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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I find it hard to believe anyone who drinks wine cannot distinguish between a dry (e.g. Chablis) and a sweet (e.g. Liebfraumilch) white wine.  You hardly need to be a connoisseur to tell the difference.

Reds are different, though I understand the concept of body.  However my palate is not discerning enough to taste all the different constituent parts some reds are supposed to have.  I can usually distinguish a good Rioja or recognise a Malbec but beyond that it's either good or not so good.  Rarely had a red I couldn't drink.

My PTTGOYN is also taste related.  Folk who get food then immediately pile on salt without tasting it first.


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It's relatively easy to distinguish between types of wine. They're usually all fucking awful, but easy to tell apart.

Wine should only be consumed at events where dinner is served, under a bridge and in bulk before typing furiously on the Pie and Bovril Junior section.

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Radio DJs. Do they not understand that Alan Partridge was just Steve Coogan taking the piss?

Also, DJ's who talk over songs. I highly doubt in this day and age that there are people at home sitting ready to record a song from the radio.
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There's a guy on Forth FM when I come home from nightshift during the week that embarrasses himself on a regular basis. At 5 in the morning a few weeks ago he wanted people to call in to let them know what's better on toast, jam or marmalade. Quality listening.

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I've had to listen to Radio 1 for the past two days. I've heard the same hour-long playlist at least three times, in the same order, and I didn't think much of it the first time.

On the plus side, I did get to blow some minds by pointing out that Party All The Time was originally a song by the donkey from Shrek, so there's that.

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Radio 1 DJs are the very worst for prattling shite.

Inane, hipster type drivel


Did you know that Drake will equal Bryan Adams' record for the single that stayed at #1 longest if he's at #1 this weekend?

I do, because they mentioned it before and after every fucking song yesterday. I'm surprised they didn't stop halfway through to breathlessly remind us again.

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25 minutes ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

Did you know that Drake will equal Bryan Adams' record for the single that stayed at #1 longest if he's at #1 this weekend?

I do, because they mentioned it before and after every fucking song yesterday. I'm surprised they didn't stop halfway through to breathlessly remind us again.

Use the Trident thingy on Canada to prevent any more of this pish. 

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Radio 1 used to be good when you had Mark and Lard, that show got me through some soul destroying shifts at work back in the day, I suppose it's a youth station and I'm not in their demographic now but I would never think of listening to it. Used to listen to Zane Low's show sometimes but that was about 7 years ago.  My new (used) car had radio 1 preset and it was swiftly changed to radio 4 I'd rather listen to the Archers than overproduced R&B. Rudeness is my petty thing to get on my nerves I saw a guy at Tesco garage in Falkirk throw what he was buying on the counter while conducting a phone conversation, not acknowledge the person serving him, pay and then leave all the while still talking on his phone without speaking to the person serving him. Tosser behaviour.

Edited by Swordfishtrombone
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5 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

I find it hard to believe anyone who drinks wine cannot distinguish between a dry (e.g. Chablis) and a sweet (e.g. Liebfraumilch) white wine.  You hardly need to be a connoisseur to tell the difference.

Reds are different, though I understand the concept of body.  However my palate is not discerning enough to taste all the different constituent parts some reds are supposed to have.  I can usually distinguish a good Rioja or recognise a Malbec but beyond that it's either good or not so good.  Rarely had a red I couldn't drink.

My PTTGOYN is also taste related.  Folk who get food then immediately pile on salt without tasting it first.


A couple of things if agree with here.

I've had many a glass of White wine that has been disgusting yet I've never had a red that I've not enjoyed.

A while ago I worked as a chef and one of the most infuriating things was (mostly) older people seasoning their food before tasting then complaining it was too salty. Well it will be if you add a tonne of salt you old dick.

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Young lassies that drink so heavily that they can hardly walk. Absolutely ridiculous. Girls can't handle as much alcohol as boys; that's not sexist, it's basic biology!

Braindead behaviour.

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I've heard of MILs asking their son/daughter in law to refer to them as "mum". Sounds bizarre to me, like they have an odd fantasy about their children growing up and marrying each other.

My mother in law refers to my father in law as 'Dad' infront of their three (grownup) kids. I found it a little odd when I first heard it, as at the time my now wife was 22 years old so it seemed a bit odd that she would call her husband 'dad' infront of an adult daughter old enough to know her dad's name. I then found it even more odd when I was in the kitchen on my own with my mother in law and she still referred to my father in law as 'dad' despite none of her children being present.

My wife can't understand why I find that odd, but to me my parents wouldn't refer to each other as 'mum' or 'dad' when I was growing up but 'your mum' or 'your dad'. Makes far more sense.
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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I hate shite like that I always just speak to children like I speak to anyone else, i cringe when I see folk playing up to kids.

You're doing the right thing. Kids get more language skills from dads talking to them like grown ups. They develop wit and humour quicker. You thinking you're being edgy is really you showing you'd make a good dad. Get off p&b and get the missus pumped.

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