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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Did you tell them to just come in? 
Not sure how I'd feel about folk just walking in, or even knocking once then walking in - unless I specifically told them to. 

Yeah we shouted them to come in and they clearly never heard so decided the best course of action was to almost knock the door down, we also have a door bell which made the situation even more annoying!
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3 minutes ago, throbber said:


Yeah we shouted them to come in and they clearly never heard so decided the best course of action was to almost knock the door down, we also have a door bell which made the situation even more annoying!


They were probably getting well pissed off that they had given you 5 minutes warning and you still weren't ready to let them in. I have no excuse for the ignoring doorbell though. Seems very common habit these days.

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13 minutes ago, HenryHill said:

They were probably getting well pissed off that they had given you 5 minutes warning and you still weren't ready to let them in. I have no excuse for the ignoring doorbell though. Seems very common habit these days.

Maybe some folk need practice at ringing the bell?

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1 hour ago, throbber said:


I agree with what you have said about just walking Into someone’s house but they had spoke to me on the phone 5 minutes before shaking they were just round corner so that’s as good as knocking on the door as far as I’m concerned a they’re not going to take us by surprise.

Not sure why they needed to ask about a microwave as almost everyone has one but there you go.


I don’t have a microwave.

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Throbber seems to be more inclined to have other adults staying over than anyone I have ever known.

Is this normal?

I’ve been in my house 9 weeks and think they on 7 of those weekends we have had someone staying with us. We have her brother and his mrs staying with us for a week at the end of this month and her mum and partner staying next weekend as well.

I never use my microwave ever so take back the remark that I thought everyone would have one.
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Our guests phoned last night to ask if we had a microwave before saying they were just round the corner and would be with us in 5 minutes. Me and the mrs were sat in the lounge at the time and upon arrival rather than just come in through the front door, or knock once then come in, they knocked on the door and then waited for someone to come to answer and when neither of us got up to go to the door they knocked again much harder to the point it sounded like the door was getting caved in by a bartering ram. The night didn’t get any better after then either.
Probably still traumatised from last time they walked in to find you finishing off in a sock.
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34 minutes ago, throbber said:

I’ve been in my house 9 weeks and think they on 7 of those weekends we have had someone staying with us. We have her brother and his mrs staying with us for a week at the end of this month and her mum and partner staying next weekend as well.


You are a very hospitable person, Throbber. You must be fantastic company IRL. 

That sounds absolutely murder to me, personally. I've no idea how you can cope. 

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12 minutes ago, Dele said:

You are a very hospitable person, Throbber. You must be fantastic company IRL. 

That sounds absolutely murder to me, personally. I've no idea how you can cope. 

Because he sits on his arse doing hee haw while is partner does everything.

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Because he sits on his arse doing hee haw while is partner does everything.

He’s entertaining the room. Or fucking off out to the fitba. Throbber seems very understanding and pretty sound really though, I couldn’t be fucked having folk stay as often as he has, new house or no.
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Just now, NJ2 said:

He’s entertaining the room. Or fucking off out to the fitba. Throbber seems very understanding and pretty sound really though, I couldn’t be fucked having folk stay as often as he has, new house or no.

I sit in the other room when we have visitors. It seems to suit everybody.

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