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What a fucking disgusting ending to a great day in Glasgow.

It's hard to put into words what this will do for Scottish darts and Gary Anderson. Anderson is going to get it really bad now in England for something that was no fault of his own. I would hazard a guess that 70/80 % of that crowd didn't have a scooby about darts or what was going on in general as they were that out their nut. I BOOOOOOOOOOED Lewis but it's all a bit pantomine stuff but coins and other objects thrown at players is just not on. Lewis was hitting 180's and it was just silence round about apart from a handful of claps just no respect at all for tremendous tungsten.

The darts probably won't be back in Glasgow and with good reason after that shambles.

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I admit to booing Lewis but the throwing of coins was well out of order.

However, if anyone thinks Glasgow will be dropped they are off their head. Thats entertainment for Sky and they will lap that sort of shit up.

Up until that game the atmosphere was absolutely brilliant.

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I admit to booing Lewis but the throwing of coins was well out of order.

However, if anyone thinks Glasgow will be dropped they are off their head. Thats entertainment for Sky and they will lap that sort of shit up.

Up until that game the atmosphere was absolutely brilliant.

You're off your head if you think it will stay on the card. No on will lap up coins getting thrown I'm afraid that is not entertainment in the slightest.

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I'll tell you what the problem was in that crowd - Old Firm fans. They are scumbags who get away with this sort of stuff on a weekly basis and they're the sort of scumbags who cheer when Anderson when he's winning then go completely silent when he is getting his arse handed to him.

Next year I'd go Barney-Anderson in Glasgow.

Hmmm, Old Firm fans, i could have sworn that the Rangers fans were otherwise engaged tonight, maybe it was my imagination.

What a load of nonsense, blame the Old Firm, it means we don't actually have to do anything about our problems.

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Perhaps coincidence, but the atmosphere completely turned as soon as the football scores were disseminated through the hall.

:o Surely not

Hmmm, Old Firm fans, i could have sworn that the Rangers fans were otherwise engaged tonight, maybe it was my imagination.

What a load of nonsense, blame the Old Firm, it means we don't actually have to do anything about our problems.

I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of Rangers tops in the crowd.

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Went to the show myself. Some right old scummy b*****ds out in force. Beer getting chucked everywhere, fights starting left and right. Security was beyond useless.

I booed the f**k out of Lewis and thought he was just complaining about the boos. Then I watched the recording at home and realised he was getting shit chucked at him. Not cool. Not clever. Fucking weegie b*****ds.

A shame that it has overshadowed the amazing reaction for Barney.

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I was quite far away from the stage and, as others have said, I thought Lewis was just complaining about the booing. However if coins were getting lobbed at him on stage then that is an absolute disgrace.

To be honest I had a funny feeling something like this was going to happen with the way both Anderson and Lewis had been stoking the flames in the last couple of weeks. After speaking to my mum, who watched the live show on Sky, she said it looked like Anderson was utterly embarrased and just wanted to get the game pover with.

As I said though I dont think Glasgow will be dropped from the Premier League circuit. Darts at the moment is a money driven business and there is a perfectly good reason why Glasgow was chosen before Edinburgh or any other provincial city, becasuse they will make more money there. If Anderson is in the PL next year I think he will be up against someone like Jenkins or Whitlock, a safe match without the anomosity that was shown tonight.

One other thing about tonight that I didnt particularly enjoy was the St Patricks day stuff being flaunted by members of the crowd. OK I was born there but I believe that fueled a bit of tension between Rangers supporters and anyone wearing anything to do with St Patricks day which in turn led to a fair number of fights, and that was only in the section I was sitting in (Block N).

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What a shambles, a player having to lift up a lighter is just disgraceful, heading the same way as the other one if this keeps up, at least Lewis only got coins and lighters, Bristow got full cans bouncing off the board.

Last nights game says nothing about either players game last night.

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I was back in the nosebleed seats and didn't realise the level of what was going on. It was only at 6-3 and I saw Anderson shaking his head and looking totally disgusted.

The booing of Lewis was like nothing I'd heard in a long time, all very pantomime, but it had a sinister tinge to it.

As has been said, there was a large amount of absolute stormers there last night. Some guy in his early 50s had a half-joking go at me for applauding a James Wade check out despite the fact that I was behind Terry Jenkins in the match. :blink:

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Ive read online that there is fights most pl nights.Birmingham, villa/blues fans.Blaming the of is a bit silly but when they showed a guy with a happy st patricks day flag everyone booed.The premier league is just 14 weeks of exhibition where the pdc try an make as much money as possible.It's not a scottish problem,But showing the game last and allowing people to get tanked up during the night was a mistake.That said, the people throwing coins had nothing to do with darts.Just some nutters who go there for the drink.

Aberdeen will pass without any incident.

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The idiots who threw the coins and beer ruined what sounded like an unbelievable atmosphere on the telly. Have to admire the players though for being professional enough to see the match through and not walk off. Phil Taylor deserves credit also. He said a couple of coins were thrown at him, but he never complained once during his match and even praised the crowd in his post match interview.

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Sadly controversy creates cash as the old saying goes, so there is absolutely no chance Glasgow will be dropped next year. If anything chances are they'll put Anderson v Lewis II on and build the whole event around it. Ratings'd go through the roof for that I'd imagine.

Was flicking between the darts and the football, but aside from the small collection of idiots at the end it seemed to be a pretty good event from the parts I saw.

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So how did you get from it being a Scottish problem, which it probably is, to an OF problem?

Aberdeen haven't had this problem yet - they boo which is fair enough but they have never chucked drink or coins. Be interesting to see how the darts are in a few weeks time there.

I know Barney is popular in scotland but there was so much orange tops last night which i think is more about bigots then being a massive fan of Barney. Then there was a shot of someone celebrating St Patricks Day and got a massive boo - that sums Glasgow up - who really gives a shit about St Patricks day or the orange tops shite.

Thank f**k i live in Aberdeen which i don't see any of the bigot stuff that the west coast has and both as bad as each other.

Edited by Milners
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:o Surely not

I'm pretty sure I saw a couple of Rangers tops in the crowd.

Sweep sweep sweep shift blame.

Its a problem with the west coast of Scotland, and its obvious in football games, or even just when you visit many clubs on the west coast. Not them all. Just to blame the Old Firm is pathetic.

Im going to Newcastle. Know alot of people going down to support Anderson from round here so will be interesting to see what happens.

Edited by BerwickMad
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One other thing about tonight that I didnt particularly enjoy was the St Patricks day stuff being flaunted by members of the crowd. OK I was born there but I believe that fueled a bit of tension between Rangers supporters and anyone wearing anything to do with St Patricks day which in turn led to a fair number of fights, and that was only in the section I was sitting in (Block N).

Unsurprising unfortunately.

I know Barney is popular in scotland but there was so much orange tops last night which i think is more about bigots then being a massive fan of Barney. Then there was a shot of someone celebrating St Patricks Day and got a massive boo - that sums Glasgow up - who really gives a shit about St Patricks day or the orange tops shite.

The orange tops for Barney is maybe a bit much but I agree with you on the other points.

Sweep sweep sweep shift blame.

Its a problem with the west coast of Scotland, and its obvious in football games, or even just when you visit many clubs on the west coast. Not them all. Just to blame the Old Firm is pathetic.

Two people who were actually there have agreed with me.

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Have Aberdeen ever had a match like last night? No? Thought not.

Nevermind the fact that Scotland has a cultural problem with getting off your tits and starting shite. That just gets ignored so some walloper can focus his attention on the OF.

Shame, as I thought you had much more sense than that.

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You're off your head if you think it will stay on the card. No on will lap up coins getting thrown I'm afraid that is not entertainment in the slightest.

Glasgow makes the PDC a lot more money than any of the other places they could put on the card instead.

It'll be back next year with Anderson v Barney.

Edited by Nightmare
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