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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. A bottle of Tennent's Original Export. Not bad, has a sort of Indian pale ale vibe.
  2. Myself and a mate set out from the hills outside Milngavie yesterday (near Hilton Park golf club) and after a pretty energetic climb we made camp in the woods yesterday afternoon and started out again this morning at 7. We descended to The Jaw reservoir and down through Cochno Farm into Clydebank at 10 today. It was good, though yesterday was a four seasons in one sort of day as we sun, rain, snow and sleet at various times, though thankfully we didn't get caught in the heaviest stuff too much as we were undercover by then. The descent today was fairly leisurely (albeit with tired legs) but the ascent yesterday was quite challenging at times as we took a route that required us to climb straight up frequently, interspersed with long sections of dense evergreen forest that made for difficult conditions underfoot.
  3. I know I haven't seen you for some weeks, Tom, but when did you become a Victorian gent?
  4. I would suggest pubes and glue, but I recall you shaved your pubes. Ask a mate for his pubes.
  5. Looking at holiday homes and trying to make figures fit. There's a way to do it if I can get it on an interest only and rent it out when I'm not using it. Just need to convince the wife and the bank manager.
  6. I will accept your answer. I would also have accepted "my iPhone" as an answer.
  7. I'd text Smurph trying to encourage him to come out by saying "It's Friday night". I promptly got a text back saying simply "It's Saturday". It's been a weird day...
  8. Happened to me on my mobile twice yesterday, but hasn't happened on my desktop.
  9. I've got a few. The level of discomfort varies from person to person and the area being tattooed. I found the bits on my spine and shoulder blades more uncomfortable than the ones on my arms.
  10. Oggie used it to learn Hindi and Spanish. He raves about it.
  11. At a ton for a 1 fluid oz bottle, it'd need to be able to kill something to get your money's worth from it.
  12. I know the sensation you speak of. There's a curry house in Dumbarton who seem unable to stick to recipes, they simply chuck heaping mounds of fresh chilies into every dish, the end result being that all their dishes taste the exact same and are hot as f**k. I used to go there occasionally as they ran a sort of weird promotion where you got a curry buffet and 10 shots of something for a set price. After sampling their "south Indian garlic chili chicken" pished one evening, I awoke the next day pissing fire. A weird place that, which makes its location all the more apt.
  13. According to the Scoville Scale, the Bird's Eye Chili pepper is in the 50,000 to 100,000 Scoville heat units range. All I know is that I bought some and having rubbed my eye with my finger after touching them, I quickly lost all notion of hunger and felt only searing pain.
  14. http://www.whippsx.nhs.uk/uploaded_files/entitlement_to_nhs_hospital_treatment_for_non-resisdent_uk_citizens.pdf There you go.
  15. I assume that he meant the cork has dropped into the bottle.
  16. On the plus side though, now you get to ride the stupid bint under the pretext of comforting her, and you don't need to worry about having a relationship with her as she's already proved she's a doormat.
  17. For anyone looking to rent out a property, find a property to rent or seeking advice on all property and civil legal matters, my business' Twitter is: https://twitter.com/#!/cammcco
  18. There will be digital subscription services, there's one for retail shops to subscribe to also, but they'll also have large stocks of CD's etc.
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