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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I was rapping in German :lol:

Debs, when you have kids will you bring them up bi-lingual? Our friends both speak german and Italian and the mum French and they talk to their baby in all three languages (well 4 including English!) which is fab.

Edited by Rowan
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Debs, when you have kids will you bring them up bi-lingual? Our friends both speak german and Italian and the mum French and they talk to their baby in all three languages (well 4 including English!) which is fab.

I'm not sure. I'd like to think I would, but I get the feeling it might be easier said than done.

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Fed the dog 2mg diazapam and she is still going ape shite at the fireworks. Poor thing will have a heart attack before the weekends out. :(

Yep, same for me. Might try to up the dosage tonight, they weren't settling at all :(

Was a bit of a nightmare. Tonight will be my personal least favourite night of the year. <_<

In the house by 5pm with all windows and curtains/blinds closed, put telly on upstairs at a very loud volume. Feed dogs with pasta to make them feel sleepy, sedatives in their food. Cover back door so dogs can't see the bright lights, put stereo on blaring (after ringing neighbour to pre warn them) and sit back and not relax.

Great, so looking forward to it! <_<

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Never mind the dogs, my six year old was bricking it last night because the manchild across the back from us was having his own display as usual, with enough firepower to blow a space shuttle out of the sky.

What kind of a spastic lines up six catherine wheels in a 10 foot square garden and lights them all at once? :angry:

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I can't bring myself to pop the balloons from halloween and they are really annoying me in my house! My pal promised she would do it but her head was hurting too much yesterday.. :(

Oh, and the empty bottles are an utter disgrace...actually not even amusing how much alcohol has been drunk!

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The fucking SFA!!

Oh and my thumb swelling up something nasty and turning purple after Kylesons caught me by accident at the 6s yesterday!

Sorry ;)

You or david caught the back of my leg and it's gone purple and it's sore when i walk. :(

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Sorry ;)

You or david caught the back of my leg and it's gone purple and it's sore when i walk. :(

I do remember you skinning me rotten at one point and being sorely tempted to have a wee kick at the back of your leg as you sped away from me, but I didn't follow it up! :lol: If I did catch you it would have been an accident/clumsiness pal. ;)

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Do you seriously give your dog diazepam?

I am visualising your mutts going through cold turkey, like in Trainspotting. "It's for your own good Fido"

"You could get us some jellies... I just need one more hit!"

Yes, this dog can talk.

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Do you seriously give your dog diazepam?

I am visualising your mutts going through cold turkey, like in Trainspotting. "It's for your own good Fido"

"You could get us some jellies... I just need one more hit!"

Yes, this dog can talk.

Mine have ACP, whatever that is. Mild sedative the vet said. :unsure: Makes them look drunk :lol:

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Why not just give them booze then? It would have the added bonus of them being quiet the next day too cos they would be hungover :lol:

They might be sick all over the place to. It's not nice having to clean up dog/cat puke. :(

Edit: And cats/dogs might choke on there own puke during the night.

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