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Everything posted by energyzone

  1. A lot of us did when the old Rangers came calling. The behaviour of their fans was atrocious.
  2. Nobody knows who owns the club, the former owners are about to undergo a criminal trial for fraud, Dave King the subject of serious litigation, the latest ruling from the Court of Session, the fine from the LNS commission unpaid, the club subject of a claim for legal aid from Charles Green etc etc.
  3. So what would be the likely income in the event of King's fit and proper ruling being overturned?
  4. When the Stone Roses played Glasgow Green last year, thousands of people declared themselves superfans without ever having mentioned that they liked them before. A hipster band for arseholes.
  5. They have the most to gain though. Mind you, if you look at other clubs such as Kilmarnock, our grand total of 1 top-flight title is already 1 in front of the new Rangers. 1 and counting - we welcome the chase.
  6. There is no way that the old Rangers would have titles or trophies removed from their glittering, world record haul. Remember the warnings regarding social unrest when it became likely that the new club wouldn't be voted into the SPL. Remember the Rangers fans convicted of sending crude explosive devices to Lennon/McBride/anyone who disagreed with them. Remember Manchester 2008. These are people who cannot accept wrongdoing and meet any opposing points of view with violence, threats and elimination. And the SFA/SPFL don't want to be nervously checking their mail every morning. It won't happen.
  7. Where did you get yours and how much was it? I've been looking on eBay for these and they seem to be coming in at over £100.
  8. Bing is a moaning little c**t. Can't stand the p***k.
  9. As an aside, who owns the rights to a clubs assets? What would it take to reform a club like Ballieston?
  10. I think what you are referring to is when Rangers stole their own charity's cash. Imagine that.
  11. Probably been covered, but it's pretty annoying when someone (invariably female) posts a picture of them on a train heading for a night out, following which one of their friends will comment "Prepare for carnage!!!!" Carnage? Like multiple deaths? A motorway pileup? Massive earthquake? No, instead you'll be back home and in your bed for midnight. That's not carnage, it's a night out.
  12. Are there any visible remnants of any of the lost grounds mentioned so far? I know Muirkirk's old ground still exists and the stumps of the goalposts and changing rooms are still present. Ardchoille Park in Stevenston, former home of Ardeer Thistle is now used as a public pitch, however the banking where the terraces were is still visible.
  13. Remember that time that Celtic fans pressured their board into not having the same shirt sponsor as Rangers? How toxic and horrible a support must Rangers have when even Celtic fans don't want associated with them?
  14. The club created a company?!!! No, the club became a company.
  15. So what happened to the £800k that Southampton paid? Did they ever get it back?
  16. Re the tantrums - mine turned two on Friday and has already started to strongly indicate his displeasure at being made to do anything he doesn't want to, such as get dressed or get sung the wrong song. On a brighter note, he's finally up and about, having learned to get himself onto his feet unaided. I guess that means he doesn't need his physio anymore.
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