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Israel And The Palestinians (now with added Iran/Lebanon)


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1 hour ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:


That is surprising. Governments who use the phrase "from the river to the sea" just want peaceful coexistence with Jews.


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They said death to Israel, not Jews. I daresay some might be antisemitic. But the logical leap from 'they criticise Israel, so therefore they must be antisemitic' is pretty ridiculous. 

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4 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

They said death to Israel, not Jews. I daresay some might be antisemitic. But the logical leap from 'they criticise Israel, so therefore they must be antisemitic' is pretty ridiculous. 

Exactly. The Iranian regime is a byword for religious tolerance. 

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It's reported here that the Negev Bedouin child incurred a life-threatening head injury: (https://archive.ph/dEnxa)

The Negev Bedouins are Palestinians who live in the Negev desert region of Israel. They retain the name "bedouin" because historically they were nomadic herders but today they all live in permanent settlements. They're the most materially deprived people in Israel and their relationship with their state is fractious. They pay taxes and are free to use public services on the one hand but they also regularly have their homes demolished on the other. Then unlike Jewish Israelis, they're not provided with any security from Israeli's military engagements. That's despite their settlements being right on the border with Gaza as well as near Israeli military bases meaning they're most at risk of being hit. The Ha'aretz link above describes how the injured girl lives in a "tin shack" in an "unrecognised village" with no shelters.

This Ha'aretz report gives more insight into the struggles of the Bedouins living near Israeli military land: (https://archive.ph/khLvL). Military police (border and counter-terrorism) dish out beatings to random Bedouin men to keep the community collectively intimidated.

Going back to the injured child, Iran fired the intercepted missile from which the shrapnel hit her and therefore Iran is to blame. Hopefully she makes a full recovery.

Israel's missile strike on the building in Damascus killed two Syrian civilians. Only the first two floors of the building were the Iranian embassy. A local mother and her son lived on the top floor and they are now dead: (https://www.syriahr.com/en/330101/). It's frustrating that our politicians don't value the loss of those two lives.

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Israel looking for the support from the UN on the Iran issue.

Yes, the same UN that they have been totally ignoring as they have massacred over 30,000 Palestinians and created circumstances where many more will die from hunger or the lack of medical facilities.

These people have no shame.


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15 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

According to media reports, the Israeli airforce could be about to launch an imminent attack on Iran. 

I'd hope that the US and UK will shoot them down to prevent the whole crisis from escalating.

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On 14/04/2024 at 16:29, sparky88 said:

They said death to Israel, not Jews. I daresay some might be antisemitic. But the logical leap from 'they criticise Israel, so therefore they must be antisemitic' is pretty ridiculous. 

There’s a world of difference between these two

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25 minutes ago, MONKMAN said:

According to media reports, the Israeli airforce could be about to launch an imminent attack on Iran. 

Surely not, what reaction did they expect from blowing up an embassy.

If everyone could calm down to a panic in the region then we might start making progress.

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2 minutes ago, 101 said:

Surely not, what reaction did they expect from blowing up an embassy.

If everyone could calm down to a panic in the region then we might start making progress.

Israel must be allowed to defend itself, M9

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Netanyahu playing the long game. Starting to feel a bit of pressure from the US over their demolition of Gaza, over the last few months.

Plays the let's rile up Iran. Kills a couple of their generals in what can be best described as an illegal action.

Iran responds, US and their allies instantly back to full support for Israel in a united front

Netanyahu comes across very much like Putin. Headstrong and a bully who will keep going until they think they will lose. 

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After the War, the World decided the Jews should have their own homeland.  The UK offered up Palesttine without a great deal of thought to the people who are already living there.

Meanwhile over in Iran, the people elect a Prime Minister who thinks Iranian oil should belong to the Iranians.  The UK thinks this is a bad idea and along with the US replaced him with a dictator who though Hitler was misunderstood.  That proved unpopular and led to the revolution and the theocracy that Iran still has to this day.

If any country should be asked to sit this one out, I would suggest the UK.

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4 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

After the War, the World decided the Jews should have their own homeland.  The UK offered up Palesttine without a great deal of thought to the people who are already living there.

Meanwhile over in Iran, the people elect a Prime Minister who thinks Iranian oil should belong to the Iranians.  The UK thinks this is a bad idea and along with the US replaced him with a dictator who though Hitler was misunderstood.  That proved unpopular and led to the revolution and the theocracy that Iran still has to this day.

If any country should be asked to sit this one out, I would suggest the UK.



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Absolutely disgraceful what Iran's done to Israel. I only get my news from Britain so I have absolutely no idea why Iran attacked Israel. I am certain though that it was entirely unprovoked., out of the blue and undeserved.

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8 hours ago, Fullerene said:

After the War, the World decided the Jews should have their own homeland.  The UK offered up Palesttine without a great deal of thought to the people who are already living there.

Meanwhile over in Iran, the people elect a Prime Minister who thinks Iranian oil should belong to the Iranians.  The UK thinks this is a bad idea and along with the US replaced him with a dictator who though Hitler was misunderstood.  That proved unpopular and led to the revolution and the theocracy that Iran still has to this day.

If any country should be asked to sit this one out, I would suggest the UK.

Third time lucky?

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