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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran)


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1 hour ago, oneteaminglasgow said:

So you keep saying.

You also branded every Palestinian as antisemitic and claimed that’s the only reason for them opposing Israel, while Israel’s hand has been forced by the Palestinians not wanting to be forced to live in a prison and be ethnically cleansed, so forgive me for not believing you. 

It’s a very complex situation however one aspect is simple.  Always support the oppressed rather than the oppressor.

2 minutes ago, Stephen Malkmus said:

Have to say I'm very impressed with the New York Times' coverage of this. Shits on any of our print media and well worth a subscription

CNN coverage also very good.

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MP Gerald Kaufman, 2009: "However many Palestinians the Israelis murder, they cannot solve this existential problem by military means. Whenever the fighting ends, there will still be 1.5m Palestinians in Gaza, 2.5m more on the West Bank. The Israelis are not simply war criminals, they are fools."

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32 minutes ago, TxRover said:

. By the same token, you could easily suggest a majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas in 2006, making Palestinian violence and threat a constant in the lives of Israelis…just saying.


You could say that, if you also wanted to ignore the massive disparity in number of casualties between the two sides. 

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7 hours ago, Donathan said:

Yes, Palestine and Israel are enemies of one another.

Your post made me sick in my mouth. 

I saw a video with an orthodox jewish guy, talking about how they all used to live in peace before Israel, arab and jew, how it was against their religion to do what Israel is doing now. That said a lot to me about the difference between being anti-semitic and critical of israel. What is being done now in Gaza is fucking despicable, what was done by Hamas in Israel is despicable, but the Israelis are trying to punish every single person in that state for having the audacity to be palestinian. Its fucking sickening seeing Adam Richman (someone i previously liked) and Riley/Baddiel posting the utter shite they are posting now. There is a special place in hell for people who can be so blase about the genocide of a people that they deem it to be a noble cause. Our service personnel being sent to assist Israel is despicable. War crimes, genocide and other unspeakable acts are being committed right now, Hamas also has done this. Its not a partisan matter for me, both need stopped. The international community needs to work together and resolve a peaceful solution to this matter, we need the UN to put neutral peacekeeper troops into Gaza now, need blue helmets on the ground, need humanitarian efforts, need to stop the movement of Israeli troops into Gaza and the movement of Hamas fighters into Israel, from there we need to use the UN for the purpose it was created. 

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1 hour ago, TxRover said:

The problems go back much further than 1945+, so there are certainly multiple sides here. However, when all your neighbouring States attempt to wipe you off the map, you tend to get a wee bit insular…not that that justifies the ongoing issues.

As for a “majority” voting for the current far right government, that’s an over simplification. It took a massive coalition of 7 of the 13 parties holding seats in the Knesset to (barely) form a government. The key part of the coalition are the religious parties, who cannot properly be considered anything but Israeli Orthodox Jews first rather than right wing. By the same token, you could easily suggest a majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas in 2006, making Palestinian violence and threat a constant in the lives of Israelis…just saying.

Neither side here is in the clear, and the international community has it all to answer for because of how they have effectively ignored this or that as it benefited them. If you want to call that bothsiderism, so be it…but neither side is on the side of the angels, despite what their texts say.

Going back to the forties part of the reason the neighbouring states invaded was as a result of the Deir Yassin massacre 

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7 hours ago, Boghead ranter said:

It may be just a Sky News thing, but anyone interviewed, regardless of side, come across as an absolute ball of rage.

There was an IDF spokesman yesterday and again this morning, who turned every answer into "THEY HAVE, AND WILL CONTINUE, TO ENCROACH AND BEHEAD OUR CHILDREN".  Then this morning there was a female Palestinian journo who just shouted over and over Mark Austin with the point she wanted to make, not even listening to his question. 

This is never going to get fixed.

I think it will at some point.

Israeli politics doesn't happen in a vacuum and many of the same circumstances that gave Israel far right politicians occur in other countries. Many/most of Western Europe has unsavoury right wing politicians like Meloni, Le Pen, Orban, Braverman, Farage, Salvini etc. The reasons why that happens is to do with demographics, economic circumstances etc and results in pretty unsavoury nationalism. Within an Israeli context this results in hardline, suicidal treatment of Palestinians. The idea of Israel electing someone like Yitzak Rabin as president at the moment seems daft.

In a few years those circumstances will be differerent and those right wing politicians will become unpopular again, due to  issues outwith their control.


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4 hours ago, Ewanandmoreagain said:

Going back to the forties part of the reason the neighbouring states invaded was as a result of the Deir Yassin massacre 

And you go back to the 30’s and the Jewish population around there was being killed, and they fortified rather than retaliated…so there is been tit for tat there for centuries.

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6 year old Palestinian-American boy stabbed to death by a 71 year old man in USA. The murderer was enraged after consuming media coverage of events in Israel. His name and his being from Illinois suggest Polish catholic heritage. 


Edited by Freedom Farter
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3 hours ago, Freedom Farter said:

6 year old Palestinian-American boy stabbed to death by a 71 year old man in USA. The murderer was enraged after consuming media coverage of events in Israel. His name and his being from Illinois suggest Polish catholic heritage. 


Imagine having to stab someone in America.

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Israel UK ambassador on R4 just now sounding completely unhinged.

When challenged on Israel targeting southern Gaza and civilians, she basically said "ask Hamas" and abdicated any Israeli responsibility.

This, of course gives Hamas the justification they need.

Iran must be delighted, they can now tick the box that says "put any peace process on the back burner for another generation ".

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53 minutes ago, Leith Green said:

Israel UK ambassador on R4 just now sounding completely unhinged.

When challenged on Israel targeting southern Gaza and civilians, she basically said "ask Hamas" and abdicated any Israeli responsibility.

This, of course gives Hamas the justification they need.

Iran must be delighted, they can now tick the box that says "put any peace process on the back burner for another generation ".

Even Melanie Phillips finds her too right wing..


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