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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Excuse the rant, but it must be wonderful being so fucking perfect all of the time. I mean, God forbid I might enjoy my job and post about it now and again. :rolleyes:

LoL. It was a joke...

And, FWIW, it's good that you enjoy your job. Seriously. You have a good job.

Edited by Muggy
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More arseholes phoning me up trying to get a hold of my bank account details. Same woman I told to f**k of yesterday, but today she claims to be from Abbey bank trying to sell me life insurance. Apparently if I lost a finger I would be entitled to £1000.

As I pointed out though, surely if she was actually calling from my bank they would already know my details. Surprisingly she hung up :rolleyes:

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More arseholes phoning me up trying to get a hold of my bank account details. Same woman I told to f**k of yesterday, but today she claims to be from Abbey bank trying to sell me life insurance. Apparently if I lost a finger I would be entitled to £1000.

As I pointed out though, surely if she was actually calling from my bank they would already know my details. Surprisingly she hung up :rolleyes:

When I get those phone calls, I challenge them as to how they've obtained my information. They throw the "I cannot divulge that information" bollocks at me, but when I mention the Data Protection Act and remind them it is my right to know where any record of me has come from they panic and hang up.

It's a pain in the arse when I'm trying to fly the TARDIS.

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I get that said to me about six times a day by different people :(

It is literally just beyond the stubble stage, so she doesn't even have grounds for complaint!

If I left it for a few more days it may looks scruffy but it is currently at its optimum sexiness.

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Someone told me the other day that I looked like a homeless man had wandered into work since I hadn't shaved in a few days, that was nice.

I popped into Somerfield a few months back for some for some lunch, sporting 3 days' growth and an old Parka. I was immediately accosted by a security guard who looked me up and down then in the most condescending manner intoned "Awright, mate?".

My reply of "I'm not a fucking shoplifter, for fuck's sake!" wasn't one of my more dignified moments.

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I popped into Somerfield a few months back for some for some lunch, sporting 3 days' growth and an old Parka. I was immediately accosted by a security guard who looked me up and down then in the most condescending manner intoned "Awright, mate?".

My reply of "I'm not a fucking shoplifter, for f**k's sake!" wasn't one of my more dignified moments.

I was asked to leave the Asda in Alloa due to the line 'no, I haven't paid for this, I travelled all the way to Alloa to steal a fucking newspaper'.

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I always seem to have an extra close eye kept on my by security guards despite the fact I look very respctable.

I also nearly always 'randomly' chose to be felt up at airport security control despite the fact i;ve never set the metal detector off.

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I always seem to have an extra close eye kept on my by security guards despite the fact I look very respctable.

I also nearly always 'randomly' chose to be felt up at airport security control despite the fact i;ve never set the metal detector off.

Edinburgh - Hamburg. One connection in Frankfurt. I was Searched 5 times.

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After a fairly horrific semester at Uni I have somehow managed to get a 2 for both Maths and Law. Just waiting on Finance now.

Top stuff, Gaz, I managed a 2 for Law as well :D Still waiting to hear about Management and Accounts. Think I'll probably get 2s for those as well, maybe a 3 for Accounts, I didn't bother taking a calculator and spent most of my time scribbling sums all over my paper.

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I was asked to leave the Asda in Alloa due to the line 'no, I haven't paid for this, I travelled all the way to Alloa to steal a fucking newspaper'.

From the court pages of the Airdrie and Coatbridge Advertiser, it appears that a paper is the only thing that a junkie hasn't been convicted of stealing form the local Asda.

Edinburgh - Hamburg. One connection in Frankfurt. I was Searched 5 times.

The good people of Hamburg want to ensure that only the best quality porn is offered in their city. They don't wan't a five year old copy of Razzle from the Glenrothes branch of WH Smith ffs. :P

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