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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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2 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

I'm just generally having an utter shit time of it lately. I've had both my nephews in and out of hospital recently.  Have had to fork out  for a new boiler as the old one died suddenly about a week after we got half the house plastered.  

Maybe your mates preferred your first wife better and resent your new wife because you had to pay for her? 

I'd like to hear from your mates before I make my mind up on this one. 

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20 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

I hope he makes an account on here and sends you abuse. 

If he does, (he won’t, he barely knows how to switch a computer on), then I look forward to returning the abuse by walking along the corridor and shouting the word “c**t” at him.

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1 minute ago, G_Man1985 said:

So what I've got from this is.

Fancy coming up here for Christmas,? Aye but fancy a pub crawl as don't like yer Mrs.
Second mate then pipes up and says aye no happy either

Their is no way that is the end of the story.

2 mates all of a sudden just say aye the wife is a w**k ?

Me as a mate I'd probably wanna know why they feel this way.

Need more updates.

They probably feel awkward as she shagged them both last visit.

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2 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

He replied saying that he'd like to come but only if we do the pub crawl just the two of us as he doesn't want to see my wife as he doesn't like her and thinks she doesn't like him (not true).

He's an arse. 

2 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

My other groomsman has also been ignoring me since the wedding as he was annoyed that he was kept apart from his partner on the day of the wedding

Aw the poor wee lamb weak, limp-wristed, f**k!!! 


2 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

He's only now just messaged in support of the other mate.

It's a grim moment when you realise that your mates are bellends.

Tell them both to just MTFU. Oh and they can both f**k off and all. Life is too short for shite like that. 

2 hours ago, ah-dee said:

weddings seem to bring the c**t out in people. sad but well known fact.

And this. In spades. 


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3 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

Have had a bit of a falling out with one of my best mates this week.  An old school mate who used to come up to Aberdeen for a weekend and we'd go on a pub crawl.  This basically stopped when I got engaged as the money spent there was put to better use (honeymoon etc).

I got married at the end of March and he was a groomsman and all was fine.  Since then though we've not seen each other for numerous reasons: holidays, work, family and studying mainly.  So my wife and I invited him up to our house for a party before Christmas.  He replied saying that he'd like to come but only if we do the pub crawl just the two of us as he doesn't want to see my wife as he doesn't like her and thinks she doesn't like him (not true).  

I've no idea what he expected to gain by telling me this.  He literally could have used any excuse to request a pub crawl instead but has now put me in a shit position.   My other groomsman has also been ignoring me since the wedding as he was annoyed that he was kept apart from his partner on the day of the wedding.  He's only now just messaged in support of the other mate.

It's a grim moment when you realise that your mates are bellends.

I'm just generally having an utter shit time of it lately. I've had both my nephews in and out of hospital recently.  Have had to fork out  for a new boiler as the old one died suddenly about a week after we got half the house plastered.  Been trying to study for exams but have had a lot on my mind. Not sleeping right and struggling with things at work.

Basically I'm just having a shite time and needed to vent.  

Groomsman indeed. There's only one cùnt in this picture.

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So what I've got from this is.

Fancy coming up here for Christmas,? Aye but fancy a pub crawl as don't like yer Mrs.
Second mate then pipes up and says aye no happy either

Their is no way that is the end of the story.

2 mates all of a sudden just say aye the wife is a w**k ?

Me as a mate I'd probably wanna know why they feel this way.

Need more updates.

Apparently she blanked them on the wedding day which was the main reason that they've given other than they think she doesn't like them.

I messaged them back a day ago and haven't heard back since. I should have twigged something was amiss when the first guy almost bailed on the wedding at the last minute as he couldn't afford it! This was 5 days before....
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Apparently she blanked them on the wedding day which was the main reason that they've given other than they think she doesn't like them.

I messaged them back a day ago and haven't heard back since. I should have twigged something was amiss when the first guy almost bailed on the wedding at the last minute as he couldn't afford it! This was 5 days before....
brides have a habit of blanking people on their wedding day but its not usually intentional. being self obsessed is part of their day. i cant remember half the people i spoke to on my wedding day
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brides have a habit of blanking people on their wedding day but its not usually intentional. being self obsessed is part of their day. i cant remember half the people i spoke to on my wedding day

But you did look stunning in the dress mate
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2 hours ago, The Minertaur said:

Apparently she blanked them on the wedding day which was the main reason that they've given other than they think she doesn't like them.

I messaged them back a day ago and haven't heard back since. I should have twigged something was amiss when the first guy almost bailed on the wedding at the last minute as he couldn't afford it! This was 5 days before....

They seem very precious bless them  :lol: telts need dished oot 

4 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

well, I'm still talking to you after 14 years, ya coont! :P:cheers

Yes, but you’ve changed, I liked you more as a miserable Spartans obsessed non league diddy supporter  :thumsup2

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Apparently she blanked them on the wedding day which was the main reason that they've given other than they think she doesn't like them.

I messaged them back a day ago and haven't heard back since. I should have twigged something was amiss when the first guy almost bailed on the wedding at the last minute as he couldn't afford it! This was 5 days before....
Can't you blame them though? It's extremely rude to ignore them on their big day.
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14 hours ago, Dee Man said:

I'd like to hear from your mates before I make my mind up on this one. 

I'll cut them some slack in that I haven't seen them much over the last couple of years.   We have an annual christmas poker tournament that I had to miss last year as I was away seeing family. They organised a weekend in Dublin which I said no to as it was 2 weeks before I was going on honeymoon.  Other than my stag do and the wedding I've not really seen them.

I think they just presume I've not been down much as my wife won't let me which isn't true.  It's almost as if they don't realise I have a life up here and don't really have much spare time.  We have a nephew who has CDKL5 and we look after him a fair bit, I'm studying plenty and we're saving up again for a big holiday next year as my wife and I both turn 30. 

I could have made more of an effort to go see them I suppose but it's still no excuse to be a whiny bitch when I invite them up to Aberdeen.

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