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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People wishing each other "Happy Christmas" before the day itself. It's mostly media types south of the border but it's still mildly irritating.
Would you wish someone a Happy Birthday a fortnight before the day itself?  

I probably would actually. I don't think I've ever said "Happy Christmas" to anyone but from about here if I meet someone I haven't seen in a while my parting statement will probably be "if I don't see you before, have a nice christmas". Same would go for birthdays, though I'm shite with dates so that hasn't happened too often.
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42 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

How come some tins have ring pulls and others you still have to open with medieval machinery.

What's worse is the good c***s are folk like aldi chopped tomatoes and the dicks are premium brands like ambrosia and John west.

I hate a tuna ringpull. Guaranteed to get splashed by fishy juice. Good old fashioned tin opener all the way. 

(how many Kenneth Williams in 3 lines)

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On 09/12/2017 at 20:48, mac.i said:

Oh undoubtedly!

The kids are his world but she already stopped them from seeing his family if she took the huff at some perceived slight so I feel really sorry for them too.

If only she'd just done one and left the kids behind!!



I can’t abide people who think this is an ok thing to do. If it was a dangerous situation kids be in then clearly that’s different

But using them as pawns is shite.

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How come some tins have ring pulls and others you still have to open with medieval machinery.
What's worse is the good c***s are folk like aldi chopped tomatoes and the dicks are premium brands like ambrosia and John west.

Then there are tins of corned beef etc which are on another level entirely.
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42 minutes ago, Markka said:


Then there are tins of corned beef etc which are on another level entirely.


If you can't open a tin of corned beef you should be allowed to starve to death to improve the gene pool. My sister is a perfect example.

Edited by welshbairn
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1 hour ago, whiskychimp said:

I hate a tuna ringpull. Guaranteed to get splashed by fishy juice. Good old fashioned tin opener all the way. 

(how many Kenneth Williams in 3 lines)

Open it away from you FFS.

On a related note I stuck my fork into my kiev tonight swiftly followed by a molten jet of lemon butter exiting the opposite end of the kiev and into the carpet.

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6 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

On a related note I stuck my fork into my kiev tonight swiftly followed by a molten jet of lemon butter exiting the opposite end of the kiev and into the carpet.

Has anybody in history ever pierced a kiev without causing a butter related tragedy?  They're bloody lethal.

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Is this serious? We are now claiming a mountain in Antarctica is now "UK's highest peak". BBC peddling imperialist bollocks. What is next? Britain's biggest Elephant or scariest tiger in some far-flung colony that has yet to boot us out? 


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Shell filling station at Kings Lynn A47/A17 junction. Slowest fuel delivery ever!!! :angry: 

A mate once told me they can alter the delivery speed on the pumps to pacify you in some way as you see your money disappearing so bloody quickly :o 

Not sure how true that is but some pumps do seem to deliver fuel a lot faster than others. 

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2 hours ago, Trackdaybob said:

Shell filling station at Kings Lynn A47/A17 junction. Slowest fuel delivery ever!!! :angry: 

A mate once told me they can alter the delivery speed on the pumps to pacify you in some way as you see your money disappearing so bloody quickly :o 

Not sure how true that is but some pumps do seem to deliver fuel a lot faster than others. 

Some diesel pumps have a button on them to allow a faster fill for lorries. Not sure if a cars fuel tank would handle it though.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:

Actually compared to all the folk complaining about work colleagues, partners, people on holiday, on trains, on the roads, etc. I'm pretty sanguine.


Maybe, but you're still an arsehole. 

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