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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

Aye, if we get 2 or 3 points on the board I'd get him out and try and get him going. If he goes into singles in a poor frame of mind he'll get hammered, he seems the only one on the team who needs a bit of a picking up after today. 

What might save his mentality is the fact europe are miles ahead, guys like rose and rory have had shit days before so no doubt they'll have a wee word with him to remind him that he has it in him and him playing bad wasnt a killer 


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For the foursomes I’d go:


Rahm & Hatton

Hovland & Aberg

Rose & Fleetwood

McIlroy & Fitzpatrick


Rose and Fitzpatrick in for Lowry and Straka from this morning’s lineup with Fleetwood moving to play with Rose to keep the McIlroy/Fitz pairing that played so well in the fourballs.


If Europe gets out of tomorrow morning with a 2-2 split or at worst a 2.5-1.5 defeat, I’d be tempted to rest some of the top guys for the afternoon fourballs. 

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44 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

That’s great, think I’d have struggled with a few though cause none of them are in golf gear, McIlroy being called Cillian Murphy (sure Rory would take that) and Bob being Irish were the highlights. 

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Looks like a last roll of the dice from Johnson. Spieth and JT out first, it'll be fist pumps, chest bumps and Spieth holing from everywhere or they'll be 3 down after 4 holes. Splitting that Homa/Clark partnership which looked the most likely to grab a win is also strange.

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Zach Johnson comes across as a thick headed moron so I'm not shocked at his scatter gun approach to team making. 

I do think it's what makes this competition so interesting though, for pretty much my whole life the USA has had players better than ours but we just seem to get the team part right often enough. With the ages of some of these European players we could be in for some proper ding dongs over the next few Ryder Cups. 

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Get to 10/11  points after 2mr and that would be outstanding

Yank golf twitter crying bad tonight basically wanting more Liv types in the team as per usual forgetting the "alpha male" Liv player got carried by Scottie Scheffler today 

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2 minutes ago, Hammerafc said:

Captain's always seem to get the flack but not sure what was really wrong with Johnson's pairings as such. 

Coltart made a good point that 9 of the US team haven't played in 5 weeks which can't be ideal.

BMW would have been good preparation for them.

The difference between this year and two years back is form in the last 3 or 4 months.  Europe were going backwards and the yanks on the rise.  Feel it's reversed this tournament.

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