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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Hah! Those crisps are still disgusting me a few days later. Theyve even managed the impossible, and put me off crisps. Fucking mussel crisps.

Anyway, my nag, facebook scrabble. I've recently been bullied into joining, and my flatmate started a game of scrabbles. Of course, we always played scrabble with real words at home. I was unprepared for her to start with "Teazles", as opposed to the sensible British version, but no, according to the rules, its in.

In subsequent turns, she followed up with such classics as "fe" and "oe" as part of her words. I mean, for fucks sake? Oe? What does that even mean? I looked it up in the apparent "Official Scrabble Dictionary", and OE is NZ Informal for Overseas Experience. So abbreviations are allowed in Scrabble now? And Fe? Since when did elements from the periodic table count?

There then followed some argy bargy over msn and some exchanging of links...but it turns out that you are allowed a number of 2 letter words in scrabble. No rhyme or reason, just a load of arbitary words. So I tried to play Xe....after all, if Fe counts, then surely Xe counts? No. What a stupid fucking game! We used to play scrabble a lot, but only for words that appear in the dictionary, we didnt play that if you slapped together two random letters then you could have it.

I may have sulked, but fucking hell, since when were pretend words part of scrabble? I proposed that I concede the game and we start again, since I have to adjust my mentality to imaginary words, but no, she won't have that. For the last two turns I have done nothing but replace all my letters. Its a stupid fucking game anyway.

Its actually really annoyed me. What the f**k is it with those arbitary 2 letter words? :angry:

You're such a reticent oe avoider. <_<

You need a good dose of Fe to calm you down.



We use these words all the time in civilised partss of the country..... :whistle

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women, specifically the one on the phone to her mum in y living room at the moment.

Bus stops tonight at the pub in Kincardine after the game and she has a strop at me.

I'm not the bus convener anymore, it has f**k all to do with me!

I'm that used to it these days I just laugh really. :lol:

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Apologise for this but...............

Life so fucking unfair, I went to visit my aunt, she's 47 has a husband and 13 year old son and terminal cancer. She's got a couple of years left. Ruairidh won't remember her, she'll never see her own child finish school never mind graduation, wedding and grandchildren.

Then there's my alcoholic, wife beating, arsehole of a gradfather who has dementia, no speech, can't feed himself is in a home aged mid 80's and is still fucking alive.


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Apologise for this but...............


Firstly, don't apologise.

Secondly, it's the random nature of life. You don't get to choose. Be philosophical about it, there's no other way.

Thirdly, give that wee cracker Ruairidh a cuddle for me and the missus. :)

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Firstly, don't apologise.

Secondly, it's the random nature of life. You don't get to choose. Be philosophical about it, there's no other way.

Thirdly, give that wee cracker Ruairidh a cuddle for me and the missus. :)

A monster size cuddle may smoother the wee one! But you're right he is a cracker :D

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