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Reminder - Southside 6 places become available at 9pm and won't last long!

Going quicker than BishyTON at a parkrun! Managed to enter myself, but unable to reserve on behalf of my friend (who's currently on holiday). Have you entered? It's a great race.

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Socks, I'll be in Inverness too, though I expect I'll be trailing you by a few minutes. Hoping to take down my own PB from 1:34.

Good stuff, sounds like we won't be too far apart then, however it goes. If you see some tall guy with two blue knee supports at the finish, that'll be me. Have you done this one before? I did Inverness and the Scottish half last year, and much preferred the course in Inverness. It works well with a mainly uphill first half then downhill on the way home - only bit I didn't like was the section on quite a narrow pavement.

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Narrow pavement, when? I genuinely can't remember. Stunning course though.

Been knocked out with a cold and still not 100% right but managed an 11k hour on the treadmill tonight. Feel worried i won't beat my 2 hour target minimum at the moment but plan a 10k outdoor over the weekend and a few 5k stints next week.

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I think it was around the halfway point - there's a good bit on pavements that are mainly quite wide and have a good surface, but just one wee bit where it was quite narrow with slightly uneven paving slabs. There's a crash barrier there as well that stops you moving out onto the road - it's no big deal but I was a wee bit frustrated at that point last year as I couldn't get past a couple of folk there.

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So, this thread seems for serious distances these days! Haven't had a look in it for a while. After 3 10 k races on 2013, 2014 was a bit of a waste for me. Missed the women's 10k in may as was away and the lack of a real goal like that knocked me out for the rest of the year. Had grand plans for 2015 but then spent most of January with a chest infection that meant it was a struggle to walk the half a mile to my son's school.

So today I've dialled it right back, couch 2 5k W1D1 to try and get my mojo back. Stuck on GotG soundtrack and just went out and had some fun. It wasn't nearly as bad as I expected so I should be back doing 5k in no time. Hopefully....

Edited by Baggio
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Good to hear, Baggio!

Boghead - The Paris comment was meant to be accompanied by a cheeky emoticon, but my phone let me down. Here he is: ^_^

Socks - I haven't ran Inverness before, but hearing it's more down in the second half is just fine by me. I quite enjoyed the Scottish Half last year actually (barring the course malfunction), so if Inverness is better we'll be laughing. Just hoping for a decent day. I'm up for the weekend so will take in the Inverness Parkrun on the Saturday too.

With my knees giving the occasional creak I've cut back on the running lately; out on Wednesday with folk from work for an easy run and a mini-interval session to get me home, followed up by a 20:20 at Parkrun this morning. Quite happy with that. Will probably be out for a 10-mile MP run tomorrow, I think.

Did someone say 'Ultra'? Nope nope nope nope...

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Posted a time of 57:45 for the Resolution 10km at Crammond. Pleased to get under an hour, it was a good course, got a bit blowy at points!

Good running mate.

I can guarantee conditions were better there than at the Down By The River 10k this morning. Gusty winds, teaming rain and a few km of hailstones were the order of the day. Truly horrid lol.

Got round in 37'49" (1'08" outside pb, but fastest since June) which I was relatively pleased with given conditions. Was on pb pace for the first 5k as well, but lack of race pace runs above that distance really put paid to the second half. It is a really quick course and would love to run it on a nice day when I am in good shape - would be a guaranteed pb.

Well done to Garrowhill Clyde on equalling his pb - great effort and I am sure you will smash it on Saturday if conditions are half decent.

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Aye, another lovely weekend of weather for running! That's good going from both of you above on a day like that, and I can imagine that Crammond in particular would not be the nicest.

I missed the worst of it today, getting mainly dry but very windy conditions. Don't think I got any rain, just one shower of hail which was a wee bit nippy on the face. I picked a route that I knew would give 3 miles gradual uphill right into the wind as something of a challenge ahead of next week, and it certainly didn't disappoint. 12 miles today, not as long as recent weeks, but it still feels good to get in after a longish run in those conditions. Definitely hoping for less wind next week though!

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Ran to and from Parkrun yesterday for a total of 16km with the paces mixed up a little. Meant my parkrun time was down a bit at 21:20 but pace in each section was pretty close to planned.

Meadows half marathon for me next week. Nowhere near enough training for a PB (under 1:32) but think I should be able to go below 1:40.

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My foot is killing me after my 10k. Is this normal after your first long run or am I doing something wrong?

Erm not normal but obvioulsy doing something more than you are used to is going to leave you aching but "killing me"? I occasionally get sore feet after long runs but fine after few hours/next day. What is your longest distance before you did 10K?

Most on here, I would guess, would advise foot analysis at say Run4It to make sure you have correct running shoes for your gait. Over/underpronation can cause a world of problems once you start upping distance and regularity of run. From someone who was out for 4 months with achillies tendonitis take it from me it is worth getting running shoes right.

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I'm probably being a bit of a wimp, it's not 'killing me'. The side of my left foot is sore, not sure if it's my step or whatever. I've run approx 10km before and I do occasionally get sore feet after runs, although only usually if I haven't been training. My ankle is sore now, I assume from compensating. I'll take a couple of days off and see if it gets better.

Look out for my obituary in the Inverness Courier lads.

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