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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. I had heard tales of the Meadowbank Review but I've never seen any copies. Must be as rare as hen's teeth or Tam the tight buying a round.. Alick Milne, now there's a name I've not heard in a long time... I believe he now calls himself Alickzandra and is a dancer with a Lady Boys of Bangkok tribute band* *note: this might be a lie
  2. this reminds me of a story of our late lamented cat: the vet gave us some little orange pills for the cat to take- one a day. each day there was much struggling to get the little fucker to take them. scene: after you think you've got her to eat the pill you find it spat out on carpet. cat is sitting there happily licking its bum. cue comment of "f**k me, the pill can't taste that bad surely?"
  3. how dare you take photos of official notices- yer banned!!
  4. walk? you usually staggered to the Stadium Newky!!
  5. sounds like Ally is the perfect name for him...
  6. no mention of "Son of Blobby" in the fanzine though! The wee lad will be upset!
  7. who were the last team to beat Kilby....? that's a pretty impressive record tbf.
  8. aye, Annan keeper denied us on a couple of occasions in the 2nd half. Mind you Andrew Stobie had to pull off a good block late on...
  9. the naughty wee fella also spawned Son of Blobby who was at the match today! Annan fans were in good voice "Blobby, Blobby, give us a wave" was one chant.
  10. I think one of them must be hiding in the invisible City midfield... it's interesting to think that 1000s of people go missing every year in the UK, quite a few of whom are never traced. I dare say if you were a fairly normal looking person you could probably go to ground quite easily in a big city.
  11. we asked Mr Blobby what he thought of the result after the match yesterday. He looked deflated and said "THRRRRRRP!" which summoned it up quite neatly I thought....
  12. hey, we may be diddy lowland league east stirlingshire relegating unwanted upstart shite but at least we're now not pointless diddy lowland league east stirlingshire relegating unwanted upstart shite
  13. The French have nukes.... .. as do we. And Boris is our Foreign Secretary...
  14. If they're firing missiles at Japan is there the chance one of them might mistakenly hit Grim.... Incidentally does anyone else see a photo of Kim Jong Un and think "Ruth Davidson's Korean cousin"?
  15. no, as was pointed out above, just a tight arse!
  16. DA Baracus and the Cardinal use their right hand to wipe, Allan Jacobsen the left. Clarty buggers. I use a piece of tissue myself.
  17. I wonder if left handed people are less easy prey for pickpockets as the wallet will be kept in the pocket that is on the other side of the majority of the populous. I, like the good c*nts on this forum, am a southpaw too... .
  18. I can remember that the game was shite. There's a pattern emerging here.....
  19. The old Chester City once played at Meadowbank in a pre-season friendly against Thistle. The game was dire....
  20. Did you ever enjoy the pleasure of getting shat on by starlings in the old wooden stand at the Chris Anderson? Made a change from seagulls...!
  21. St Rochs v St Anthony's a couple of seasons ago. Fair play to the ref for putting it on in a mudbath- it was a cracking game!
  22. Peebles Rovers used to change in the cricket pavilion at Whitestone Park. Now they change in a boring sports centre nearby which was built for the egg chasing fraternity (boo! hiss!)
  23. I was a bit disappointed on my first visit to Lochburn Park, Maryhill to find that the uncovered seating doesn't seem to be used any more- you get some idea in this photo of the vegetation that is blocking access to it. (City scoring a goal against BSC last season at Lochburn) Benburb's new ground also has uncovered seating - must be a Glasgow speciality
  24. the Kelty No 4 was such a convincing Marvellous Marvin lookalike that someone even asked for a photo at the end. You could even have believed it was the Kirkcaldy God Botherer himself... He played rather well but we won so we must have the Lord on our side- tremble thou Berwick heathen, ye shall be smited!
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