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Everything posted by sjc

  1. How any Celtic fans could have enjoyed the "precession" against Aberdeen on Sunday defies logic. It wasn't even a game FFS! FWIW - Every single rule change since the 1960's has benefited the bigger/richer Clubs. (Abolition of maximum wage, 1/2/3 Subs, 3 from 7 subs, Bosman, scrapping of the maximum foreigners rule) I'd love to ask SAF how he'd emulate his own success at a Club like Aberdeen post Bosman? I've no doubt his genius man management skills would see an increase in performance but enough to win a title? I'm not so sure.
  2. 1. Celtic are held back in Europe by the lack of domestic competition. 2. Rangers* are held back in Europe by the lack of domestic competition. 3. Hearts and Hibs should merge in order to give Celtic and Rangers* more competition. 4. Dundee and Dundee Utd should merge in order to give Celtic and Rangers* more competition. 5. Celtic and Rangers* Colt teams should be entered in the SPFL Premiership thus providing more competition for Celtic and Rangers* as well as guaranteeing Scotland qualification to WC and EC Finals.
  3. Let's be honest, nobody wants to go to a birthday party for a 2yo, so the host providing food and refreshments has to be the means of encouraging attendance. Having your own 2yo can be bad enough, so spending a Saturday afternoon with a houseful of them and their parents that you only speak to out of a shared affliction really doesn't appeal.
  4. Never in doubt. Keith always delivers......
  5. Do you only offer someone an alcoholic drink when they visit your house on a strictly quid pro quo basis? You seem a tad stingy about it.
  6. I wonder if they bumped into the team who were only just arriving?
  7. Is @Dindeleux still available in his 2 bedroom semi detached palace in Ayrshire?
  8. Could be worse, Dons fans. Just wait til you've got to travel to Inverness-shire to witness your team getting humped from Celtic.....
  9. Nah, he's too young to remember the ZX Spectrum.....
  10. Sugars, salts and spices can temporarily damage or numb the taste buds. Therefore, if you're using them regularly your taste buds will constantly be in a damaged/numbed state. Back to you, or are you no longer playing?
  11. Like I said, that was just an article on the actual report. Try this link: http://ine.uaf.edu/wtc7
  12. You do realise that this is just an article about the report?
  13. There's been more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skyscraper_fire Plus Building 7 collapsed on 9/11 also but just last month an inquiry debunked the "official" narrative as to why. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.globalresearch.ca/official-story-collapse-wtc-building-7-lies-ruins/5688141/amp
  14. A 350m high one caught fire in Dubai in 2017.
  15. They do though. It's the very reason my taste buds returned to full sensitivity after two months of just watery rice after surgery. It's the same reason why children (prior to exposure to sugars, salts and spices) are more sensitive to flavours than adults. We were advised to deprive our daughter of these very things.
  16. Too sugary/artificially sweet for my liking. No sugar tax over here.
  17. I don't even like fizzy drinks!
  18. Ah, the oracle of P&B has spoken and no medical professional, dietitian nor nutritionist can say otherwise!
  19. Red wine tasteless? Seriously?
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