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Everything posted by tamthebam

  1. St Rochs v St Anthony's a couple of seasons ago. Fair play to the ref for putting it on in a mudbath- it was a cracking game!
  2. Peebles Rovers used to change in the cricket pavilion at Whitestone Park. Now they change in a boring sports centre nearby which was built for the egg chasing fraternity (boo! hiss!)
  3. I was a bit disappointed on my first visit to Lochburn Park, Maryhill to find that the uncovered seating doesn't seem to be used any more- you get some idea in this photo of the vegetation that is blocking access to it. (City scoring a goal against BSC last season at Lochburn) Benburb's new ground also has uncovered seating - must be a Glasgow speciality
  4. the Kelty No 4 was such a convincing Marvellous Marvin lookalike that someone even asked for a photo at the end. You could even have believed it was the Kirkcaldy God Botherer himself... He played rather well but we won so we must have the Lord on our side- tremble thou Berwick heathen, ye shall be smited!
  5. tbf it is the only National Anthem to mention the Congreve Rocket
  6. ask some of the older Berwick fans- they'll tell you M8.
  7. that's Mr Blobby's fanzine. The programme comes with chips and a pie.... funny that folk moan about the Cowden fence. When I first started watching football there were fences everywhere- Tynecastle, Easter Road etc. Unfortunately it took the Hillsborough disaster to get rid of them. Watching at Central Park made me think that this is what Leith Athletic's Old Meadowbank must have been like- a wooden stand, a track around it (there was speedway at Old Meadowbank and stock car racing too). Google "Old Meadowbank" and you'll see some nice speedway photos of the place.
  8. former u20s player. Good lad- wish him well with Crossgates.
  9. I was hearing that Scotland has a major obesity problem and I seem to see more fat munters pounding the streets than fat blokes. So my opinion is that specially trained fat wardens should patrol the streets with cattle prods and start chasing the fat munters about until they lose weight. TBF I'd get zapped myself but a couple of months of jogging for me and I'd have the physique of a racing snake.
  10. aye - you'd think he was wanting a place on the Whitehill committee with a post like that...
  11. TBH I forgot our cuddly wee NON LEAGUE neighbours were playing tonight. All the way doon to Stranraer for a horsing, at least it was a nice night.
  12. My team: Berwick Rangers. yup. uh-huh. World renowned for their silky football skills and their fans' generous spirit are Berwick Rangers. And if you think we're cloggers try playing Gretna 2008's motley collection of Cumbrian psychopaths at Raydale with a South of Scotland ref in charge.
  13. did you expect a poetry feast? or a favourable rhyme at least? wouldn't you know it, I'm not really a poet, so you can feck off ya bea......................................tnik.
  14. This chap Mozza Mozza, Has been banned and it's a great lossa, I quite liked his puns, They were really quite fun, But many thought he was just a tossa. Wat da fuq?
  15. not a popular opinion but I'm beginning to think that Paul McCartney was actually quite interesting and Lennon was a c**t.
  16. how about purloining the national anthem of the glorious Republic of Yakkabukkoo...
  17. pity Harthill Royal JFC are in abeyance, you'd have loved watching them...
  18. You think Carol Ann is duff, And her poetry is realy poor stuff, But it may sober ya, When you're reported for homopobia, Because she likes diving of the variety muff...
  19. it seems most of my opinions about how people should behave at work are unpopular amongst the management..
  20. A wee tale from a Cowden v Thistle match at Central Park: Thistle fans are giving the board pelters from the back of the main stand. Cue Blobby himself calling a steward over. Steward comes up the stairs to talk to a fellow steward standing next to the Thistle fans. He uttered the immortal words "That fat c*nt wants us to throw these boys out. Well he can f*ck off" Always had a wee soft spot for the Blue Brazil after that!
  21. I think that ambidextrous wanking is quite a skill. Have you ever thought of putting on a show on the Fringe?
  22. I've been practising urethral stretching since my early teens and apart from severe myopia and hairy palms I'm fine....
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