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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. My first away trip was to Stirling Albion's Annfield ground for Stirling Albion v Meadowbank Thistle in May 1987. It was actually the last game on grass before the Binos put in a 1G(?!) plastic pitch. I tried to nick a bit of the pitch but a polis told me to keep it for the training. Feck knows why. I remember there was sleet the first half in the open terracing, we swapped ends with the Binos fans to the covered terracing and it came out sunshine! Thistle lost 3-1 but we promoted that day thanks to other results going their way. I revisited the ground for Thistle's first ever reserve match a few years later and then for an utterly ridiculous New Year's Day game c.1990. It was howling a gale and the ball blew all over the pitch. Stirling got a penalty which had to be retaken twice- Thistle goalie Jim McQueen saving all 3 attempts. The game finished 0-0 not surprisingly. Forthbank is dull by comparison...
  2. I wondered what happened to Greek chart bothering Scottish popstrelle Tippi but it seems she's been having it away with Pat Kane's brother.. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/music/music-news/hue-and-cry-stars-baby-joy-1552049
  3. from today's York City v Morecambe programme "We are delighted to welcome today Heaven-Leigh Bilbrough, age 9, who is the winner of our Christmas cover competition..." Heaven-Leigh??! Not being entirely up to date with League Two I was wondering who the grey haired shouty old man was in the home dugout. Turned out it was Nigel Worthington...
  4. I'm off to York City v Morecambe with 100% of the Edinburgh Morecambe Supporters Travel Club (all one of them!)
  5. massive hole found near old mineworkings in west lothian too..
  6. I must have seen them supporting the magnificent Ginger. But whatever happened to the Sluts of Trust? Oh yes, they're now the Board at Ibrox, arf arf.
  7. Gun eh? so apart from the comeback tours they've done in the last few years (saw them in Glasgow last year) and the sponsorship of Forth Wanderers JFC, naw, they're not up to much recently....
  8. well, I got this free record as part of some Tennant's band promotion back in the late 1980s/early 1990s. Years since I played the thing so I've no idea if they were good/shite. wanky name though.
  9. funnily enough "Hamlet" was what came to my mind. Hamlet takes the entire play to get round to doing in his uncle after farting about whereas with Kim Young One there's nae messing. Apparently the uncle was too close to Beijing so it was "cheerio china" after that
  10. i'm more of a cat person (one of our cats thought it was a dug mind you) but here's a couple of bulldogs snapped at Golspie Sutherland
  11. I passed through Bruges on a coach years ago. They must be very friendly because even though it was midnight a nice young lady waved at me from a window.....
  12. I'm sure I've been through Drummore and I'm surprised the locals didn't start worshipping the strange gift from the gods... my fav headline ever, from the Midlothian Advertiser "SANTA STONED BY ROSEWELL MOB". basically there used to be a parade at Christmas time when Santa would go round Midlothian towns in his sled on a float and some neds through stones at him in Rosewell. Our lovely rivals from Rosewell, Whitehill Welfare FC, were nicknamed the "Santa Stoners" for a wee while after that..
  13. A new boy at school- David- got called "Choppy". This was short for "Chopsticks" cos he looked vaguely Chinese. No very p.c. really! I heard one on "Off the Ball" once- somebody called into say their workmate was called "heidfirst" cos his name was R Slater.
  14. has anyone noticed recently that Paddy McAloon of Prefab Sprout has mutated into Ken Bates.....? master mcaloon master bates...
  15. China Drum's version of Kate Bush's "Wuthering Heights" is rather spiffing!
  16. probably as many as those who give a f**k if Livingston go bust again.....
  17. I think you fell asleep at a T'pau comeback concert.....
  18. I was interested in space when I was a kid and even got to see Halley's Comet through a telescope (hoping to live long enough to see it on it's return in 50 years from now but I think a diet of football pies will dash that hope) It's hard to see a really starry sky these days, too much light pollution from big cities even taking into account the rotten weather. Anyway here's a picture of the moon I took tonight:
  19. You should have known better- Whitehill for thrills! It was surreal to see Edgar Davids play at Underhill, a ground reminiscent of a SFL 1st Division ground. His pace wasn't the fastest but to be honest he looked as if he could still do a job in the SPL! There was a pitch invasion at the end but the crowd soon went back to the terraces and the Barnet team did a lap of honour. This was the last Barnet game at their ground although other teams seem to be using it through to July (Spurs v Arsenal U21s was scheduled for the Monday night following). Strange thing was no-one was trying to take any fixtures and fittings as souvenirs, compared to the last game at Hibs East Terracing where just about everything was nicked (I may just have my own little souvenir of that one... )
  20. off to see the last game at Barnet's Underhill and then Bradfud Park Avenue on Monday....
  21. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_balloon_bombs_in_WWII who needs rockets.....? DIE AMERICAN IMPERIALIsT PIGS!
  22. Despite not being a student I often buy my paper in the Edinburgh Universtiy Student Shop where they are discounted (pleasing to a tight cnut like myself). There is a sign next to the tills "After receiving overwhelming support in the Student Council we will no longer stock "The Sun" until they change their degrading stance towards woman" or something like that. All very right on and P.C. Except.... they were sitll selling the Daily Star, which also has Page 3 girls and is owned by Richard "Dirty" Desmond, who is also the owner of Television X and various jazz mags and has done more to degrade women than Murdoch ever has. And I notice they didn't ban the Daily Mail for being a fascist rag either... Duh... .
  23. fancy a pub being turned into a church - usually the other way around! Strange place Inversneckie... City have played Clach in the Scottish in recent seasons and I have to say their fans were a great bunch of lads.
  24. they should have said between Gilmerton and Sheriffhall to be factually correct. Would they have said "slow moving traffic on the M8 eastbound between Charing Cross and Ibrox" for example? I doubt it. anyway it was just a petty thing that got on my nerves.
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