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Everything posted by BFTD

  1. It's not Halloween yet; stop trying to scare us.
  2. Aye, I started watching 'cause of Deeboy's post, and the end was a bit of a punch in the gut. That must have been horrible for the folk who knew him.
  3. Aye, fourth. It's possible that Mikk realised he wasn't going to be playing and asked to leave, but I doubt any new boss would have kept him on. Let's hope JR's getting the finances freed up for an early assault on the transfer market.
  4. It's a guess, but I'm going to say Club DECE had something to do with it. Unless...did they all die and you're wondering how they found replacements?
  5. Pfft. Queen's Park. We'll see who the real men are come the play-off final.
  6. Why not? It seems like there a million romantic comedies come out every year, and I think it's fair to say that they're almost all dreadful. It'd be great if there were only a couple of them per annum, but they seem to keep some folk happy, so fair enough. A couple of films per year in a genre isn't bad going at all; there'd be a lot more if they weren't so expensive to make. Your workmates would soon find something else to be annoying about. Be thankful they aren't dribbling on about reality TV. Or romantic comedies
  7. I don't think Div's added anything to the word filter in a while, chaps, but it's worth a try
  8. Aye, I mind her saying that. Wee bit too much Lambrini IMO. Always possible it was an in-house job, although I think Adam might have said something.
  9. The right amount for a connoisseur That'll be Fawlty Towers joining Father Ted on the re-watch list
  10. Presumably one of the Mumsnetters worked at the Record, and they'll print any old shite. It clearly wasn't a P&Ber, as the aforementioned tits weren't included.
  11. Both. There were tits and everything, although I remember them being quite proportionate.. I swear you were around during that period
  12. He's considered one of our best keepers. The German keepers with fifty caps would generally be considered some of the best in the world because Germany are generally one of the best teams in the world. Caps have to be considered against the country they were earned for, otherwise that Saudi lad who ended up with about 200 caps would be revered as the greatest ever. I'm pretty sure Leighton conceded goals against the Eighties equivalents of Gibraltar too; they all do at some time or another. Shit happens.
  13. Did Tom McB do anything in particular to earn his title of site walloper, or has it just been a gradual accumulation?
  14. That's a pretty remarkable post, considering there's only one person having a childish temper tantrum and claiming to know more about football than anyone else.
  15. f**k that; they'll still stick it on a boat if you ask them nicely. It'll take about six months and almost certainly won't arrive, but they'll certainly charge you for it. Best part is that it only costs about 10p less than Airmail. Result! GD's getting on a bit for the old reconstructive surgery, I think. Still...wid
  16. Well, that puts the Fletcher vs O'Shea debate to bed, at least “John O’Shea is the same. The two of them have matured to the level where they are now key players for our club." I wouldn't put any stock into what a manager says about a player while they're still at the same club. It's just a record of what they think the player needs to hear, not what the manager believes. Not saying it isn't true in this instance, just that there's no way of knowing.
  17. Go on, then. Give us your figures and we'll think about it.
  18. Thank you, I'll have a bottle of the Aloxe Corton '65.
  19. Does he even lift post on here? Always with the humiliating status updates, but I don't remember seeing anything else. Dirty boy. I thought you were married too.
  20. The very definition of damning with faint praise.
  21. I learned classical Italian, not the strange dialect you seem to have picked up.
  22. Mantequilla, surely. Burro is...*hee-haw* Aye, it was Olivio. 'Cause it contains olives - oh!
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