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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
Oh and BTW it wasn't a ned or an old wummin,It was people crossing at traffic lights in front of the fire engine

Perhaps they were in a hurry to catch the chicken? :unsure:

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When you are in the shower and, without thinking, you use shower gel on your hair and you think "well that was silly, wasn't it?". You then have to wash it out and use shampoo and your hair has this strange feel because of the mixture of shampoo and shower gel.

Mixing shower gel and shampoo isn't quite as bad as the time I put toothpaste on my face instead of shaving gel or when I put hair gel on my toothbrush. Really not a morning person.

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Mixing shower gel and shampoo isn't quite as bad as the time I put toothpaste on my face instead of shaving gel or when I put hair gel on my toothbrush. Really not a morning person.

Blee :green

My nag is I'm still waiting to be refunded the money that was nicked from my account the other week.

I phoned to chase it today to be told they hadn't even looked at my case yet as there was a huge backlog of fraud claims! :angry:

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Oh well. We're a cheerful lot on P&B aren't we? :rolleyes::P

Can't say that I find either of those scenarios a problem.

No comment and...

Thrice actually! Once for showergel, once for a re-shampooing, and then again for conditioning!

well... no comment!

loud music is better than quiet music.
Maybe in the house or whatever, but it's not necessary whilst driving.
Good music should always be loud.

Absolutely. I'm heading over to Preston tomorrow to pick up my handsome fella and on the way over being as I'll be alone in the car I shall be playing my cheesiest CDs as loud as I can bear them, singing my heart out and feeling great. B) If you wish to be bah humbug about that kind of thing then you're quite entitled, but you don't know what you're missing! :D (Bearing in mind what I'm about to say about consideration of others, I never have it that loud in built up areas where it would disturb people.)

Idiots that drive past peoples houses and peep their horn as they go past/taxi drivers that sit in their cars and do the same. :angry:

Oh now that!!!!! :angry: That has the capacity to make me explode :guns. Do taxi drivers' legs cease to function as soon as they set off for work, preventing their arse from leaving the driver's seat in order to walk a short distance and knock on a door to collect their customer? Really! I mean, it's just plain rude to sit outside and beep the horn expecting someone to jump to. :angry::angry::angry:

You'd really have to be a bit of a miser to find that annoying.

:angry: Miser, my arse! It's rude and it's inconsiderate to other people nearby. There have been times where I've just got a cantankerous baby to sleep after hours of them fighting it, screaming (from the baby) and me pacing round the house, trying desperately to get them to sleep only for them to be woken as I carefully put them on the bed by a taxi driver impatiently beeping their horn outside my house for one of my neighbours. Had I not then been busy dealing with the screaming baby yet again (taxi driver having woken them) I'd have been out of that front door and off up the street for a word or two!!! :angry: Come to that, I should've taken said screaming baby out at that point and insisted the offending party drive us round until the baby finally fell back to sleep in the car seat :lol:.

Oh and BTW it wasn't a ned or an old wummin,It was people crossing at traffic lights in front of the fire engine

Was the green man lit? If so then they had right of way don't you know! :rolleyes:

Perhaps they were in a hurry to catch the chicken? :unsure:

Ach, who let you out?

Edited by HGG
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I think I may have scabies. Going to the doctor's tomorrow for and emergency appointment :(

:o How do you do it? Really? How?

It's always you I remember posting on here about having various contagious diseases! Never anyone else. Just you! :P

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what actually is that?

it's one of those things you used to say the minks had in school and everyone was scared to go near them

"Scabies is a skin condition caused by a mite (like a tiny insect) called Sarcoptes scabiei. The female mites tunnel into the skin and lay eggs. The eggs hatch into mites after a few days. Most of the symptoms are due to a skin reaction to the mites. Scabies is common. In the UK, about 1 in 1,000 people develop scabies each month."

"You need close skin-to-skin contact with an infected person to catch scabies. Most cases are probably caught from holding hands with an infected person. Close skin-to-skin contact when having sex is another common way of passing on the mite."


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Guest The Phoenix

Scabies will persist indefinitely if not treated. Treatment is needed for:

Anybody who has scabies AND ...

All household members, close contacts, and sleeping / sexual partners of the affected person - even if they have no symptoms. This is because it can take up to six weeks to develop symptoms after you become infected. Close contacts may be infected, but have no symptoms, and may pass on the mite.

Will the NHS cope? :unsure:

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Scabies will persist indefinitely if not treated. Treatment is needed for:

Sounds horrible, but it does have a certain ring to it. It sounds like a proper manly disease, the type with a scary name that is suffered out at sea on the spanish main by people with wooden legs who say "yar" a lot.

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If I am correct I dread the phonecall I'll have to make.

Try to break the monotomy and add a little humour to it. Try something like:

"Yar, I be having scabies, Yar. Yee better get yourself below decks to get yourself checked out swabbie. Yar."

That might help.

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Sounds horrible, but it does have a certain ring to it. It sounds like a proper manly disease, the type with a scary name that is suffered out at sea on the spanish main by people with wooden legs who say "yar" a lot.

That's because it's so close to the word rabies! It brings to mind lots of horrible consequences.

I pray it isn't, but I have a sneaking suspicion I will be proved right. :(

If I am correct I dread the phonecall I'll have to make.


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