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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Political correctness and Marxism are both good. I agree with jmo.
  2. Those stupid facts were being printed in the papers for years as well. Decades of easy political capital gained out of bashing the EU came to bite the Tory Remainers in the arse last year.
  3. It's lucky that PMQs is an utter waste of time for everyone involved. Think the only people that take it seriously are those weird fuckers at Buzzfeed that run Fantasy Politics websites.
  4. Would take some level of skill to get on a wrong plane tbf.
  5. I wouldn't be certain of winning a referendum at this point.
  6. it was quite clearly used as a pejorative throughout the independence campaign and it's at best a tone deaf headline.
  7. I like Frankie Boyle when he focuses his ire at worthy targets.
  8. He wouldn't even need to create any new slogans. "And now we go to Michelle Obama. How would you conduct trade relations with Latin America" "Well, I think tha-" "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK" Or "Finally The Rock has come back to Colorado"
  9. I'm not saying that the choice to vote Leave was a rational one but I think it's a by-product of a voting system and political culture that saw parties chase a few thousand votes in key marginals while destroying entire communities and leaving them to rot. The increasing convergence of the two or three main parties and a cosy neoliberal consensus doubtless didn't help matters either.
  10. There's a group of people that revolted against a Westminster elite that either waged war on them under Thatcher or ignored their existence under Blair and Cameron. I don't think those people are as worthy of criticism as much as the politicians, businesses and media which treated them with contempt for over 30 years.
  11. I think there should be a referendum before a deal is ratified. The only problem is I don't see how that can happen when the Tories are openly referring to the EU as enemies and treating it like a battle. A referendum on exit terms would be weaponised by the EU. Maybe the Tories exiting government and letting Labour negotiate on less hostile terms would allow this to happen.
  12. How much can the government reasonably do about it? I'm not being cheeky I genuinely haven't a clue.
  13. If other countries want to decimate their landscape and water supplies with fracking then let them. I'm glad the SNP blocked its implementation here.
  14. That's more like it. Just need to find the guy who claimed he had definitive proof that Corbyn voted Leave and we have it.
  15. Why are centrist conspiracy theories always heavy unimaginative? Isn't Russia normally a thing with you lads? Bring them in somehow.
  16. So did Dennis Skinner. I imagine there's probably some ideological overlap there.
  17. Think it's fair to say that Jim Sillars is a bit of a bitter b*****d but that he also makes some interesting points on the SNP and the wider independence movement.
  18. Who could say no to an interview with big Gordon Brewer?
  19. Anyone watched Sillars on Sunday Politics?
  20. Neville Southall currently the GOAT of Twitter.
  21. The same happened in our school but with a broadly opposite outcome. All the boys got a credit grade and the lassie's crashed and burned. Think the reasoning for the boys was that no girls meant there was less chance of the boys acting up for attention.
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