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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Fucking loved yo-yos. Hip-hop can take a running leap off the cliffs of Dover though

Just hit them with the young patter..

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9 hours ago, Dave1875 said:

What passes for "fashion" or trendy clothing these days. I'm not trendy or anything with my clothes. Is it clean? Yes. Does it not look weird with the rest of what I'm wearing? Yes. Alright it's getting worn. I work in a supermarket so I see the horror show that is the hip and trendy clothing styles all day nearly everyday. Add in the fact it's not far from a Uni and it's ramped to 100.

When and why did torn knees in the trousers become a thing (most of them are deliberately cut and not from falling and tearing them or through constant wear)? And Why? Do men think it's acceptable to have this on skinny jeans(Another thing I hate)? You look fucking dumb. Now there seems to be a competition amongst women to have the most tears in the front of the trouser leg without the whole thing falling apart?

And why does no one seem to own socks anymore? Add in the fact they roll the bottom of their trouser leg up a bit just to draw attention to their shoes. Have we really become that pathetic as a human race?... Nevermind, @Patrick Bateman addressed this earlier with the selfie stick (anyone carrying or using one needs to have a cricket bat taken to their legs).

I don't know, I just seem to get annoyed by everything popular because it just looks dumb (then again most the famous/popular celebrities who set these trends are fucking dumb to begin with). From split knees in the jeans to snapback hats with the sticker left on the bill so it looks "fresh". Maybe age is catching up with me and that developing hatred for how younger people dress has made itself known

Funnily enough (or maybe not) this topic came to mind the other day. Back in the "good old days" you would never dream of going out with rips in your jeans for fear of being branded a scruff, now my old work jeans are the height of fashion. Fashionable haircuts as well have completely reversed. Nowadays it's trendy to have a lopsided hairstyle with possibly a few stripes cut into it as well. If my barber had done this when I was a youth he would be branded a hair butcher and wouldn't get much trade. You got a short, back and sides and that was it. Kids with "bowl cut" hairstyle used to be pitied as it usually meant their parents cut it themselves 'cos they couldn't afford the barber, now that style is "in".

They say if you keep something long enough it will come back into fashion, that's all well and good but my flared trousers and corduroy Beau Brummel style jacket will probably be a bit tight on me now.

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At work and radio on.


A song just played and someone stated 'Oh my god, why are they playing that, it is so old'.

The song was I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas.

It was released in 2009.

The perspective of youth to age needs a kick in the pie.

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5 minutes ago, MEADOWXI said:

At work and radio on.


A song just played and someone stated 'Oh my god, why are they playing that, it is so old'.

The song was I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas.

It was released in 2009.

The perspective of youth to age needs a kick in the pie.

Ach, we've all been there - young, dumb and full of come.

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Funnily enough (or maybe not) this topic came to mind the other day. Back in the "good old days" you would never dream of going out with rips in your jeans for fear of being branded a scruff, now my old work jeans are the height of fashion. Fashionable haircuts as well have completely reversed. Nowadays it's trendy to have a lopsided hairstyle with possibly a few stripes cut into it as well. If my barber had done this when I was a youth he would be branded a hair butcher and wouldn't get much trade. You got a short, back and sides and that was it. Kids with "bowl cut" hairstyle used to be pitied as it usually meant their parents cut it themselves 'cos they couldn't afford the barber, now that style is "in".
They say if you keep something long enough it will come back into fashion, that's all well and good but my flared trousers and corduroy Beau Brummel style jacket will probably be a bit tight on me now.

Outstanding shout-out for Beau brummel. Well played sir.
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Just now, Adam said:


That was my line on Tinder for a while, it had varied success.



If that fails you can always impress them with your appreciation of the rap music

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I'm Shite at making wraps. Not the filling, that's easy. I love veg or some home made bolognese but the actual wrapping of it, I'm pathetic at. It always comes unflapped or rips. Infuriating.

I always find licking the flaps just before you seal the deal does the job.

Wait, what are we talking about?
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3 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

I'm Shite at making wraps. Not the filling, that's easy. I love veg or some home made bolognese but the actual wrapping of it, I'm pathetic at. It always comes unflapped or rips. Infuriating.

Stick it all on a plate, rename it a 'Deconstructed Wrap', and you'll be receiving Michelin Stars within the year.

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HMRC website.  Whoever designed it should die.

Whoever maintains it should die painfully.

The c**t that called their phone line a "help desk" should die painfully, be brought back to life and killed gain.


Edited by Granny Danger
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I'm Shite at making wraps. Not the filling, that's easy. I love veg or some home made bolognese but the actual wrapping of it, I'm pathetic at. It always comes unflapped or rips. Infuriating.


Further evidence that white guys can't wrap.

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I made it through the first 3 or 4 "songs" and i'm still not entirely convinced that it wasn't someone taking the piss.

When I first heard that album (which always come highly recommended) it sounded to me like the musicians were playing different songs. After a few listens it does make a bit more sense.

I'm glad I live in a world where folks call themselves captain beefheart and release music like that.

Ps - don't ever listen to Merzbow.
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