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Madeleine Mccann Missing Girl

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On 23/04/2022 at 18:28, BFTD said:

I've no doubt - people tend to eat shit like that for a reason.

It's getting my Western gag reflex past the idea that might be tricky, but I'm game.

Similarly, mold doesn't belong on anything I'll be eating this side of a fifth Conservative term.

I have to hold my hand up and say it's disgusting (probably).

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7 hours ago, Thane of Cawdor said:

This is so true. I remember after Gerald Ratner gave that speech, I felt an irresistible compulsion to go and purchase a set of earrings and a prawn sandwich. It may have cost his business £500 million but, all publicity is good publicity

Publicity isn't marketing though.  Marketing is with a view to selling more whilst publicity is with a view to getting something talked about.  Whilst the burger van's publicity strategy is undoubtedly successful I'm not so sure about it as a marketing strategy.   

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19 hours ago, throbber said:

Kate and Gerry not interested because they know where the body really is.

If there was 0.1% chance she was who she says then the German and British police would be all over it.  Not sure WTF it's got to do with the Polish though.  

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On 17/02/2023 at 07:40, throbber said:

This young lady on Instagram is claiming to be Maddie. I’m not saying it’s definitely her but it’s highly likely to be legit and not sure why it’s not newsworthy yet.


This might make the top five freakish obsessions about the disappearance. 

Although the case of the wifie from Lancashire is giving it a run for its money 

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18 hours ago, throbber said:

Why is there less than a 0.1% chance of it being her? She had physical resemblances and is about same age and doesn’t remember her childhood and also has the funny eye thing. If police are still going with the abduction theory then she must have ended up somewhere and now entering early adulthood.

And for the record I’m not saying it’s her.

I didn't say there was a less than 0.1% chance if it being her, I said if the police in either country thought there was any chance it was her they would have looked into it. 

I suspect they know she's dead and therefore know this young lady can't be her. 

The resemblance is there but it's hardly stark and given the 16 years passing of time I'd say next to meaningless. The eye thing - is it so unusual? - I suspect this is a case of having a similar eye feature and using it to give credibility to her claim. She's also 2 years older so the hurdle of fake birth certificate needs to be overcome.

The username she's chosen also hardly lends credence to her story. 

I bet the McCann's will have had plenty of similar storied to analyse but for whatever reason this one got traction. Probably because of the posts on here! 

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15 hours ago, throbber said:

Of course, I was a bit confused there.

Yes she is worth a dna test at least, it’s not like it’s going to cost anything and there is nothing to lose.

There is something to lose - giving credence to every Internet nutter isn't a good look.

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