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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. yes. unless you're a badger. in which case it's the sett price. aye thenk yew.
  2. sounds like Connect 4 anxiety to me...
  3. wait until the inevitable Livingston bankruptcy, buy a couple of stands from Scumondvale, put them on wheels and erect them around Saughton No 3 pitch.
  4. he is.. he just doesn't cast a shadow or come out in photos...
  5. Irvine Welsh popped into the Windsor for a pint a few months back when we were doing the pub quiz. I was disappointed when he didn't throw his glass over his shoulder, Begbie style, and start a fight. Bufftie!
  6. There used to be a couple of old guys in the Supporters' Club who either played for or supported Leith Athletic- funny how these things go around.
  7. I dreamt last night I was in an old episode of Star Trek from the 60s involving a guy who could control minds. Then the bin men woke me up.
  8. I reversed into a bollard in Pencaitland a few Sundays ago- Donny Munro had a narrow escape if you ask me...
  9. and there was me thinking that fresh faced youngster was Private Baldrick...
  10. I dislike him because his girlfriend's quite tasty....lucky git!
  11. The Scoreboard was bought from L.A. and was used in the 1984 Olympics (I presume it's the one on the left in this picture). It has been described as looking like the black monolith from 2001:A Space Odyssey but as of yet no messages have been beamed straight into our brains from inter-dimensional space beings. Not unless their message was "Get Sprott Off!" I believe the scoreboard operator in the Thistle days was the leg-endary Grant "Hide your Lolly" Collie. The Scoreboard lasted long enough to record the scoreline "Edinburgh City 1 Manchester United 0" when we opened the scoring in the 75th Anniversary game in 2003..
  12. no need to go to Stonehiven- just rub deep heat on your groin: how's that for fireballs...!
  13. I'm still waiting for him to finish the Cartoon History of Meadowbank Thistle.....!
  14. I had some Rogan Josh the other day. Maybe that's where these rumblings started... .....eiouggggh!
  15. imagine if the likes of Twitter had been around 100 years ago; TSAR NICOLAS II @the_tsar "What a terrible year 1916 has been, but I'm sure 1917 will be better for me"... * *ok smartasses, so he would have tweeted in Russian...
  16. in regard to the third picture I hope the Tories paid Kopeikin good money for ripping off his painting...
  17. we know it wasn't Walt Disney- because Bing Sings and Walt Disney!
  18. someone has blundered- it should have been Gary and Mac out the door!
  19. This film is from 1932: 23-24 secs you can see goalposts in the foreground
  20. 1923 film of the Powderhall Sprint- Edinburgh City played there in the early 1930s...
  21. I remember going to Forfar on New Year's Day and discovering there was f*ck all to do in Forfar in New Year's Day. There was also a New Year's trip to Stirling Albion's Annfield in a howling gale on the old plastic- the game finished 0-0.
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