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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. reading various letters in the newspaper from swivel eyed Unionists who still seem to think there's a British Empire and that the UK "is the greatest nation on earth" has put this tune in my head all day
  2. I miss the LL in some ways because it was friendlier and there were less miserable b*****ds around showering abuse on their teams (and in the case of the legendary Sir Peter of Whitehill you sort of knew he'd been there and done that). i was reading also that the Shire fans seem to enjoy the fact that they only play teams twice a season in the Lowland League. Forfar, for example, must be sick of the sight of us by now.. On the other hand we're a Scottish Football League Club with all the kudos that is attached to it. And Spartans aren't. I suppose we're still living the dream and it might take a few seasons (if we get that many) before cynicism kicks in and we join the rest of you miserable D3 b*****ds in heaping abuse on our team each week.
  3. naw, sorry, don't recognise the bugger!! anyway he's about to be swallowed by a black hole behind him (or free transfer to the Juniors as we call it....!)
  4. seeing the latest pic of Miffy beating up the dug cheered me up after today's bad result...
  5. and you're a dick because of your avatar and this
  6. Kitman Jim revealed in the City Club this evening that he spent last night listening to classic punk- SLF and the like. But instead of punk he woke up this morning singing to himself.... Do the Hucklebuck,do the Hucklebuck If you don´t know how to do itThen you´re out of luck!Shove your baby in,twist her all aroundThen you start a twisting mad and moving all aroundWiggle like a snake,waddle like a duckThat´s what you do when you do the Hucklebuck to quote Ian Dury "What a waste! What a waste!"....
  7. if it only goes to prove one thing, it proves Neddy buys knock-off Swiss army knives.
  8. I was at that Gala game.... What made me laugh was that AWOL named in their list of shame the programme editor (Mr Baxter) and the scoreboard operator (Mr Collie)! That was when Gala and Whitehill used to battle it out for East of Scotland Honours, City were obscure and Spartans were also-rans. 30 years on City are still obscure, Whitehill and Gala don't battle for honours as much anymore and Spartans are still also rans...
  9. because of an amusing reply to a Biggie post I made I have the Smiths "The Headmaster Ritual" going through my head. I'm also on a day off and it's a dreaded sunny day so I can feel a burst of "Cemetry Gates" coming on as well...
  10. Our next two games are against Berwick and Clyde... No, not Derek and Clive although I was down at Meadowbank the other day and this bloke comes up to me and says "You Spartans fan....". So I hit him and he said "Oww, you Spartans fan" etc. etc.
  11. they drained the union canal at Lithgae last month. All I saw was some old buckie bottles, a rolling pin and some gowf balls.
  12. I saved up my paper round money for weeks, strolled down to Cameron Toll and bought one of these bad boys (thirty nicker if I recall)
  13. not that I'd want you relegated two divisions.... .. but I enjoyed my trip to Somerset earlier in the season!
  14. cracking photo- that's me, Kev and Colin out of a job then...!
  15. I just hope you don't master anything anytime soon.....
  16. I couldn't help but picture this scene.....
  17. trying to use that stuff to put a fanzine together... thank feck for word processing....!
  18. He used to watch Talibankfoot Athletic in the Juniors but was actually a closet Korangers fan.
  19. almost as big in Zimbabwe as the Musical Youth, Garth Brooks and Brothers Gibb mash up- the MuGaBeGees. a ha... ha.....ha......
  20. Swedish band from the 70s. Teamed up with fellow Swedes Ababa and were a big hit in Ethiopia.
  21. You get a good view all round Station Park- it's small, but perfectly formed. The away terrace should suit you fine unless it rains as its not covered. Otherwise the covered terrace is fine. . Covered terrace as shown at the cup game. (we won )
  22. good guy Tam McLaren (not a bam!). Here he is in a small photo of the Binos also featuring Sir Michael of Lawson and Bill Shankley's brother Bob (a successful manager in his own right). There were a few other Meadowbank -Stirling connections: John "Plug" McCormack and Robert "Fat Bob" Reilly to name a couple. And the magnificent b*****d that is the City-Stirling connection:
  23. so he'll be singing Curtis Stigers' John the Elevator then...
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