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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. "What ?? Me compete at the top level of European football ?? Without a massive financial advantage ?? And the refs not bending over backwards to give us every contentious decision ? I don't see why not, mate"
  2. Rangers will get destroyed in Europe because of the players they've got. Celtic will be destroyed in Europe because of the manager they've got
  3. Let's agree that Old Firm fans are welcome to post anywhere and on any topic and the rest of us are free to continue to us the term Old Firm as the collective name for the toxic twosome.
  4. The utterly tedious uncompetitive drivel that is Scotland's 'top flight' certainly sucks the joy out of football .
  5. Fine I get that. My gripe is why do we need the nonsense of 'a split' for that ?
  6. It should never be a by-product of Supporting Scotland that you provide money to two clubs who couldn't care less about our country.
  7. After the highs of this week it's back to this turgid shite. This 'top 6' nonsense is just a way to placate the 'diddies' while the bigot brothers are given exclusive rights to the top prize . It's as meaningless as a Celtic championship..Can we not just have international football with a fortnights 'club break' every four months rather than the other way around. ?
  8. As of now he's a great Scottish player and we want him to stay that way.... Eddie Howe get him signed and do the same with Kieron Tierney.
  9. "McGinn and McGregor In LA you know where that's at ?"
  10. Insurance Prediction. Scotland 1, Cyprus 2 Scotland 0, Spain 3 Let the inquest begin.
  11. 'Ben' meaning, I think, 'go through to' as in "go ben the kitchen and put some toast on".
  12. 'A Brief' is marvellous terminology. Transports me back to days of Alex 'Candid' Cameron, John Mackenzie 'The Voice of Football' , 'Custodians' between the posts, 'Pivots' wearing the Number 5 jersey, Dunfermline Athletic as a force in European football and Scotland beating Cyprus 8-0 at Hampden. Happier times !
  13. Statements like that are the argument, young sir. However if you think that Glasgow Rangers & Glasgow Celtic are as fine and dandy as the Dons, for example, then fine. I don't think they are. They pander too and encourage the worst and most corrosive elements of west of Scotland 'culture', purely for financial gain. Scottish football but more importantly, Scottish society, would be a better place if they didn't exist. But what do I know, it's only an opinion.
  14. You can call someone who seriously believes that Celtic once winning the European Cup is the greatest achievement in the history of world football many thing, I'm not sure ' reasonable' is one of them. 'Delusional' perhaps, a fantasist, almost certainly. A nice and harmless chap, more than likely, but not ' reasonable '. He's very good at memes and GIFs though, highly droll !
  15. There are no 'reasonable' Celtic ones , just as there are no 'reasonable' Rangers ones. Reasonable people do not support either of those vile clubs.
  16. As a over the top traditionalist I think Hampden should be for finals only. Let the Bigots draw lots for home advantage in their vilefest.
  17. There are only two 'diddy' clubs in Scotland - Glasgow Celtic & Glasgow Rangers. It is on them and them alone that the Scottish top flight is a pointless joke of a 'competition'.
  18. You're clearly too stupidly foul mouthed to understand...
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