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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. I have no idea who this person is. BTW, don't greenie my posts. They'll assume you're an alias and come looking for me. They're like wild animals on here
  2. The Bob De Niro and Juliette Lewis thing made me quite queasy, so Scorsese must have been doing something right.
  3. Jesus, spoilers. Loved that film - there's a nice vein of humour running through it. I thought the CG was pretty decent too. Apparently there's a lot of humour that non-Norwegians wouldn't get. I think Guillermo Del Toro is supposed to be doing an American remake, which I'd guess would be about as pants as the US Wicker Man.
  4. Not for the young 'uns, surely? Must only be about a mile. Plean's a different matter, although I sometimes used to walk back to Stirling from there after the last bus had left. The A9's not a great journey on foot in the dark!
  5. Someone mentioned Fallin earlier - I used to spend a bit of time there, and it seemed a decent enough place to live, especially as Stirling town centre is within walking distance. Bit miserable if you're an auld yin though, I'd have thought. Plean was a different matter - miserable hellhole with constant running neighbourhood battles and weans breaking everything, along with the worst chippy I've ever been in, where they seemed to have cooked everything the day before. I see they've built lots of new housing in the last decade, and it looked a bit nicer last time I passed through. I've lived in both Alloa and Sauchie, and both are nice quiet wee places to live, assuming you're happy to travel through to Stirling or Falkirk for entertainment. Tullibody's a different matter, or was when I spent more time there, ten or fifteen years ago. It's just housing, a pub, and a chippy. Oh, and the Tron Court shopping area, which was entirely derelict when last I saw it, barring three shops. And one of them was an empty hole that someone had parked a few arcade machines in (of the Super Sprint vintage). I'd like to think that Tron Court would be a bustling, vibrant shopping area by now, purely for the local community's sanity.
  6. I find those Kindle adverts terrifying. They seem to be selling the concept of reading rather than the Kindle itself, for the most part.
  7. I just saw this headline: Jeremy Kyle hopeful jailed over slogans. I initially read it as: Jeremy Kyle hopefully jailed over slogans. GAH! Edited for excessive underlining.
  8. Might need to watch the Child's Play films again, haven't seen them in forever. Jennifer Tilly
  9. Rollerball - EXTREEEEEME! Sports enthusiast Chris Klein (the Glee Club doofus from American Pie) enrols in a ultra-camp competitive rollerskating franchise and begins to realise that the organiser (hilariously Russian Jean Reno) is more concerned with profit than safety. Really surprised that this is twelve years old now; didn't miss much by not seeing it the first time around. This film is monumentally bad, and no doubt managed to offend everyone in the countries depicted. The sport itself is ludicrous and overly-complicated, which is impressive when considering there's practically nothing to it. The plot is ridiculous and lazy, and nothing comes across as being in any way believable or entertaining. There's also a long sequence shot in night vision, presumably for budgetary reasons, which features some bizarre comedy sound effects. There's also an odd obsession with scattering name musicians throughout the background of the film, some of whom aren't even heard to perform. Just awful in every way imaginable. On the other hand, Rebecca Romain's tits have never looked better, so...tough call! Hostel - American tourists in Europe are hooked up with a pussy paradise in Slovakia and discover that there's a price to pay for their fun. This is a much better film than you might imagine, and the 'torture porn' label isn't really applicable either; it's generally pretty restrained, especially compared to the grand guignol of the sequel. It's a nicely taut thriller that keeps you guessing for a while about exactly what's going on behind the scenes, and is pretty satisfying from beginning to end. Recommended, if you can stomach the brief occasions where the restraints slip. Also, masses of boobs, if you like that sort of thing
  10. Fucking hell. Easily forgotten, but that girl was quite impressive back in the day.
  11. Especially invigilators that do it all the way through university exams. This actually happened. Fucking raging.
  12. Non-Stop - Liam Neeson is a washed-up air marshall whose plane is hijacked by text message. Drama ensues. I really liked this. Taut thriller in a confined space with Liam kicking ass and taking names - what's not to like? Read some bad reviews, and I think they must have been smoking the pot. The wife claims that this was a better film than Taken, which is practically heresy, but it's certainly not far off. And I'm not just saying that because of my longtime Julianne Moore obsession
  13. People who park across two parking bays as well. An angel sheds a tear every time their cars are accidentally gouged.
  14. Very little, but almost everything is related to me on this site or elsewhere. I'd no idea my username was so unusual
  15. Quality work with the all-consuming retroactive spoiler!
  16. Meh, I took a shot. I'm sure plenty of folk would think of her when they read 'Cathy with the torn fanny'. Did '70s Cathy do a decent job? Always looking to pick up some cleaning tips
  17. Spoliers, FFS! I was SO going to watch that, too
  18. Nae mair Cathy Barry vids while your supposed to be watching the wean, sunshine.
  19. Gone - caught this on the telly the other night; one of the movies obviously inspired by the Australian backpacker murderer case, although they made the loony an American for some reason. It's about as straightforward a story as you can get, made less interesting by the changes from the original story. Weak sauce in comparison to Wolf Creek, which only suffers from the usual horror movie problem of characters making poor decisions.
  20. Paranormal Entity 2 - sequel (in name only) to the straight-to-video knock-off of Paranormal Activity. A team of ghost hunters set up shop in the house built on land formerly occupied by the house that John Wayne Gacy did his torturin' in. Who will survive and what will be left of them? Well, nobody, as the opening captions helpfully point out. This is one of those turgid found-footage flicks where nothing happens for 98% of the running time, and you'll be utterly underwhelmed by the other 2%. Of special note is the risible psychic, who looks like she'd be more at home on a porn shoot and is staggeringly annoying. Her shirt unsurprisingly finds various methods of escaping from her torso - heaven, if you're a fan of bad implants. There are some mystifying Big Brother-style diary room shots peppered throughout too. It's just awful, with no redeeming features, and I feel that my own personal worth as a human being has dropped due to watching it.
  21. Death Line - or Raw Meat, as our copy calls it. Early Seventies Donald Pleasance flick about a cannibal in the London Underground tunnels. The film's plot is very straightforward, preferring to show a lot of Don acting like a proper old-school knobhead copper, and our flesh-eating hero moping around his dank straw-covered abode. Really quite staggeringly dull considering the premise and star. Even a totally unnecessary cameo from Christopher Lee, present for literally one minute so his name could be included in the cast list, does nothing to hide the fact that practically nothing happens. A massive disappointment. Flightplan - after her husband's death, Jodie Foster flies home with her daughter, only for the kid to go missing during the flight. When nobody remembers the kid being on the plane, does that mean that Jodie's lost her mind, or is some kind of conspiracy keeping them apart? It's an entertaining thriller, marred only by the plot flying off the rails and stretching credibility beyond breaking point, which can be annoying. Definitely get the impression that the script could've used more work.
  22. Caught a goodly portion of this on the telly during a sleepless night a few weeks ago. Quite an interesting watch, although the section on They Life was surely glaringly obvious to anyone that had ever seen it, and our philosopher host seemed like he was clutching at straws to support his theories on a few occasions. Still, looking forward to watching the rest when I'm more awake - it is pretty frazzling.
  23. Tracked down a copy of this based on your review - had never heard of it before. Agree entirely with your opinion.
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