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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Yeah, fair enough - I only stuck him there because Stewart is an unknown quantity and we've yet to sign anyone else. But yeah, mobility is the way forward this season. Obviously it looks like Reilly is coming in, but again, I don't see him being a first choice, TBH. I'd love to see Stelios back but the delay seems to go against a return. He's within his rights to see what else is out there, I guess, but he'd be perfect for a 'three full-backs' squad as he can play both sides. Agree about quick decision on Loy. McCann must have a vague idea if he's wanted - but he has a year to run and is a decent player, so Dundee might even want a small fee, despite being a massive huge club with hunners of money n tha'.
  2. Imagine how fucking sharp he's going to look. Yeah, it's very quiet in here. Feels weird. My theories about our summer business are as follows: 1) Of the players we had last year who are yet to come re-sign, only Loy is still realistic. I hope we're not waiting all summer for him, though, because we need goals. We'll score less from midfield this season so a striker is top of the list, as far as I'm concerned. 2) We've taken a few P/T players, so it was obviously important to get them in as early as possible, as (you'd imagine) they will require the longest amount of time to get up to speed with training full time. Also, I assume, if they have day jobs, some of them will be having to work notice (I don't know what, if anything, Kirkpatrick, the Ross Stewarts and Buchanan did for a living, that's just supposition). 3) Despite the early work we've done, we still need: GK, CH, RB (based on the idea that Irvine can cover both sides), DM, CF. 4) The one area we're well stocked in is nippy not-quite-strikers, so I expect we'll be playing a fluid 4-2-3-1 or 4-1-4-1 this season. Morgan, Magennis, Smith, Kirkpatrick I think our first choice XI currently looks like this: ------------------Stewart----------------------- Irvine - McKenzie - Buchanan - Eckersley ------------------McGinn---------------------- Magennis----Kirkpatrick----Morgan -----------Smith---------------------------- ------------------Stewart/Sutton----------- I'm not sure that totally works as Kirkpatrick and Smith are kind of filling the same hole. But like i said, it'll probably be pretty fluid. Glaring gaps for me at the base of midfield with McGinn and up front.
  3. That awkward moment when you've prematurely changed your forum avatar... Sorry @Dee Man, you're ok really
  4. It really was like the Relegation Express thread in microcosm. We even had VT making a ratted twat of himself then disappearing. Standard, then. I won't lie: I was really worried Jack was off. And I don't buy this 'it's ok if he goes to Aberdeen/a big club' thing, because actually his destination is irrelevant. We'd still be looking for a new manager and I doubt we'd get as good a manager through the door. Anyway, looks like he's signing an improved deal, so that's all good.
  5. Thanks for trying - just do the main Samaritans page if that's easier. I've donated to Myeloma UK now, screenshot below. Good luck with next season guys, thanks for not taking Jack.
  6. I'm a good guy, so I will donate the tenner to Myeloma UK anyway, if you uphold your end of the bet.
  7. The first of those three seasons was spent in a league you've not reached for three decades, and will never reach again.
  8. Now it's all ended amicably, gonnae give us Rory Loy? Y'know, to pump the dabs...
  9. Yep. And the absence of evidence either way points towards the status quo remaining, you'd assume.
  10. If that happens, I'll retract my mocking about you not wanting Ross any more.
  11. I tell you who will be gutted: Stevie Mallan. Just hope this doesn't make him angle for a move away from Dens Park.
  12. Emily Ratajkowski knocked me back last week. Well, actually, that's just paper talk. I actually decided I didn't fancy her as she was running away from me.
  13. Cool. Mine is Samaritans of Inverclyde. If I win the bet, they're going to be busy. http://www.samaritans.org/branches/samaritans-inverclyde
  14. I'll take you up on that if nobody else is? John James (Jack) Ross, next permanent Dundee FC manager. £10. Just confirm we're on by reply.
  15. While you're absolutely right, for me it's a bit like our relegation last season. I came to terms with it around Xmas time and just bit the pillow, ready. It made it so much easier to take when Morton finally sent us down at Cappielow... Yesterday I was sure Jack was going. Now... He's almost certainly not. It's pleasing.
  16. All sorts of folk using this thread to show how little they care about St Mirren's dealings, right enough.
  17. I'm off to warm up my multiquote finger. We'll be going to town on this thread very soon.
  18. VT hasn't been rattled as hard as this since his dad left town. That 1-4 really did a number on you, didn't it? Where is 'endless trolling and still failing to have sex with a woman' on that scale of yours?
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