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Everything posted by printer

  1. Can't make the game due to a family commitment. Pity as I like going to Palmerston, perhaps not surprisingly. Wonder if Ally Roy will start? I suspect not if everyone is fit. Our bench could potentially look as strong as it has all season. Hopefully we can keep our recent form going and keep it tight at the back (still a bit of a concern). I'm going one all.
  2. It would be crazy to drop either of those two IMO, they are the heart beat of the team. I'd always start Kev though - it's one of the best things Andy G has done so far, playing him regularly and getting him involved more centrally. Tbh I'd start him over Scougs - his end product is much better. I think it should be pointed out also that Brian Rice was far from the only manager who failed to get the most out of the wee man, although he did indeed take it to extreme lengths.
  3. Just a dip in form, m8. Needing to work harder on the training ground IMO.
  4. Never mind lads, you've got us at Palmerston next Saturday. What could possibly go wrong?
  5. I thought Edinburgh competed really well today and that was the main reason the game was a close one. We deserved the win despite at times being a bit loose. Overall I liked that the team kept trying to play football and create something that way rather than just resorting to lumping balls forward or into the box. It was fitting that Kev got the equaliser as he looked our most likely option to create a goal; Cammy's crosses being our other main threat. Wales did well again and both Roy and Steven brought plenty to our attacking efforts; one or both will likely start next week I think (especially if Buchanan is injured). Defence was OK and Stevie H/Kurtis did what they do in the middle, which is a lot. Good three points and keeps us in the mix for fourth place.
  6. Those odds do seem ridiculous, even for Edinburgh's situation. If Brian Rice was still manager, I'm sure there are a few Wasps fans who would be tempted to have a wager on an away win.
  7. Brilliant! At least that means Livi won't be coming in for Kev.
  8. Not sure Brian Rice sees himself as a romantic, but it's a good point. I agree with you re PJ. I wonder if playing behind a more settled defence may reduce the number of his dodgy days though.
  9. Good luck to Bradley Rodden at Stenny, I hope he does well there. I'm sure @Francesc Fabregas will be delighted they've signed him.
  10. Blether, wee chat.....all sounds very casual.
  11. For a selection of top TV shows of all time, there's a surprising (or perhaps not) number of half decent only shows selected. And that's without the boring concentration on programmes from the last ten to twenty years. ETA Breaking Bad may well be the most overrated TV show of all time.
  12. Does it apologise profusely and unreservedly for your first post?
  13. Couple of cracking matches coming up. Not sure Bunting can hold his form against MVG.
  14. Love Jura, but never had an 18yo. Used to work for the company that owned Jura and Bruichladdich - staff shop was excellent.
  15. Really enjoyed the game. Not that much between the teams although we deserved the win and losing the goals the way we did, Lyons' especially, was sore. Credit to Montrose and Lyons though. Alloa looked solid throughout the team, with wee Kev again thriving in a freer/more central role. Our movement generally was good in attack through Kev, Wales, Scougs in particular. Great to see Wales get his goal (after cracking work from Buchanan). The other players and the fans were delighted for him. Roberts and Hetherington again put in good shifts, as did Devine and Neill. That latter pairing looks like it could become stronger as they play more games together. Thought the ref was actually very good, playing a good advantage for our first goal. Also thought he got both "dive" decisions correct (Coulson then Lyons) although each was tricky. Having said that, I thought the Montrose player rather than Stevie H deserved yellow when O'Donnell was booked - could be Stevie said something, he certainly wasn't pleased with the tackle. Agree with @Waspie that We look like a team with a shape and a plan and players are deployed where they are at their most effective. There will be ups and downs but plenty to be optimistic about.
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