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Everything posted by Ric

  1. First part is true, because what's the point it was clear nobody cared. Second part is just nonsense, and you know it.
  2. I've always assumed this is all about her legacy. She's due to stand down and hand over the club and she's determined not to have her last year be seen as a failure - of course you could argue it already is. She's already claimed she's not handing the club over with the current situation, which adds more weight to this being hubris more than anything else.
  3. It's also highly insulting to other teams who, based on turnover/profit values, may have invested more.
  4. Yeah, we've sold our souls to the OF when it comes to sponsorship. Sky are our paymasters, and I really dislike that. More the case now that fans won't be attending (and/or attending in the numbers they were).
  5. I absolutely do believe we should be aiming for better. Problem is nobody is buying and it's not a sellers market. I hope you aren't arguing the case that we should drop the sponsorship deal in order to allow temporary reconstruction.
  6. Yeah, I think it's gone unnoticed to be fair, which is a shame as more people should know that Ann is a very successful business woman.
  7. I'll not lie, the thought had crossed my mind. It's interesting that Goodwin avoided answering the direct question of whether the captain will be getting a new contract. I've only heard rumours but I've got a feeling, even though he was injured for a fair part of this season, that he was a bit surplus.
  8. Don't get too excited, if you listen to the start of today's Sportsound it's pretty clear that he'll move on.
  9. I'm waiting for her to use the argument that it's either racist (because of the multicultural nature of the Hearts squad) or misogynist (because she is a successful business woman doing busy business woman business stuff) to relegate Heats. She's used every other claim up to this point.
  10. Goodie on Sportsound: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/live/football/52619328
  11. This just sums up the arrogance of a minority of some Hearts supporters - to be fair there are quite a few good ones to balance it out. This thread is about league reconstruction, not specifically about whether Hearts should be saved from relegation. You don't get to decide if the thread is dead simply because nobody is falling for your clearly myopic viewpoint.
  12. It really is sad, I mean I can't really point fingers as I'm sure mine is in that position too.
  13. It seems a bit unfair of me to single out one sentence in quite a lengthy post, but the (sad) realities are that unless Sky get their 4 OF games a season then they are not interested. I should point out, I'd be quite happy to see a 16 team league, the money men (and women) on the other hand would not.
  14. Slight amendment to your reply. Aye, I'm sure the OF, Aberdeen and Hearts(?) would be willing to dip into their collective war chests and spread the love.
  15. Sounds a promising start, perhaps some sort of middle ground can be met, and this is jus.... Ah, well never mind then. As has been pointed out, if your club owner wasn't putting forward a plan specifically set up to save your team and your team alone, all the while showing no contrition then maybe consensus could have been reached.
  16. Can you imagine the face on Budge if that was the outcome? After all her banging on that reconstruction wasn't purely to benefit her team, she could hardly argue against it.
  17. ..because you didn't spend yesterday doing exactly that!
  18. Considering he option is to save Hearts and f**k everything else, I wouldn't be surprised to see a "no relegation/promotion" clause until football can "stabilise". I doubt it will be top division clubs, and I would argue that this would reduce the need for a larger top division. As a successful business woman she will have used her successful business woman business woman experience to promote her successful business woman persona in order to enhance her successful business woman legacy. Failing that, she clearly said, "if I don't get my way, I'm going to get Leslie Deans to speak to you, and none of you want that"
  19. The Brown's have had a pretty good record of appointments, Coyle, McInnes, Lomas, Wright. I obviously don't have the in depth experience as you, but I didn't think those last two would be up to much. I couldn't have been proved more wrong!
  20. That the new manager, Tam? Should I get a tenner on him at the bookies?
  21. Yeah, I mean it's been an awful season for you lot. In many ways I'd have thought you'd just prefer to draw a line under it, use dropping down a league to huckle out the dross you have in your squad and spend the next season enjoying being the big team and very likely romping to a title.
  22. It's not that selective. Bear in mind you have failed to beat the two teams directly above you all season, not just under this manager.
  23. Under a different manager, yes. Under your current one you have failed to beat us.
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