting my phone replaced because I'm such a dafty and smashed the screen, have insurance so getting it replaced but it's a pain in the arse getting it sorted. Courier coming between 8am-6pm Monday meaning I'll probably have to take day off to make sure it goes away and then it takes 7 working days to get new one. Wish I could just walk into the shop and swap it there and then.

Can they not collect it from your wrk address and save you a day of annual leave?

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When someone says they want to watch a certain television programme and then they yap all the way through it. :shutup


Or sit on their phone all through it, before asking what has been happening as they didn't understand something that thats just happened.

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It is the law that people in the back seats of cars have to wear seat belts, not just to protect them but also to protect the front seat passengers in the event of an accident.

Why is it then that folk can have their dogs jumping around in the back unrestrained?

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