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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest Moomintroll
14 minutes ago, RH33 said:

I had a phone call to work to say that my daughter had been 999 out of nursery due to a seizure.

I’d gone back to work just as we discovered she had multiple food allergies but also any viral thing basically left her on short stay on drip. My attendance took a battering on whatever scoring they used as it was lots of short spells off.

As I ran out office that day the manager shouted down to call centre in front 50 so folk who heard her tell me what had happened she was having report me to HR. 

I put a months sick line in as was additional stress didn’t need. Could’ve taken piss and stayed of sick until ssp ran out then resigned but felt that was wrong.

That is disgraceful Rowan, make sure you get as many witness statements as you can. Family before job every time. They were guilty of completely unprofessional behaviour.

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5 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

I don't know, maybe just accept that as part of the price of employing humans to do work they don't really want to do. Right now most companies accept the productivity hit of sick staff trooping in and making other staff sick, but that's naturally harder to consider equivalent.

How do you feel if you have to pick up the slack for someone who doesn't attend when he/she should?

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Just now, MixuFixit said:

Sometimes annoyed, sometimes it's ended up working well for me in the long run as I get to look good in comparison to them in management's eyes. I have much broader experience of for example being sat at coffee or in meetings next to someone coughing and sneezing and being annoyed at them for coming in and risking me getting ill.

I think you'd soon get fed up of the other person's attendance wasn't addressed.

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It was seven years ago. I could see their point but I was still in damn site more than I was off, efficient and good at my job. But i triggered whatever number on the formula.

Ive only just re entered workforce a couple months ago as between kids (son had issues with bowel so lots calls for school which have finally a bit settled/big enough clean self), single parent with no free grandparent childcare and my mental health was home longer than planned. 3  Hours a day around school runs and term time! 

Companies have to have some policies in place but they should be exercised with common sense.


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2 minutes ago, RH33 said:

It was seven years ago. I could see their point but I was still in damn site more than I was off, efficient and good at my job. But i triggered whatever number on the formula.

Ive only just re entered workforce a couple months ago as between kids (son had issues with bowel so lots calls for school which have finally a bit settled/big enough clean self), single parent with no free grandparent childcare and my mental health was home longer than planned. 3  Hours a day around school runs and term time! 

Companies have to have some policies in place but they should be exercised with common sense.


You weren't sick. It should have been "special leave" for a family emergency. If it was to continue an adjustment could have been made to your hours. A grievance should have been taken against your manager.

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

Yeah quite probably. I'm just wondering aloud if the current consensus is actually any better for companies bottom line.

It is skewed in their favour, but they need to be very precise about implementing it. If it isn't done properly you'd have recourse to appeal and possibly unfair dismissal. Safeguards are built in to ensure it's not all one way...until Brexit, then employment rights will withdrawn. Then the sacking will really be arbitery, even before you reach any trigger point.

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Just now, Sergeant Wilson said:

You weren't sick. It should have been "special leave" for a family emergency. If it was to continue an adjustment could have been made to your hours. A grievance should have been taken against your manager.

I worked weekends to reduce number weekdays I was in as had a husband then.

 I did make that points about special leave, can’t leave a 9 month old hooked up to drip in hospital.

I genuinely think they thought I was at it tbh up until the 999 nursery incident. She’d been 999 out the house twice as well due to anaphylaxis.

Just poor management.

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We get three sickness' in 12 month and are then given an improvement notice (12 months). 
I have been known to wait until the day after the improvement notice ends then just take a day off for the fun of it. 
That's the thing with these documented processes and procedures that are there to prevent cases of unfair, wrongful, constructive dismissal is that you can game the system as the rules are laid out in front of you.
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Guest Moomintroll
I think folk are getting attendance mixed up with productivity here.
One does not beget the other. 
We shall all bow to your superior knowledge in this matter.
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1 hour ago, Moomintroll said:
8 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:
I think folk are getting attendance mixed up with productivity here.
One does not beget the other. 

We shall all bow to your superior knowledge in this matter.

I have some experience in this area.

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13 hours ago, Moomintroll said:

That is disgraceful Rowan, make sure you get as many witness statements as you can. Family before job every time. They were guilty of completely unprofessional behaviour.

Absolutely they were. Any disciplinary action (and shouting "You're getting reported to HR!" certainly counts) should be taken in private, not in the full hearing of an entire call centre.

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I've seen both sides to sickness. My last job didn't have a policy as such. If you were off, you were paid but I can't recall any kind of policy (no surprise with that shithole). We had a lassie who was off regularly on a certain shift as she hated the nightshift. She took other days off as well. One shift she phoned in sick and later posted a picture of herself at a BBQ. A lassie (clipe) at work showed this picture to the gaffer. Nothing was said to the girl though. It was so bad that sick leave was taken away within the company. All down to this lassie and spineless management.

In my current job you can have 6 months off full pay. It's a great thing and a security if anything serious occurs in my life. Sadly it's abused though. There's one tosser who rips the pish out of this.

I think the trouble with sickness policies is that there isn't a 'right way'. Even if companies implement a policy that is protective for staff, there are always going to be people who rip the arse out of it and therefore piss off their colleagues who have to pick up the slack.

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I've just seen another poster say they have a 14 year old daughter and my first thought was "I thought he was only about 35!"
These shifts are knocking shit out of me.

My big brother is only slightly older (36 I think) and his oldest is only slightly younger (13, again, I think). He’s never moved out of Fife though so probably not the best example.
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7 minutes ago, NJ2 said:

My big brother is only slightly older (36 I think) and his oldest is only slightly younger (13, again, I think). He’s never moved out of Fife though so probably not the best example.

Hope your sister is well.

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