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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. 3 for the price of 1: Sam Fox, Halley's Comet and all round genius and looney Wilfred Makepeace Lunn...
  2. I think this would date from the period when Sellers was in Cyprus to film a movie called "Ghost in the Noonday Sun": "Shortly after filming began, Peter Sellers began to lose confidence in the project and when Spike Milligan arrived on location to shoot his scenes, Sellers asked him to assess the footage that had been shot thus far. Milligan was unimpressed, which led to Sellers trying to convince Peter Medak to assist him in a scheme to get the production shut down. Medak refused to comply. Sellers subsequently became deliberately uncooperative and would often pretend to be sick, only to be later spotted water-skiing the same day. Sellers caused further upset by agreeing to shoot a cigarette commercial during one of the few off-days in the filming schedule, drafting in an unwilling Peter Medak to direct it, and then on the day refusing to be filmed holding the cigarette packet because he claimed to be the chairman of the Anti-Smoking League.[1] Released several years after filming was wrapped and after Sellers' death (1980) in the 1980s, the film was semi-completed and released on VHS. The film never received a full cinematic release." Sellers played a character called Dick Scratcher.....
  3. Apart from last week Mo haven't been doing too badly since the New Year... .... oh, the fear, the fear...
  4. my first and probably last roller coaster- after a day scoffing ice cream, sweeties, cola and doughnuts I went on it.... didn't boak but I wasn't particularly well afterwards..
  5. only if The Rangers pinch Gary to be manager.....!
  6. that model looks like Tracey Dixon who was a tarty bit in the Grumbleweeds tv show (another blast from the past) and whom I DEFINITELY don't recognise from an old scud book. Oh no indeedy..
  7. bloody 1970s primary school education- I can't read a book without having to roll a fag first...
  8. I remember that in the early 1990s in Dondeh the taxis were Ladas and in Eberdeen the taxis were Mercs....
  9. They've previously re-introduced birds into the wild- Red Kite, Ospreys, Capercailie. I've seen a Red Kite. If you think of something big like a Red Deer unless you're lucky or keen eyed you don't really see them in the wild let alone a lynx or a beaver.
  10. aye BIG SPENDING Edinburgh City pissed the LL the last two seasons... fuxake, unlike Celtic we didn't even have a biscuit tin, it was actually a cigar box (or am I giving away club secrets there...)
  11. Benny Hill- all good clean fun.... ...or a good way of getting your cheapies when you were 13....!
  12. these? with bran eh? you'd be playing russian roulette if you ate them with a few pints of Guinness....
  13. after allegiations of beastliness Greenclaws had to go underground and change his name to- -Cockwomble!
  14. It's the LL fixture secretary's slide rule- don't give away all the secrets, Mantis!
  15. still some return trips to Angus to come- an easy 9 points surely...
  16. looks like our old cat. If she's a reincarnation then the peeing is just to piss the dug off. And why not!
  17. three things from my youth that were killed by cnuts
  18. time for some gratuitous slagging of the opposition http://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/2017-02-07/berwick-mp-warns-of-people-using-firearms-to-kill-seagulls/ "The MP for Berwick-upon Tweed says people in the town have been using their own firearms to cull an out of control population of seagulls. Anne-Marie Trevelyan, a Conservative who represents Berwick-upon-Tweed, said locals have been "wandering the streets" of the town to kill the birds." I have managed to get an exclusive picture of some Berwick locals wandering the streets with firearms: of course we suspect the seagulls are an excuse- Berwick locals were shooting at anybody with less than 11 fingers before the seagulls started breeding in numbers. Meanwhile over at Central Park they wonder what all the fuss is about- seagulls fly upside down over Cowdenbeath as there's nothing worth shitting on there.
  19. Funny thing, Moco me old mucca, is that the Clyde fans think we tried to kill the game and are boring...
  20. It's not just our life- it's fucking egg chasing
  21. I'd rather have a statue of a moggy than of some politician or Royal parasite. Anyway.. 1) guff about US politics. It's not that I don't like Trump it's just that I don't have a vote in the US, you don't have a vote in the US, none of your friends have a vote in the US and the ones that do have elected a cnut. So too bad. And most of your friends are limp wristed liberals who agree with your views anyway so why preach to the converted? Try making facebook friends with some swivel eyed carpet chewing foaming mouthed right wing Reynard type loons and preach to them instead. 2) one of my work colleagues will post something she's interested in (mostly Disney films) and tags her husband on the post. Why not just tell him about it face to face you silly cow. 3) Babies/small kids. There is a truism: Children are like farts. You like your own and don't like other peoples. 4) covered before on this wonderful forum but all those Be a ware posts. Forf ux ake. 5) I hate those speeded up films of folk making cakes etc. Do people actually watch those while cooking? Can't you just follow instructions in a fucking recipe book?
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