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I'm the exact same. If I don't run then the weight just piles on.

Did you see that they have changed the route of the Glasgow half?

Yeah - saw it posted on here. The removal of my least favourite part of the route through pollok park is a bonus

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Tollcross Parkrun for me this morning. Much more undulating than Pollok Park - a really tough course, especially in this heat. Finished 3rd in just under 20 mins (19.58) which I am pleased with given the course and conditions!

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Cracking effort, Bishy.

A much more leisurely 6k around Arthur's Seat today at 29.17, a whole twenty seconds quicker than the same route on Thursday night. Quite content with that considering I played fives this morning.

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just been for my first run in about 6 weeks (usually run 5-6miles - 4-6times a week) as I've been fcuked with a heavy cold/chest infection........found it hard going always the same though after a lay off.

Anyone else find a new route tough at first just through the unfamiliarity of it ? or is it just me and my OCD ?! ;)

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I started the couch to 5k programme yesterday. Skipped the first week as I've been getting a bit more active the past few weeks with walking, swimming and fives. Found it about the right level for me at the moment would certainly have struggled to keep running for much longer at the end of the last couple of runs but managed to add an extra 90 second run on at the end to get me a bit closer to home.

Ideally I want to continue with my swimming as it's always been my staple exercise when I've been in a routine (I've spent the past couple of years doing very little exercise though). Does anyone have any advice in combining these two? I'll probably be running twice a week and swimming once or twice a week. I take it the best plan is to try and stick to the three runs before trying to move to the next weeks plan even though this will take a little longer.

Edited by ark loyal
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Started running again yesterday to get ready for the GNR. My girlfriend is running Edinburgh HM next ear with her mum who just done the full marathon last month so she came out with me. I don't think she enjoyed me mentally pushing her. Tough! :D

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After a bit of a setback, I am now halfway through week 4 of c25k and am feeling strong. Did 3 miles tonight. Have stopped wearing my Garmin as I was focusing too much on pace, when really I just need to be focusing on being on my feet, really.

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After a bit of a setback, I am now halfway through week 4 of c25k and am feeling strong. Did 3 miles tonight. Have stopped wearing my Garmin as I was focusing too much on pace, when really I just need to be focusing on being on my feet, really.

Depends upon what you're looking to achieve.....my 6 mile run usually takes me 45-50mins.....not particularly quick but at least it lets me gauge where my fitness is.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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Does anyone know of any apps (for an Android phone) that allow you to create your own schedule? All of the ones I've tried allow you to set a certain time or distance but tonight my schedule required run fast for 1 minute X10, then jog for 1 minute X10 so I needed something to alert me every minute. Obviously I could use the phone's countdown timer but I also want to record my route/speed etc. I can't find an app that would let me do this.

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Haven't got any of these technological gadgets,do they actually help you improve your running or are they just a lot of data you could work out if you know your time and distance,i think like Reina says they could distract you whilst running.To buy or not to buy :unsure:

And yes,i am a dinosaur :)

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Foolishly bet my mate in the pub last week that I could run 10k in under an hour before the month is over. This from a chap who hasn't run any distance since school 20 years. Went for a wee jog yesterday and now I'm in agony.

Still... no pain, no gain. Signed up for the weekly 5k in Pollok Park.. anybody else go to it? Was surprised to see there's 300+ people go to it every week. Looks like it might be a bit of a scrum!

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Glasgow Parkrun is based at Pollok Park. Start is in the car park next to the Burrell Collection and the finish is on the path to said collection.

It is a fairly undulating course, but not too bad apart from the rather nasty S bend that you do towards the end of each lap.

I would assume that the start is a bit mad if you are in the middle of the pack, but the path is pretty wide so it shouldn't be an issue for long. Best bit of advice is not to go to fast on the downhill section to the glade at 2 and 4km, as there is a fairly long uphill section after it.

The finish is a rapid downhill section and is a fun way to conclude your run.

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I havent been johging for a while but started back a few weeks ago on the treadmill as I am entering a tough mudder at the of August!

I done 6.5 miles on the treadmill today in 47.09 mins.

I havent ran outside for years and I feel dawnted at the thought of going out for some reason! I know it will be a lot harder so just need to get up the courage to do it.

I will stick to the treadmill this week and then might jog home from work next week (its only 3 miles) so I should hopefully be fine with this!

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I havent been johging for a while but started back a few weeks ago on the treadmill as I am entering a tough mudder at the of August!

I done 6.5 miles on the treadmill today in 47.09 mins.

I havent ran outside for years and I feel dawnted at the thought of going out for some reason! I know it will be a lot harder so just need to get up the courage to do it.

I will stick to the treadmill this week and then might jog home from work next week (its only 3 miles) so I should hopefully be fine with this!

Would suggest you do some cross country type runs in preparation for tough mudder.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Pie & Bovril mobile app

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After a bit of a setback, I am now halfway through week 4 of c25k and am feeling strong. Did 3 miles tonight. Have stopped wearing my Garmin as I was focusing too much on pace, when really I just need to be focusing on being on my feet, really.

Well done Reina, it's always tough to get back into running but keep at it and you'll soon get back to the levels you were running a few years back. I think you're right to not not focus on pace just now, as you say time on feet is the most important thing for now.

Haven't got any of these technological gadgets,do they actually help you improve your running or are they just a lot of data you could work out if you know your time and distance,i think like Reina says they could distract you whilst running.To buy or not to buy :unsure:

And yes,i am a dinosaur :)

I love my Garmin and think the info I get (heart rate, pace, elevation etc.) really helps me monitor my progress and structure my training. I say buy.

Foolishly bet my mate in the pub last week that I could run 10k in under an hour before the month is over. This from a chap who hasn't run any distance since school 20 years. Went for a wee jog yesterday and now I'm in agony.

Still... no pain, no gain. Signed up for the weekly 5k in Pollok Park.. anybody else go to it? Was surprised to see there's 300+ people go to it every week. Looks like it might be a bit of a scrum!

When you register with parkrun you can do any of them and I think there are currently 9 in Scotland. I've ran three of them, Pollok, Strathclyde & Eglinton on quite a few occasions.

I'm sure you'll like Pollok, it's really well organised, a great route and it's free. What's not to like? As BishyTON says though, leave a little bit for the uphill section or it can be a bit sore. Having said that my PB at Pollok is faster than at Strathclyde or Eglinton.

I've not run since the Edinburgh Marathon and don't really intend to for another few weeks. Then I'll start to try and get into shape for an attempt at a sub 1hr 30min time at the Glasgow Half. However I'm way off that kind of shape just now.

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