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Pretty much hate running and just do it because I need too. Never do any constant running, but have started doing about 6K before my normal training on a Tuesday. Managing it in about 25 minutes, is this a decent pace?

Train for an hour and half after as well.

25 minutes tends to be a pretty solid time for a 5k so for a 6k it's a good time, especially if you're just starting out

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Still a good time and you still went out in the cold. I got some base layers out of Sports Direct on the way home from the parkrun last weekend. They've got 70% off a lot of the running gear the now.

Meant to go into Sports Direct the last time I was home for this reason, and completely forgot as my week home pretty much turned into saying hello to my parents, going on a 4 day bender while catching up with a lot of friends, then saying goodbye to my parents. Cost me a bloody fortune over here to buy stuff, and that was buying the cheapest I could get for the time being. Still made a difference mind you. Will be back out again shortly, trying to keep in a routine while I'm off school and only working evenings.

Edited to add: 23:28 this morning. Consistently hitting around about that time. Added in a few "Fast" sections to my route, but the few minutes after I'm noticeably slower while I recover. Happy that my times are staying around about the same though. Will keep doing the "Fast, slow fast, slow" thing and hopefully improve the length of the fast sections as well as my recovery on the slow sections. I want to get below 22 minutes and then I'll start adding distance again.

Edited by Ross.
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Well done Neefie, that's impressive running, especially in a x-c.

I was invited to a local x-c last weekend. I work with a guy that was helping to organize it and he suggested that its a good way to build strength. Doesn't sound like my idea of fun though.

I do recommend X-C to anyone that wants to do anything next year. It will build up stamina, strength and power. Building up next year to work on my 3k steeplechase - aiming for sub-12.

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I’m looking for advice and/or recommendations on trainers.

I do around 25 slow miles a week (on a good week).

I pronate a bit as I have high arches.

I've used the Asics Gt2140/50 range and New Balance 560 in the past and they've been ok

(Support wise) although I thought the NB's were a bit heavy.

Size 11 or 12 depending on the make.

Cheers ;)

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You sound pretty similar to me, in terms of distances and gait!

I have Adidas Supernova Sequence - my last 4 pairs have been the same. I had real problems with my medial ligaments in my knees before I got them, nothing since.

I can't see your location as I'm on my phone, but would strongly advise you getting to Run4It (or equivalent) and getting properly fitted for them.

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I went to Greaves Sports a couple of years back for the treadmill test and they suggested the Asics.

The trouble is the new versions tend to be expensive and the old one's difficult to find in my size.

Sports Direct seem to be doing a lot of Karrimor trainers are they much cope?

I've had the Karrimor trainers and I did about 20-40 miles a week on them and they lasted 9 months.

Tuesday I did speed bounce (3 x 1min with 1min rest between rep) then 2 laps. Then did 10m hopping on left, then right then both feet then 2 laps again. Then continous half lap relays.

Tonight I did 2 x 10mins 1 lap effort with half lap recovery with 4 mins rest then 5mins flat out. Put it this way - trying to run 5mins on very tired legs was hard.

Might go out for a 10 mile run on Sunday. Start at 9 mins mile for 3 miles, then up to 8:30 for the next 3 miles, then up to 8min miles for the next 3 and flat out for the last one

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Astounding how much booze makes a difference. A full 36 hours after a major skinfull at the football on Saturday I went for a lunchtime run today. Absolutely dying on my feet and it felt like I was sweating lager.

Back out tomorrow evening. Hopefully its out my system by then.

This is me at football every Saturday/Sunday. The kind of sweat you get from hungover exercise is just not right.

Gonna get back into the running and see how my ankle takes to the concrete (tore ligaments in July and been back playing football on astro/grass for around 6 weeks now). No doubt see some of you at a parkrun sometime soon.

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This is me at football every Saturday/Sunday. The kind of sweat you get from hungover exercise is just not right.

Gonna get back into the running and see how my ankle takes to the concrete (tore ligaments in July and been back playing football on astro/grass for around 6 weeks now). No doubt see some of you at a parkrun sometime soon.

Ankle injuries are indeed a c**t. I dislocated mine at the end of July, and have only started to feel confident to run outdoors over the last couple of weeks, although I've been using the gym, spin bikes and cross-trainer loads in the last 6 weeks. I don't seem to have lost too much time .... according to the Endomondo app, i'm doing 2.98 miles in 24:38 which is only 40 secs behind my best time (the weird distance is because it's a circuit of Forfar Loch).

The route has a couple of stretches of rough ground and i'm paranoid as f**k about going over the ankle again. Not too much pain, although the last half mile was painful and felt like my left leg was doing virtually all the work. I'll need to invest in a quality ankle support i think.

Assuming there are no longer injury issues, I intend to run a fair bit over the winter with a view to possibly doing the Lochaber Marathon in April. I'm 40 next year, therefore entering a mid-life crisis, and am taking part in various monthly challenges to mark this, mainly involving running, bikes, mountains and other such nonsense.

Edited by jupe1407
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Finally after several attempts a achieved my target of a sub 20 minute 5k at Falkirk park run. Official time was 19:57. Chuffed I can now retire :)

Well done! I'm going backwards at the moment, since injuring my knee at the Glasgow 10k. Slowly getting back into it, but it is amazing how much it has added to my times.

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This is me at football every Saturday/Sunday. The kind of sweat you get from hungover exercise is just not right.

Gonna get back into the running and see how my ankle takes to the concrete (tore ligaments in July and been back playing football on astro/grass for around 6 weeks now). No doubt see some of you at a parkrun sometime soon.

Doing Strathclyde parkrun on Saturday if you're up for it. got quite a lot of running on this weekend, so wont be hitting the pub.

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Doing Strathclyde parkrun on Saturday if you're up for it. got quite a lot of running on this weekend, so wont be hitting the pub.

Won't know until Friday night or Saturday morning if my 11s game is on, if it's called off I'll meet you there.

Eta: Meet you at the parkrun, not the pub.

Edited by dave258
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Finally after several attempts a achieved my target of a sub 20 minute 5k at Falkirk park run. Official time was 19:57. Chuffed I can now retire :)

Its a brilliant feeling when you beat a lond standing milestone. Next one surely has to be 19.30?

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yes it is. Suppose that's an achievable target. I wouldn't mind's trying a few other quicker courses.

Its what drives me on - when I got under 1.30 for the half marathon I was dead on my feet for the alst mile but when I finished I thought I could maybe squeeze a 1.25 out if I paced myself better!

I just need some motivation to get back out there at the moment though

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Finally after several attempts a achieved my target of a sub 20 minute 5k at Falkirk park run. Official time was 19:57. Chuffed I can now retire :)

Well done that's a great time especially with the big hill in that course!

For anyone that runs a parkrun might be worth liking their page on Facebook and checking it in the morning as the Glasgow one was cancelled last week as it was too icy and Strathclyde they just done a couple of circuits of one side of the course as it was too icy on the far side of the loch.

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