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Everything posted by williemillersmoustache

  1. Thank god to have won that would have been theft.
  2. I can confirm that miss was worse in person than it must have been at home.
  3. Still 35 minutes left for this to get much worse.
  4. But (and I accept he would be better, if we had a French presidential system no question I'd vote for Keir in the run off) he either doesn't mean that stuff and is a liar and a fraud or he does and it is another 5 years of the Tories. I mean where's the wishy washy Keir stuff. *shrug emoji*
  5. Tbh absolutely f**k Owen Jones the nasty little turncoat did indeed go full LexitWanker as it suited the big JC4PM fallacy. But Keiths right of centre populist shite on immigration, tough on drugs, the EU etc. Is equally unforgivable.
  6. Ssh! Don't ruin the fun of more than a quarter of the electorate not knowing who the current branch managers is.
  7. Why is it we are we wanting another lying Tory to win again?
  8. Number of the servile little fucks who have declared their dissatisfaction 0.0
  9. Might be nice to hear Labours policy on immigration. *tumbleweed*
  10. It must be very odd having a political view based upon a fantasy version of the place where you live which does not, has not and can not exist.
  11. Well on the one hand there's the perfectly rational dislike of a head of state selected purely by the accident of their birth, and as admitted by their fan boys has achieved absolutely nothing with her life despite all the incredible advantages and assets at her disposal. And on the other there's going the colour of overcooked ham at the thought of someone in your street/bus/hospital/pub speaking Romanian.
  12. Yeah, those weird as f**k models of them too.
  13. I reckon with a declared 46 voices of discontent (not letters in btw) the bar will have been reached but Brady will leave it till Monday because of recess and the Jubileebollox before announcing. Giving BawJaws 4 or 5 days to offer jobs and peerages to the rebels and talk them out of it.
  14. Genuine question, what do the Lizzie fan club think she has achieved? With her enormously privileged position, resources and record breaking reign. Yes she's been around for a long time, witnessed a whole series of seismic events but what has she, you know, done?
  15. Oh how they laughed. But I fear this speech, to an almost empty chamber will be shown in history classes for generations to come.. It stopped being about Boris a long time ago, and is instead in the hands of entirely spineless, servile, amoral, grasping, thieving little c***s, like Douglas Ross. Wee fucks like him who always knew he was a threat to decency, to democracy and a hazard to humanity but, have turned a blind eye and cower behind shite about Russia. As though their cowardice and complicity will be adequately hidden from history behind a pile of dead Ukrainians.
  16. To stop the guns falling into the wrong hands shouldn't we allow the guns to protect themselves by giving the guns guns of their own?
  17. When I first heard the term "cis" I have to say I didn't like it. It felt quite awkward and imposed. But then I briefly googled it, read a couple of articles and came to the conculsion that a) it didn't effect me in anyway whastsoever b) it's just a nescesary bit of language to facilitate reasonable discussion
  18. It's just the most awful despicable playground shite. It's worth seeing and for context:
  19. Isnt it jolly fortunate that the profits from skint old Scotlands worthless natural resources were available to be raided by the chancellor today to help with the cost of living crisis?
  20. You shouldn't be selling anyone with a coupon as glaikit as this a pair of sharp scissors.
  21. Great news, get well soon @Hoose Rice and haste ye back.
  22. She gave him a hard copy so hopefully it's kicking his c**t in as we speak.
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