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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People with 'only God can judge me' tattoos.

It's fucking nonsense. Anyone can judge anyone else. It's up to the person being judged if they want to pay any attention to said judgement.

Anyway, does god actually judge folk? I thought it was St Peter who let folk in to heaven, so surely it's he who judges folk?

Also god isn't real.

Glitter (not the beast kind)

Just gets fcuking everywhere

It's terrible stuff. Folk who use it are to be watched.

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People with 'only God can judge me' tattoos.

That's a RTBC - it's an advance warning that you're talking to an immoral shitebag who's not to be trusted. Ought to be encouraged IMO.

Edit: anyway, I'm sick in time for Christmas, yet again. Bollocks to the lot of you. Ho fucking ho :angry:

Only FSM can judge me :P

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Following on from monkeyblair's experience; people in shops that need to use the till to do simple sums.

I've experienced this in Greggs and Bains in particular. Two sausage rolls/pies/steak bakes whatever - 2 x 86p; can you really not count that out in your head?

Edited by Granny Danger
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Following on from monkeyblair's experience; people in shops that need to use the till to do simple sums.

I've experienced this in Greggs and Bains in particular. Two sausage rolls/pies/steak bakes whatever - 2 x 86p; can you really not count that out in your head?

In these situations I take great delight if possible in having exactly the right money to hand over.

After they've taken about 5 minutes fannying about on their till they look at you open mouthed as if you were from Planet Zog

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In these situations I take great delight if possible in having exactly the right money to hand over.

After they've taken about 5 minutes fannying about on their till they look at you open mouthed as if you were from Planet Zog

Yip me too.

BTW which part of Zog are you from?

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Gregg's hulltoon. Picture the scene

Lassie: That will be 5.20

I hand over a tenner and she types 10 into till and opens till.

Me: hang on I have the 20p

Lassies face freezes in panic and she runs back to get a manager the pair of them void the sale and start again but this time input 10.20 into cash received.

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Following on from monkey lair'so experience; people in shops that need to use the till to do simple sums.

I've experienced this in Greggs and Bains in particular. Two sausage rolls/pies/steak bakes whatever - 2 x 86p; can you really not count that out in your head?

A lot of folk do find mental arithmetic quite difficult, but I think most shops want staff to put each item through individually in order to keep a record of sales. I've felt like customers assume I'm a complete idiot when I'm putting through a load of easily added-up items before, but I can't take your cash and give you your receipt until they've all been put through. Just put through a total amount and the boss won't be pleased, and you'll have trouble if you need to bring anything back.

Gie your till jockey a break, FFS :P

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Following on from monkeyblair's experience; people in shops that need to use the till to do simple sums.

I've experienced this in Greggs and Bains in particular. Two sausage rolls/pies/steak bakes whatever - 2 x 86p; can you really not count that out in your head?

I blame these new fangled electric calculators all the kids have these days, some even on their phones I've heard. I've also noticed my hand writing has gone to shit since emails were invented.

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I blame these new fangled electric calculators all the kids have these days, some even on their phones I've heard. I've also noticed my hand writing has gone to shit since emails were invented.

I tried to handwrite some Christmas cards the other day. F*ck knows if they'll get to the intended recipients, or if anyone will know who sent them.

I also seem to have one less envelope than cards left, suggesting someone ended up with an empty envelope. :unsure2:

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People who make up contrived swear words. See 'shitbamdit', 'fucknigget' etc.

Generally done by muddleaged Glaswegian men who drink too often and often seen on this website.

It's congee petit as is swearing by adults generally.

When my son was three, he invented the word 'shitbuggers' as an exclaimation of exasperation. Absolutely brilliant word that I recommend everyone adopt forthwith.

Oddly, his great-gran used the phrase 'shitty buggeration' a lot when I was that age, and I swear I didn't pass it on :wacko:

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People who make up contrived swear words. See 'shitbamdit', 'fucknigget' etc.

Generally done by muddleaged Glaswegian men who drink too often and often seen on this website.

It's congee petit as is swearing by adults generally.

Oh fiddlesticks.

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