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Terrible run for me today at Tollcross parkrun this morning.

Wasn't expecting much as I am knackered after doing a lot of miles this week - did 7 days straight from Friday to Thursday. Plus gym classes on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Doing a lot as I am trying to get my fitness back to where it was before my pre Polaroid series illness.

On the train in I was considering whether to run or pace (it is pacer week there), but decided to just run it. Got round in 18'55" or so, circa 29 secs outside pb. It was hard going in pretty humid conditions. About half way round I knew I should of just paced as my legs were done lol!

Still it was nice to meet up with the guys out that way again - especially Shaz and Gallowhillclyde. Nice wee jog back into the City Centre afterwards was most enjoyable as well.

Edited to add - I realise that sub 19 mins on that course would be amazing for most, but being out of ideal shape leading to poorer times is really frustrating me. That plus I am extremely hard on myself!

Edited by BishyTON
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Really good to hear that, Rowan - you've had some time of it with injuries so hopefully your luck will be a bit better for the next few months and you manage GSR.

Also good to see an update from you, Bishy - I've missed them the last few weeks. How did you get on with the 10k races you were aiming for over the last couple of months?

First go at parkrun for me this morning, and not too bad a run despite feeling a bit dehydrated. Annoyingly though, I've no idea what my time was yet, because my competitive instincts took over and I ended up in a head to head sprint for the line! I always forget to stop my watch when that happens, and the guy I was holding off did the same. Probably around 20 mins, hopefully slightly under. Fairly happy regardless though, as it showed my speed is slightly better than I thought ahead of a couple of short race this week.

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I've been happily surprised this week that my speed over short distances is better than expected - I seemed to lose speed altogether for ages after my half in March and expected the same after the marathon at the end of May. My time for parkrun on Saturday was 19:38, which I was pretty happy with given that the Kirkcaldy course has a couple of reasonable climbs. I shocked myself running 5:32 for a one mile race last night then managed 32:23 for 5 miles tonight. Probably could have done it slightly quicker tonight, but the legs were feeling it towards the end after a lot of fast running recently and still managed slightly under the 6:30 pace I was aiming for.

These are my first attempts at those 3 distances, so fairly pleased with them all. Particularly happy with the mile time because I just didn't think I had it in me to run a short race that quickly, with most of my running having been aimed at longer distances.

Racing is painful though - it's strange how easy it is to get addicted to something that hurts like that!

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Got out for my first run in ages today and what a day to get back to it! Stifling heat but I've always liked a work out in that. Just did roughly a 5k in about 25 minutes with a few hills thrown in.

Gonna get back to park run on Saturday, tempted to try Victoria Park. Anyone been there? What's it like compared to Pollok?

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Got out for my first run in ages today and what a day to get back to it! Stifling heat but I've always liked a work out in that. Just did roughly a 5k in about 25 minutes with a few hills thrown in.

Gonna get back to park run on Saturday, tempted to try Victoria Park. Anyone been there? What's it like compared to Pollok?

Much flatter. Victoria Park has seven uphill sections over 5k, but none of them are difficult and they are all fairly short.

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Good to hear the speed's returning, Socks. Happy days.

Had a bit of a slog on Sunday with my 13 mile run, felt really lethargic. Was surprised, with that in mind, that the track session on Tuesday went fairly well: 12 x 400m repeats, chopped into two lots of six with 2min recovery. Opened with an 87s, and finished with my quickest, a 72s lap. The last six were noticeably quicker as the leading 5 guys stepped it up and I clung on for dear life!

Seven miles last night, will head out shortly for four more.

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That long run lethargy sounds similar to what I've had over the last couple of weeks; I can't quite believe that I did a 16 mile run back in February at steady 7:30 pace beause I'm nowhere near that just now. I've been doing a lot more fast stuff recently and it sounds like you have as well, so maybe that's havng an effect. That said, I did my long run last night as I want Sunday free this week, and quite enjoyed about 12 miles round the Fife coast, even though it was pretty slow.

How are you finding running wth a group? I've been thining of it for a while and was going to go along to one on Thursday, but the legs didn't fancy another tough run after races the previous two nights. I think I'll do it soon though.

I went to the first Dunfermline parkrun this morning - not many flat bits on that course! That's the first time I've ran in really heavy rain for ages and I'd forgotten how good it can feel as long as there's no wind. 20:35ish, which although not brilliant is OK given the coure and the hard running I've done this week.

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I'm enjoying running with a group. For speed work it's been really good as it keeps you pushing - the track sessions are where the value's to be had. On the longer runs the group I'm with has been a bit start/stop at times so the slower folk don't get lost, and you don't get as much out of them.

Hadn't realised there was a new parkrun coming; will get myself along in the next few weeks to try it out. I was planning Edinburgh yesterday but it was horrible in the morning so I stayed in bed...went out for 10 miles later in the day instead.

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Since the half marathon I'm really struggling with finding the motivation to get out and run. Trying to do 5/10k a couple of times a week to improve on speed over a shorter distance but every time I go out I just feel slow and shite :thumbsdown

Only just realised that there's a Parkrun in Portobello now. Might pop along and try it out next weekend to see if that helps with motivation.

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Madly went to parkrun in the rain on Saturday - decided to go to Portobello for a little more shelter than Cramond but was still damp.

16km run on Sunday as well, really enjoying my longer runs at this point - long may it continue

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  • 2 weeks later...

Last weekend was another good weekend of running - sub 20 for parkrun on Saturday and then ran 11 miles on Sunday and held a pretty comfortable and consistent pace throughout. Also been out for a shorter run home from work on Tuesday.

Hopefully all sorted to have a good go at getting a PB on Saturday at the Musselburgh 10k.

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Sounds like you're in good form, true rover. Got to be confident! Though a mate at work has just said it's meant to be blowing a gale tomorrow.

Quiet week for me; doddled round the parkrun and Dundee marathon at the weekend but my foot's been playing up. Will give it a go tomorrow as it's much better now; bit annoying as my legs felt absolutely fine on Monday.

Edited by morrison
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I'm amused by the idea of a quiet week that happens to include a wee marathon run!

Weather for tomorrow looked rotten last time I looked, so would image fast times will be difficult. Still though, will be good for me to finally run a 10k after getting through pretty much every other standard distance recently.

It's been quite a light week for me, although I was pleased to improve my one mile time in the latest of the Ravenscraig Park series on Tuesday, getting round in 5:29. It was quite a remarkable race in that a woman won outright, something that I can't imagine happens very often. The field wasn't as strong as last time, but even so it was a great run from her to finish in 5:05.

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Ah, I could've phrased that better! I meant the week since the marathon, where I haven't ran a step and wouldn't have been able to until yesterday.

I'd be happy with that mile time too, Socks, some going. Good luck to you both tomorrow and anyone else getting out and about.

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Yeah, weather is not looking too good for tomorrow but can only hope for a little break in the wind. 41:37 to try and beat but then I can blame the conditions if I fail!

Feel free to say hello if you see me about, I tend to have team GB sweatbands on my arm!

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