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Coventry Saint

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Everything posted by Coventry Saint

  1. Can't imagine what Jack Ross has done to leave Morton fans quite so rattled. Wait... I remember now.
  2. I'm sure Ross would jump at the chance to become the next Paul Hartley. I firmly believe he'll stay to have at least one stab at promotion from this league. We've got a young, talented squad and budget to use to bring in more players. My biggest concern is that we might struggle to sign Loy after Ross has told Dundee to f**k off.
  3. He's written 'this love will last forever' in blood. Actually, not sure. I think it's to the end of next season. Hasn't extended, but hopefully will.
  4. I dunno, he genuinely did ok at a decent Dundee side for a season or two. IIRC, didn't we sign him when we thought McGowan was leaving? He then didn't leave and Danny couldn't work out how to play them both*. You'd pick Gowser 100% of the time over Harkins, so he didn't get a sniff. Obviously I hope he's fucking gash for Morton, but there's still a player in there somewhere. * Hartley later proved it was possible.
  5. Absolute joke signing, if it's true. Nowhere near good enough for Morton. And that's not a loaded comment. Plus, I've heard, he once lost his man at a corner, so there's that to watch out for, too.
  6. I think that's fair, but it does feel like we're building a squad at the moment. The signings this week should complement and hopefully compete with the guaranteed starters we already have. I'll be disappointed if we don't add some real proven quality still. Rory Loy and Stelios would be ideal, plus maybe one or two surprises.
  7. So, good signing for a team chasing promotion?
  8. Just need to refer back to their previous club to sort it ou... oh, fuckit.
  9. Exactly: our chairman is much more ambitious than that penny-pinching fud from down the river.
  10. Nah, it's fine: you could almost say there's a Great Feeling at St Mirren Park. Probably time to start a thread to that effect, tbh. They're always great.
  11. Nice summary, @djchapsticks - there's a lot of work still to be done, but at least we already have a starting XI of sorts, with hopefully more pace and quality to come in.
  12. That's a good read. I feel really sorry for Weatherson there - you can tell it really hurt/affected him. Imagine feeling like you've got to carry on playing for Morton just to prove doubters wrong: he must have been at a really low ebb.
  13. Is there any BBC radio coverage of said riot? No, wait, it was it so long ago that the BBC wasn't even a thing. Silly me.
  14. Is that a bit like claiming seaside league titles in your honours list? Just wondering.
  15. My post, of course, wasn't 100% serious itself, but, not being a simpleton, you'll have been well on top of that.
  16. Do you just wander round this forum white-knighting SimpleTON? I'm sure he appreciates the effort.
  17. Tbh, until this year, we've had several seasons of failing to turn up for any half, so it's not quite traditional yet.
  18. As long as he only turns up for the first half of the season, he'll fit right in.
  19. It's been too painful to even think about the playoffs until now. But now we've dodged them, I can safely wish you guys all the luck in the world. Would love to see the Legend bring Alloa back up. Raith are no mugs, sadly, despite how despondent their fans are, but I reckon you can do it.
  20. Was relieved this morning to see that despite the rumours, Prince Philip has not died yet. He's one of few folk still around who was actually alive when Morton last won a proper trophy. It'll be a shame when they've all passed on, TBH.
  21. Was Hardie injured? Mental that he'd not start against us.
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