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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 minute ago, Mr Pikey said:

Pool players in the pub..You dont get a trophy or money if you beat me. It's not the world championship. Some grown men seem to lose all sense of reality when they pick up a pool cue.

It's the ones that take 20 mins a shot and start snookering you that can go live in the sea

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Someone I'm friends with on Facebook (and in real life but at the moment I'm strongly reconsidering that decision) has just shared some anti-abortion shite about 'babies' who are born alive during abortions being killed by doctors if the abortion failed. Complete and utter rubbish, but the type of shite that occasionally comes from the anti-choice idiots in America etc. I'm just a bit pissed off that someone who I thought was reasonable would fall for such shite. I know it shouldn't bother me and folk are entitled to their views, but I struggle to not get pissed off with this rubbish at the best of times, but when shared by someone I'm friends with it makes me really wonder.

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Pool players in the pub..You dont get a trophy or money if you beat me. It's not the world championship. Some grown men seem to lose all sense of reality when they pick up a pool cue.

Or the idiots that claim they are "holding the table" even though they've not played someone for about two hours. Give it up and let someone else play.
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57 minutes ago, jmothecat said:

Someone I'm friends with on Facebook (and in real life but at the moment I'm strongly reconsidering that decision) 

Why would you be friends with someone on Facebook if not in real life?

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I've spent the last hour watching a Greggy Wallace programme about supermarkets and I'm fucking raging. Not least because he's referred to Tescos at numerous points in front of Tesco employees without being leathered, but now because we've just seen a woman out shopping with her wean (who was busy rearranging the yoghurts and dancing in the middle of the aisle) who was looking at pictures of the inside of her fridge on her ipad. This is just what Britain's supermarkets need, middle class wifies stating about looking at tablets wondering if they should be buying any more Petit Filous for their little darling who by this point is three aisles away painting pictures with the milk. Get all of it to f**k.

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8 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I've spent the last hour watching a Greggy Wallace programme about supermarkets and I'm fucking raging. Not least because he's referred to Tescos at numerous points in front of Tesco employees without being leathered, but now because we've just seen a woman out shopping with her wean (who was busy rearranging the yoghurts and dancing in the middle of the aisle) who was looking at pictures of the inside of her fridge on her ipad. This is just what Britain's supermarkets need, middle class wifies stating about looking at tablets wondering if they should be buying any more Petit Filous for their little darling who by this point is three aisles away painting pictures with the milk. Get all of it to f**k.

Gregg Wallace is a c**t

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Why would you be friends with someone on Facebook if not in real life?

I have a lot of colleagues on Facebook and there are a handful of people I've never met in person but know online who I'm friends with on Facebook.
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17 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Actually that's a fucking tremendous idea.

Im taking a photo of the fridge interior each morning so that when the inevitable daily 2.30pm text from the wife comes through (whilst I'm at work and she probably left the house 5 minutes earlier) saying "do we need milk? What do we need to make this that or the other for tea? Etc etc"

Respond with a text of "I've an idea, check your fucking email. I've sent you a picture"


Please direct my ire at your wife.

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