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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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37 minutes ago, Lisa Cuddy said:

I know you were trying to make a joke but why would I take tubs of Roses home from work and then take them to Tesco? 

It's a 0/10 for you. 

You never pick up shopping on the way home from work?

I believe it was Jesus who said, "Man cannot live by Roses alone".

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1 hour ago, BigFatTabbyDave said:

You never pick up shopping on the way home from work?

I believe it was Jesus who said, "Man cannot live by Roses alone".

No, I don't. I work 13 hour days. There is nothing I want enough that I'm calling in to a supermarket after that. 

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16 hours ago, RR #1 said:

Yes I'm feart to put my bare arse on a toilet seat tainted with other people's pish, shite and pubic hair. What a weirdo eh?

Such ridiculous logic. Do you not use your toilet at home in case your Mrs has had a shite either? Or are her shitey germs okay?

Does your work not employ cleaners?

Yes, what a weirdo.

Edited by The Moonster
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13 minutes ago, Lisa Cuddy said:

No, I don't. I work 13 hour days. There is nothing I want enough that I'm calling in to a supermarket after that. 

That does sound shite. I'd be tempted to start on the liqueurs.

Alright, bad example.

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15 hours ago, nsr said:

I used to make a fecal deposit at the same time every morning in a previous job, to the point where I'd get up from my desk at the appointed time and my witty colleague would shout for the whole room to hear "Off for your morning poo?"

Standing up at your desk, pcking up your phone and putting it in your pocket and wandering off is the modern equivalent of

standing up, putting a paper under your arm and wandering off to the bog.

Time for a read of P&B, check the news on the phone while sitting relaxing in the cubicle for 10 mins.

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7 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Experiencing DA Baracus levels of exaggerated impotent rage after watching jmo spend five pages harassing people about their toilet habits after I told him last week why people are different. Even worse that he's been vindicated from several sides.

To be fair he's been vindicated because he's correct. That in itself is noteworthy as it is a very rare occurrence. 

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How does Abi Wilkenson get paid to be a writer? Her actual writing skill is average at best and her opinions are ill-informed rubbish that most first year politics students would spew in the student union bar. Then she gets her army of Twitter followers to shout abuse at anyone who dares to criticise her opinions by writing tweets where you can practically hear the tears falling onto the keyboard as she writes. People think Owen Jones is shite, at least he is a good writer with a halfway decent grasp of the English language.

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New exam scoring


Was numbers 1 - 5, etc,

Then letters - A, B, C ,D....

It now 9 to 1, with 9 being the BEST.

Just fucking about for the sake of it;



GCSE results: How the new grading system works

By Hannah Richardson BBC News education reporter
Image copyright Getty Images

From this year, some GCSE papers in England are being graded numerically on a scale from 9 to 1.

Remember politicians saying GCSEs were too easy and needed to be made more rigorous?

Well that's what has been happening, as new exams have been developed and are being phased in over a number of years.

This year's students are the first to sit exams in the new GCSES in English (literature and language) and maths - arguably the biggest subjects in the curriculum.

Another 20 subjects will have 9 to 1 grading in 2018, with most others following in 2019.

New numbering system

Contrary to what you might expect, 1 is not the highest grade, 9 is.

However, 9 will be awarded to fewer pupils than A* is currently.

In fact, three number grades, 9, 8 and 7, correspond to the current top grades of A* and A.

This is designed to give more differentiation at the top end.

A grade 6 is a bit higher than the old B grade.


Two pass marks?

And - unlike the current system, under which a C is seen as a "good" pass - the new system has a "standard pass", a grade 4, and a "strong pass", grade 5.

The Department for Education has stressed that the old and new grading systems cannot be directly compared.

But there are points where they align.

The bottom of the current grade C and the bottom of the new grade 4 is probably the key point of alignment.

This has prompted some employers to say the system is confusing.

Measuring schools

Schools will be measured on the proportion of pupils achieving grade 4 and above.

But they will also be measured on the proportion of pupils achieving grade 5 and above.

And this grade 5 is being described as the benchmark, in line with the expectations of the strong performing education systems around the world.

Education secretary Justine Greening said she expected more pupils to get a grade 5 over time as England's education system improved.

Meanwhile, at the bottom, the new system has less detail, with grades D, E and F corresponding to grades 1 and 2, and the bottom of a grade 1 corresponding to the bottom of a grade G.

Harder GCSEs?

The short answer is yes.

The Department for Education has deliberately required exam boards to make exam content more "challenging".

The way the questions are set out in maths, for example, is very different to what has come before.

And the way the qualifications are taken, with exams at the end, rather than with modules - tested in stages along the way at different parts of the year - is also seen as more demanding.

But, and it is a big but, exam boards will use statistical measures to ensure that standards remain the same.

So despite what are really quite significant changes, broadly the same proportion of students that received a grade C or above in 2016 will receive a grade 4 and above this year.

Is it fair?

And the same share of students will receive a grade 7 as received a grade A last year.

However, if candidates find an exam paper harder than expected the grade boundaries will be set a little lower.

So they may need a few less marks to get a certain grade than they would have done previously.

Thus, continuity of standards is maintained so that the first crop of students to take these exams are not disadvantaged.

However, some teachers' leaders have complained about the level of difficulty in the new exams.

Maths has been particularly tricky - with pupils from top sets of their schools coming out of exams saying they could not understand whole sections of the exam paper.

And head teachers say they are concerned about the scale of pressure being placed on pupils, due to the high stakes nature of these new exams.

The rest of the UK

This year also marks a divergence in qualifications between the nations, with candidates in England, Wales and Northern Ireland now all studying different exams.

In Wales, exams in English, Welsh and maths (six GCSEs in total) have also been toughened, but the qualification is still taken in units. New GCSEs in other subjects are being phased in.

In Northern Ireland, pupils are generally sitting old-style GCSEs in all subjects this year, but changes are ahead.

Scottish students already study completely different qualifications.

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2 hours ago, MEADOWXI said:

Standing up at your desk, pcking up your phone and putting it in your pocket and wandering off is the modern equivalent of

standing up, putting a paper under your arm and wandering off to the bog.

Time for a read of P&B, check the news on the phone while sitting relaxing in the cubicle for 10 mins.

That's literally what I'm doing now.

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5 hours ago, The Moonster said:

Such ridiculous logic. Do you not use your toilet at home in case your Mrs has had a shite either? Or are her shitey germs okay?

Does your work not employ cleaners?

Yes, what a weirdo.

Aye, like that serial, obsessive shite nipper will have a burd.

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How does Abi Wilkenson get paid to be a writer? Her actual writing skill is average at best and her opinions are ill-informed rubbish that most first year politics students would spew in the student union bar. Then she gets her army of Twitter followers to shout abuse at anyone who dares to criticise her opinions by writing tweets where you can practically hear the tears falling onto the keyboard as she writes. People think Owen Jones is shite, at least he is a good writer with a halfway decent grasp of the English language.

Had to Google to see who she is. Probably the pin-up girl for sad lonely politics students up and down the country.
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Genuinely cannot understand why anyone wouldn't have a pony at work, absolute madness these past few pages.

I had three today in work (had chilli nachos for dinner last night), but an average day is typically two, one after my 11am snout and a 2.30pm post lunch turd.

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