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Something a bit different for me this morning as I did the Kiltwalk for Brightest Star with some of my work colleagues.

I must say that I did underestimate this a tad, thinking how hard can a long walk be. 25 miles later though and I am pretty shattered and sore! It gives me even more respect for marathon runners!

Completed it in 5 hours 22 mins 47 secs, averaging under 13 minutes per mile, so I was pushing a fairly hard walking pace. Was an enjoyable experience and we raised way over £1k for the charity, which is the main thing!

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That's a great effort to finish, given where you were for fitness only a few months ago. I'm sure it would have been painful but once the soreness has worn off by the end of the week, hopefully you feel like keepng the running going. That takes a lot of willpower to get through to the end despite knowing you were strugglng for fitness when you started out. You did much better than me anyway - I didn't make the start line never mind the finish.


I had a few days booked so decided to go down anyway. I went along to watch for a bit today, and glad I did - great atmosphere all over. What a speed the elites go at when you see them close up!

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Watching the marathon today and reading all the tweets and reports has made me want to do one.

My current PBs are

5k - 26:40

10k - 57:13

Half - 2:15

I'd aim to beat 5 hours for a marathon. I think I'd need to lose a bit of weight so I don't destroy my feet, ankles and knees but I think I could do it.

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Watching the marathon today and reading all the tweets and reports has made me want to do one.

My current PBs are

5k - 26:40

10k - 57:13

Half - 2:15

I'd aim to beat 5 hours for a marathon. I think I'd need to lose a bit of weight so I don't destroy my feet, ankles and knees but I think I could do it.


I don't want to depress myself too much by remembering what I used to be able to do, but I might as well give myself something to aim for:


5k - 21:58ish

10k - 48:something odds, can't remember exactly. Might have been 47 something.

Half - Also around 2:15 which pissed me off as when training for it I was managing 1:50 pace...


On a lighter note, I seen a few pictures and videos from the Zurich marathon yesterday. Hail, rain and snow from start to finish. Looked utterly horrendous for the competitors and it made me glad I had to give up for 18 months because I would probably have had a go at it otherwise.

Edited by Ross.
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Despite being nearly 40, I only got into running a few years ago for a bet. I actually achieved my PBs this year - mainly from buying proper running shoes. 


5k - 23:20ish

10k - 49:30ish

HM - 1hr 48m


Doing the Icelandic Marathon in August and hopeful to get under 4 hours, although to be honest, just finishing it would be an achievement, given that three years ago, I couldn't have run for a bus without coughing up a lung. 


ICTChis mentioned weight. While I'm definitely not a fattie, I could probably do to lose a stone or so before August. The thing is regardless of how much exercise I do / don't do, or the amount of shite food that I eat / don't eat, I've always been the same weight. 

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Well toughed out, DHD. There'd be more there if you want it, but sounds like your priorities are quite different just now.

Think the ballot for London opens next Monday - Friday if folk have their minds set on that one. I'll be in again, hopefully 3rd time lucky.

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5k - 24:36

10k - 53:05

Half - 2:05:37


I'm pure raging about that half time. I completely fucked up the race I was aiming for a sub-2 hour in and hit a wall at 10 miles. Legs just couldn't carry me anymore. I still PB'd, but it was shit. This year I'm aiming for a sub 52 in 10k and I'm going back to get that sub 2 half. 5k I'd like to get down to 23:xx but the other 2 are more important to me.


I'm going to enter the ballot for next year's London marathon, too. No chance of getting in (hopefully!)...

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The two lads from kilbarchan and one from shettleston did really well.

The eliete runners went through 10k in what I'm currently plodding round 3k😂

I informally know two of the three. I have raced the Shettleston guy on many occasions and he is a nice guy. I have met Callum Hawkins a few times as well, but don't know his brother at all.

My pb's are:-

1 mile - 5'02"

2 miles - 11'25" (not done that distance in a long time though)

3k - 10'12" (did 9'58" in March, but not in an official race, so not sure of distance was accurate)

5k - 17'41"

10k - 36'41"

HM - 1h 24' 12"

16 miles (Southside 6) - 1h 48' 55"

Hoping to set pbs at all distances this year, but we shall see.

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Doing the Hackney Half on 8th May. It's my first organised race of any sort since I was a teenager but have done a good amount of training (I think...) so feeling excited more than anything, and have found myself getting more and more keen to get a decent time. Any tips for (last minute!) speed training?

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I'll absolutely continue running. Looking forward to running over much shorter distances and really focusing on my speed so I can get through the fifa fitness test for referees.


Well done for digging in though, you'll enjoy that medal.


My PB list:


5k - 25.00

10k - 54.01

HM - 2.07

M - 4.45


Hoping to take all four down at some point this year but struggling to find a half that fits into the calendar.

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Doing the Edinburgh half marathon in 5 weeks. What's an acceptable time for a non runner but reasonably fit person to aim for?


10 min/mile will take you in around 2hr 10min. I'd imagine you'll go quicker though!

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After five minutes tonight I thought it was maybe time for me to stop going to the Monday night beginners' classes at the running club. About 20 minutes later I felt fucked! Most I've been pushed in any running, going by Runkeeper most of my mile times were between 8:10 and 8:30 (with one at 7:45), usually when I'm out myself it bounces about between about 8:40 and 9:20.


Enjoyed it because I had to exert myself but doubt I could have managed 9 or 10 miles at that pace. The route we did tonight is the one they use for the 5 mile Holywood Stroll race which is a week tomorrow so fancy doing that for my first race.

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When I run I do anywhere between 7-50 and 9ish minute miles. Usually about 830 but don't know if I will keep that up over 13 miles or if I might do quicker because of the crowd and others round about.

I do 3 runs per week according to some plan I took off the net but get the missus to drop me off the required distance from the house for the big one so that the full run is basically uphill as Airdrie is so high above sea level compared to everywhere round about.

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It's hard to say. I train my arse off and am struggling to break 2 hours, yet my tempo training runs over shorter distances tend to be 7:50min/mile-ish. Yet I've seen friends break 2 hours without even trying. Pisses me right off! ;)

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