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P&b Running Club

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New to this forum. Aged 43, took up running two months ago, having never run in my life. On advice from Facebook friends (people you don't actually meet, but knew 15 years ago, in other words), bought myself a pair of running shoes and downloaded the Couch To 5K app. Running for half an hour, three times a week, and have got up to the stage where I can run for 25 minutes without stopping. This might sound like small potatoes to you lot, but it's a lot to me. The first run I did (minute running, minute walking, etc) knackered me and left me sore for a couple of days. Now I hardly even feel it.

Loving it, and hope to continue. Looking to run a 5K sometime over the summer.

We all started somewhere, keep up the great work.

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I can see myself becoming a regular in here. Moved flats so I'm now a 1.8 mile walk from my office which is nice when the weather's decent. There's no direct bus that goes the whole way and the two that do go the majority of the route still take about the same time as walking due to traffic. Quickest way to work is by running so may as well do that most mornings. Planned a route that's a bawhair over 2 miles and did my first this morning in around 20 minutes.

What would people recommend for keeping track of time/distance? I'm not looking to break the bank, an app on my phone would probably do the trick. I've got a Galaxy S3 if that makes a difference.

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I can see myself becoming a regular in here. Moved flats so I'm now a 1.8 mile walk from my office which is nice when the weather's decent. There's no direct bus that goes the whole way and the two that do go the majority of the route still take about the same time as walking due to traffic. Quickest way to work is by running so may as well do that most mornings. Planned a route that's a bawhair over 2 miles and did my first this morning in around 20 minutes.

What would people recommend for keeping track of time/distance? I'm not looking to break the bank, an app on my phone would probably do the trick. I've got a Galaxy S3 if that makes a difference.

I use Endomondo, though I think I might be the only P&B runner that does.

Works on Samsung (I have a Galaxy Ace), and the occasional wobble when it can't connect with the satellite apart, it does me.

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New to this forum. Aged 43, took up running two months ago, having never run in my life. On advice from Facebook friends (people you don't actually meet, but knew 15 years ago, in other words), bought myself a pair of running shoes and downloaded the Couch To 5K app. Running for half an hour, three times a week, and have got up to the stage where I can run for 25 minutes without stopping. This might sound like small potatoes to you lot, but it's a lot to me. The first run I did (minute running, minute walking, etc) knackered me and left me sore for a couple of days. Now I hardly even feel it.

Loving it, and hope to continue. Looking to run a 5K sometime over the summer.

If you are looking for a 5k then you should consider http://www.parkrun.org.uk/falkirk/

There are people of all abilities and it's free. On the downside I've heard there's a bit of a hill.

Someone else on this thread is a regular at the event.

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I use Endomondo, though I think I might be the only P&B runner that does.

Works on Samsung (I have a Galaxy Ace), and the occasional wobble when it can't connect with the satellite apart, it does me.

Cheers, will have a look into it. Is it just in remote areas that it struggles to connect?

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Cheers, will have a look into it. Is it just in remote areas that it struggles to connect?

The couple of times it failed on me was in mega-cloudy weather. I'm really only talking 2 fails in 3 years.

Though if you've run for ages and then get home to find that your data hasn't tracked, well, rage!

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I can see myself becoming a regular in here. Moved flats so I'm now a 1.8 mile walk from my office which is nice when the weather's decent. There's no direct bus that goes the whole way and the two that do go the majority of the route still take about the same time as walking due to traffic. Quickest way to work is by running so may as well do that most mornings. Planned a route that's a bawhair over 2 miles and did my first this morning in around 20 minutes.

What would people recommend for keeping track of time/distance? I'm not looking to break the bank, an app on my phone would probably do the trick. I've got a Galaxy S3 if that makes a difference.

I would recommend RunKeeper. Although they've just changed the user interface on the website and its a dogs breakfast now.

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New to this forum. Aged 43, took up running two months ago, having never run in my life. On advice from Facebook friends (people you don't actually meet, but knew 15 years ago, in other words), bought myself a pair of running shoes and downloaded the Couch To 5K app. Running for half an hour, three times a week, and have got up to the stage where I can run for 25 minutes without stopping. This might sound like small potatoes to you lot, but it's a lot to me. The first run I did (minute running, minute walking, etc) knackered me and left me sore for a couple of days. Now I hardly even feel it.

Loving it, and hope to continue. Looking to run a 5K sometime over the summer.

The Couch to 5k app was what I started with, by the sounds of things at a similar level of fitness to you, in Jan 2011. Good way to start - would really recommend signing up for a race to keep you going.

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Not ran for 13 days. Today I will be running about 10 miles, just to make sure I can do the half marathon next week. I have no doubts I can finish it, I just want a decent time.

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been running 5 days this week , probably done just under 20 miles total, decent pace one day then more of a plod the next, just want to get the stamina up over the next lot of weeks, maybe increase a couple of miles a week .weather was pish today and I have always been a fair weather runner(or wuss as it is more commonly known) but making the effort no matter what .

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Courses announced for GSR.

HM = no Pollok Park, over both Kingston & Squinty Bridge. 10k, no Kingston Bridge, Squinty Bridge twice.

Flatter courses = better times & more elite athletes entering? Maybe trialing sections of the Commonwealth marathon, trying flatter, more TV camera friendly sections nearer the City Centre?

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"Lovely" drizzly morning for a run, so went out for 10k just to keep something in the legs for next week. Went a decent route around Kirkcaldy and did it in pretty much the pace I want to race in at 49 mins.

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There's some cracking achievements and dedication in this thread, well done folks!

Well I've finally done it, after talking about it for ages and threatening to do it, I've signed up for the Glasgow Great Scottish Run Half Marathon in October. I got back into my running at the start of the year, but as always, it's fallen away, and I did my first run (albeit short and by a great pace) for about three months, last week and have got the bug again. So the training starts here!

Anyone got any good half-marathon training plans/schedules that would keep me on track (pun intended)?

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Im still not able to run due to the ankle, thought it would have healed faster than this.

There's a P&B virus going round - I've barely able to put any weight on my left foot for over a week now. Pain right underneath on the sole, about 1/3 of the way along, if you go from heel to toe. Just went when I was climbing the stairs. Mental.

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There's a P&B virus going round - I've barely able to put any weight on my left foot for over a week now. Pain right underneath on the sole, about 1/3 of the way along, if you go from heel to toe. Just went when I was climbing the stairs. Mental.

Due to a variety of injuries, I've only been able to run 8 times since the 3rd of March.

The marathon on Sunday is gonna be sore.

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