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P&b Running Club

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First race in the X-C league and I shocked myself. Last year i ran the 6 mile course in 48mins 48 secs, this year I SMASHED it and ran 43 mins 52 secs. To say that I am happy would be an understatement. The course is a 2 mile lap with 2 short hills and 1 long hill. Went off too fast and did the first lap in 13 mins. Steadied myself and got my pace spot on. at the finishing straight came off a sharp downhill bit, I did speed up for the last 400 metres. The worst thing that someone could do is try and take me on the finishing straight, but when they have people chearing them on it spurs me on to go harder. So I got up to full sprinting speed, proper cheeks out and I managed to take 2 people as well. Usian Bolt would have struggled against me! lol

My protegees all got round. 1 girl finished 8th, which means she's in the fast pack for the rest of the season. Another lad got round in 13th in his first race. Had another girl take 80secs of her time compared to last year!

Got a 3.3 mile race on tuesday night, which could be interesting. 1500m session on thursday night.

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Got a pair of running shoes today. Was wondering though, how much is a good distance for someone who hasn't done any exercise for about 5 years to start off with? I'm not fat but I'm definitely unfit. I had to sprint about 200 yards for a train a few weeks ago and I almost spewed.

I was in the same position when I started in Feb this year, I could barely run the length of myself. I used an iPhone app called Couch to 10k - Website. The website has the programme on it, so you don't need the app. Once I'd done this I moved onto another program.. I ran my first two 10ks in Sept and Oct in (just!) under an hour, so it def works.

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Went off road this morning and came back with mud up to my knees! Thank goodness I'm getting new trainers this week! Did 10k on a very very hilly, muddy and wet route. Was great :D Away to download it from my Garmin (although missed the first half a km as it couldn't get a satellite from under the trees for the first wee while) so I can see the elevation... </geek>

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I was in the same position when I started in Feb this year, I could barely run the length of myself. I used an iPhone app called Couch to 10k - Website. The website has the programme on it, so you don't need the app. Once I'd done this I moved onto another program.. I ran my first two 10ks in Sept and Oct in (just!) under an hour, so it def works.

Thanks man.

I just went for my first proper run there. Was all going well for about 500 yards and then I felt like a sack of tatties. Embarrassing for a 20 year old man laugh.gif

Feels good though, getting a bit of colour about my cheeks and that. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few miles soon enough with plenty of practice.

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You'll be surprised how quickly you'll get there, JamboMikey! Do train using a couch to 5k type programme - walk/jog intervals and gradually decreasing the walking bits and increasing the jogging. Good luck - a year ago I'd just started running after I'd had my son and now do 25k most weeks (although when I was at the peak of my half marathon training, I was probably running nearer 40k a week) so it can be done! :)

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Thanks man.

I just went for my first proper run there. Was all going well for about 500 yards and then I felt like a sack of tatties. Embarrassing for a 20 year old man laugh.gif

Feels good though, getting a bit of colour about my cheeks and that. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few miles soon enough with plenty of practice.

You've made the hardest step - starting.

Start slowly. If that is walking, then walk. If you can run for 100m, then run. It will increase.

Oh - did you stretch afterwards?

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Thanks man.

I just went for my first proper run there. Was all going well for about 500 yards and then I felt like a sack of tatties. Embarrassing for a 20 year old man laugh.gif

Feels good though, getting a bit of colour about my cheeks and that. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few miles soon enough with plenty of practice.

that made me LOL, but not in an derogatory way.

Well done getting out there and doing something about your fitness if you're not happy with it, rather than just sitting there moaning about it.

Next time out try for 750 yards before felling like a sack of tatties, next after that 1000 yards, etc. As said already, you'll amaze yourself at how quick you pick up stamina. And if you can keep it up, starting at this (shitey weather) time of year, really well done to you!

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You've made the hardest step - starting.

Start slowly. If that is walking, then walk. If you can run for 100m, then run. It will increase.

Oh - did you stretch afterwards?

Yeah, I'm used to doing warming up and cooling down from playing football so did a bit of stretching afterwards.

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Thanks man.

I just went for my first proper run there. Was all going well for about 500 yards and then I felt like a sack of tatties. Embarrassing for a 20 year old man laugh.gif

Feels good though, getting a bit of colour about my cheeks and that. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few miles soon enough with plenty of practice.

The very first time I went running, I did so because a game of fives had been cancelled that evening. At that time I was playing three or four games of football a week so I thought running would be easy.

The 500 yards you went for the first time beats what I did by about 50 yards :lol:

Everyone's right, though - it does get far easier in time. What I did when I was starting off was map out a 4KM route and time myself doing it. A lot of the time I would have to stop and walk a hundred metres or so. Your stamina will increase quite quickly so don't lose heart!

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Thanks man.

I just went for my first proper run there. Was all going well for about 500 yards and then I felt like a sack of tatties. Embarrassing for a 20 year old man laugh.gif

Feels good though, getting a bit of colour about my cheeks and that. Hopefully I'll be able to do a few miles soon enough with plenty of practice.

I'm using couch to 5k from NHS, at the moment I'm on week 7 and I'd recommend it. You can download the podcasts off itunes or the nhs site (I think)

Not too sure what I will do afterwards, possibly migrate into a couch to 10k program or just maintain my 5k runs and try and get faster.

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I'm using couch to 5k from NHS, at the moment I'm on week 7 and I'd recommend it. You can download the podcasts off itunes or the nhs site (I think)

Not too sure what I will do afterwards, possibly migrate into a couch to 10k program or just maintain my 5k runs and try and get faster.

Thats a problem I had for a while after I got to 5k I wasnt sure what to do after that. I would recommend targetting a 5 or 10k race and building up to that. I always find it easier to motivate myself when I have a target or goal to aim for.

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I started going to the Parkruns a month or so back which I have found to be pretty decent for somebody just starting off. It motivates you to go out during the week, especially now the weather is crap and its dark, in the hope of getting a PB the following Saturday. I'm pretty sure I would have chucked it by now if I hadnt started going.

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I used the couch to 5K as well after reading a post advicing a novice runner to use it, I cannot believe how beneficial it proved to be.

I'm a (ahemmm) mid forty bloke that had never run since leaving school and even then i hated running with a passion, I really didn't think i had it in me but the Lovely Laura changed all that for me. I didn't complete it in the 10 weeks due to a couple of colds and injuries but i did complete it and i am now running a whisker less than 4 miles ( I don't do metric) every other day.

I actually look forward to my runs which is staggering considering how i felt previously, it really is all in the head, once you conquer your own self doubt you will be off and flying - or shuffling in my case.

Anyway, just do it at your own pace and if you feel your not ready for the next week then repeat the current week. It's about getting there, not how long it takes to get there.

Hope this helps any budding runners but i doubt it, just the ramblings of an old dud that is still questioning how it all happened.

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I went for an hour long run this morning. My first "proper" run since the marathon so ran at a comfortable pace. Couple of twinges in my right knee and left achilles

I couldn't believe how warm it was this morning - i was hoping for a cold crisp morning and had even dug out my gloves - I could have been out in a short sleeve!

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I went for an hour long run this morning. My first "proper" run since the marathon so ran at a comfortable pace. Couple of twinges in my right knee and left achilles

I couldn't believe how warm it was this morning - i was hoping for a cold crisp morning and had even dug out my gloves - I could have been out in a short sleeve!

Yeah - I had two tops on, and that was a mistake. I ran into work (about 8 miles) so started when it was still dark, and even then it was warm.

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