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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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21 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

Not quite as simple as that. Usually "mini" versions of new models also have less capabilities which means women are left with getting a phone that doesn't work as well but can be used comfortably or getting a phone equal to the ones men can use but is uncomfortable to use.

Women asking for the smaller sized phones that are identical to the larger ones in terms of software isn't really that much of an ask is it?

I'm quite a small guy, surprisingly with small hands (small enough that I struggle to play a full size guitar), I have a Samsung S7 and have no problem operating it.  I really do wonder just how small your hands would need to be for you physically not be able to operate a modern phone.  I find it hard to believe there are absolutely no models available that are small enough and would give them the software/processes they need.


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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:
3 minutes ago, KnightswoodBear said:
Do you have an alert set up for any post that includes "KnightswoodBear" and "Hands", shortarse?

Thats unfair. Think its been a while since I passed comment on your wee trotters??

I can only imagine you look like a child wearing Kenny Everett's "let's bomb Russia" hands.

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The Budweiser “ dilly dilly “ ad !
I see you. And raise you absolutely any one of those fucking Nationwide adverts.
People who are driving in a film or TV show and are talking to the person beside them but always look away from the road for absolute ages. Does my absolute nut in [emoji23]
See also them constantly moving the steering wheel. Do Directors think if the actor didn't constantly move the steering wheel, the viewer wouldn't know what was happening? Fuds.
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On 16/09/2018 at 22:48, D.A.F.C said:

Roundabouts that change the usual left hand as left/straight on to left only with no warning.

Alloa area is particularly bad for this. It's probably more dangerous to change roads to this than to create a traffic flow system like this. Town planners just said f**k it let's not go with the Highway Code today.

In 1979, the ring-road roundabout going into Alloa had that arrangement. My driving instructor was convinced it had been an error, and that was why they were allowing the arrows on the road to wear away instead of repainting them.

However, the Highway Code at the time used to say something like "unless marked otherwise...", so the arrows really just replaced the default instead of contradicting the Code.

/ boring b*****d

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On 9/19/2018 at 07:50, port-ton said:

People who do something nice for you, but when they do something nice for you they like to remind you they've done something nice for you.

People who do that for you haven't done something nice for you, they've done something nice for themselves to feel good about their pathetic attention seeking lives. It's not nice.

My father-in-law was the type of c**t who'd remind you constantly if he ever paid for something, with an expectant look as he wanted to be thanked over and over, even for the smallest things. I picked up from his brother-in-law that the best way to handle it was to feign ignorance of his intent and find ways to immediately deflect the conversation off on a tangent. The look of seething frustration was glorious.

1 hour ago, SpiderDee said:

People who are driving in a film or TV show and are talking to the person beside them but always look away from the road for absolute ages. Does my absolute nut in emoji23.png

Makes my sphincter tighten every time, made even worse by films/shows where it turns into a plot point and someone does end up in an accident because they weren't paying attention.

Either it's safe to drive without looking in fantasy land, or it isn't - make up your fucking mind, people!  :angry:

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1 hour ago, Hillonearth said:


One of ours just projectile vomited his dinner, the performance culminating in the expulsion of a three-inch throat turd of a hairball .

Did he choose somewhere tiled?

Nope, only somewhere carpeted was deemed sufficient for his needs.

just as our old cat used to think just outside the bedroom door was a good place to deposit hairballs, dead spiders etc when she knew I usually walked about in bare feet... 




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