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Sweet Pete

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Everything posted by Sweet Pete

  1. Naw, you're gay. You stupid gay.

  2. Personally, I would record it, but I suppose it's up to you.
  3. Are we to assume therefore, by implication of the above, that you do like racism?
  4. It's pretty stupid either way. You'd be better off with velcro trainers.
  5. You're about the size of a small child or medium-sized woman.
  6. A week ago I saw the biggest, angriest looking spider I've ever seen. I was helping our driver shift some gear away from a job and when we moved some planks there were loads of wee spiders scurrying about and one big, fat, tiger-striped one just sitting there, looking at us with a look that said "Put my fucking plank back and f**k off". I swear it was smoking Marlboro Red. ETA: I wish I'd thought to take a photo of it for Smurph, he's petrified of them, the wee bender.
  7. I don't drink cider so they all taste shite to me.
  8. It's cheap because its not very nice. They've also done a cracking job marketing it as when it was around in the UK years back it wasn't considered very classy.
  9. Are you asking me out on a date? If so, its only 2 quid a pint in Nico's. ;-)
  10. Well, you could try being a grown up about it rather than a wee poof. That might work.
  11. I get the feeling he doesn't take himself totally seriously. My missus loves him and has some of his movies, in the DVD extras he's always clowning around and doing pretend hard man stuff for the cameras then cracking up laughing. I think he's mildly amusing.
  12. Sounds like my kind of girl; stupid enough to sleep with me.
  13. Hey, that's nowt; the Sun showed a picture of the lift that the 2 oddballs in Motherwell were shagging in, presumably in case we didn't know what a lift looks like.
  14. The other good bit of that Rolling Stone interview (which was from February according to the online issue) is where he says "whatever [political party] they have in Korea is bad". That's right folks "Korea" has bad politics.
  15. I'm pretty sure that a player turned out in a full international for Eire a couple of seasons ago who was an amateur player, possibly on the books of a non-senior US club or something along those lines.
  16. I'm going to a Sikh wedding on Sunday. Looking forward to the event, though slightly apprehensive about the length of it (apparently we need to be there at 8am and shouldn't expect to get home until the early hours of Monday morning).
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTWSSCYUD4E&feature=autoplay&list=FL4eWzElzjGIbCcOYRjMFngg&index=24&playnext=7
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxbTRh1o_RU&feature=autoplay&list=FL4eWzElzjGIbCcOYRjMFngg&index=23&playnext=6
  19. Useless muppets at work who are unable to order the appropriate kit and quanitities of same in an appropriate timeframe and then moan and stress out when it's not immediately available!
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