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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. A stoppage was correct, Kov was doubled and not defending himself, Kov was beat as soon as he doubled up the 1st time, the punch was low as on his waistband but it was no where near his hawmaws. The last one was on the hawmaws.
  2. And they still didn't call it correctly.
  3. No doubt but those seeking and taking public office are supposed to protect the public from morally bankrupt individuals.
  4. For me the contractors are at the bottom of that list. No doubt.
  5. He's right, if he was wrong the SNP and independence would still be an irrelevance in Scotland.
  6. I'm hoping this isn't the case as it'll just let those at the top off the hook, those at the top are supposed to put legislation in place that protects the public from unscrupulous/profit driven/greedy b*****d/corner cutting cowboy b*****ds.
  7. May is the worst I've seen but don't try and paint Brown as anything other than shite, let the bankers do as they pleased, robbed workers of their pensions and sold off all our gold among other things, let nobody be in any doubt that Brown and Blair were an absolute pair of power hungry sell out b*****ds.
  8. Poor brown people and all will be well in I'm all right Jack land again.
  9. I think it's time for the Tory's to go and everyone should vote for the best placed candidate to beat them in their area, we need a Corbyn government just so we can get to the truth about this disaster warts n all. I'm not into public unrest or riots but I think the time has come for the people to take control of this country and change it for the better.
  10. Nah, a lot of this was common knowledge when you posted, it just wasn't common knowledge to you.
  11. Fair play, I wish Corbyn, Sturgeon etc would get stuck in like that more often when they're talking, he dished out telt served up with a side dish of well telt smothered in a lovely TELT sauce.
  12. I'm sure they'd all rather ensure they keep their place on the housing list.
  13. Phew, I thought Div was transferring itzdrk to mumsnet for a minute there.
  14. A week earlier and we'd be waking up to or anticipating a Corbyn landslide.
  15. ffs, Charlie spends his mornings entertaining folk before they go to their work not grilling politicians, the cameras would be outside Bute House with a pitchfork laden mob if our government looked as culpable for a disaster. I don't think a single government minister should be allowed to appear unless they're being grilled by an informed residents rep, these fuckers need to be forced to change their ways and this would appear to be as good a starting point as any.
  16. The original tender winners were £2.5million dearer, you'd have to ask yourself if it was wise to just rubber stamp in the tender price without seriously going over safety implications.
  17. They'll probably call it admonished or no further action.
  18. I'm not suggesting it will solve anything but Liebour MSP's were hammering the SNP about figures even although it was Liebour LA's that were causing the figures to be poor, think it might have been teacher/pupil ratios or similar, ultimately any Liebour rep is a c**t of the highest order who'll put giving SNP a kicking in front of running anything properly every day of the week.
  19. Portillo's looking a bit gutted on This Week reflecting on the enormous loss of life.
  20. It's probably an attempt to stop some LA's deciding policy designed to harm the SNP.
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