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Black Pennel

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Everything posted by Black Pennel

  1. Hah, hah !! Hovis guy caught out talking absolute long-winded yawn inducing shite. What a shock. Lol. Lol. Lol. Etc.
  2. People don't wonder why you spout utter crap, Mark...they really don't.
  3. Un-earthed ?... I've got mine hanging above the door of the shed always in a state of readiness.
  4. Beith can't take part in the play-offs.
  5. ^^ And, more importantly, he is also a lovely wee bloke.
  6. ^^ Be even funnier if it turns out he played for someone else in the first round. Not funny for the Talbot, though...
  7. Three games for me that weekend as well. Well done to all involved for the imaginative scheduling. It could only be made even better if it also messed up a Buffs fixture on the Friday evening.
  8. Think I prefer Norway. Can we just join up wae Norway instead ?
  9. Personally, I'd much rather be standing in with the Bonnybridge boys than at the other end listening to all the pish being spoken by the new Darvel fanboys fae Kilwinning.
  10. Further back ICR said it was difficult to explain. No, it wasn't. He explained it to us. As far as the Clyde is concerned, I dunno why the polis never lifted George Parsonage...he always seemed tae know where the bodies were. Is that not a wee bit suspicious ?
  11. ^^ Just re-open Baldoon Airfield, Wigtown...and is the airstrip at Castle Kennedy not still in use ? You might be on to something here. Campbeltown Pupils could use Machrihanish, Threave Rovers could use West Freugh, Andy could use Bristol Airport...they'd all be at a game and then get hame afore teatime !
  12. Aye, it'd be a clever dog that kens who his real faither was right enough. p.s. My dug is some mixtures of deerhounds, greyhounds, Scooby-Doos, collies...and possibly others.
  13. Yip,...changing name in your early days with him is absolutely fine as long as you are consistent in using the new name. Don't confuse him by using a combination of the new name and his former name. Won't be long before you've given him a nickname anyway ! He is a beauty, but I don't see any Staffie in him at all. Maybe you've misheard the rescue people and they were telling you that he may, possibly, be a Beddie / Collie type cross ? Sometimes the volunteers, and even staff, at the general dog rescue type places don't have a clue about Lurchers. I'm willing to bet (only going by how he looks in the pictures) that Bob will have Deerhound (definitely not Wolfhound), greyhound and/or whippet, collie, and maybe Beddie bloodlines in him. If you've never had a Lurcher before, can I recommend that you read a book called "The House Lurcher" written by Jackie Drakeford about twenty years ago ? She tells you what you need to know. Another useful source of information will be the frequent Q&A section of the LurcherLink rescue website. https://www.lurcher.org/llink/forum/index.php You're going to have so much fun with him. This one isn't mine, but I love the picture...hope it works...
  14. Aye, but the singsong was supposed to start at 18:00
  15. "The Sun recently reported a story" Could've stopped right there.
  16. Wouldn't start complaining about your recent referees, lads,...you've got Willie Collum for the Darvel game. Oh,...wait...
  17. I'm guessing the chap hasn't seen their squad list, PbD, or he'd have realised that most of them have already played at this and, some of them, at a higher level. They are not just a bunch of boys heading up from the amateurs. Might even be one of the best teams I've seen this season.
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