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velo army

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Everything posted by velo army

  1. Tbf the third point there is fair enough. When you're running full pelt it actually doesn't take much to send you flying. The omerta around diving and associated cheating reminds me of watching the Tour de France all through the noughties and the commentators would do their best not to mention doping at all, especially with reference to Armstrong. It's worse than that with football as the cheating is so multivarious and obvious. So I guess my footballing pttgomn is dishonest commentary and propaganda, where commentators won't say anything that impugns the English game, whether that be ignoring diving, cheating, Harry McGuire's utter shiteness, or in tournaments such as the WC or AFCON, overly focussing on English based players.
  2. Outrage over Boyd's comments is pathetic, or probably trolling. It's professional sport and, honestly, I'd be expecting one of our players to "test McGregor's mask" early on, presuming they could get near him. You do what you can to get a psychological edge and that's been a truth of professional sport since year dot. I wouldn't be expecting a player to stick an elbow in and risk a card, but jumping up for a header and nudging him with a hip or another less red cardable body part I would have thought would have been par for the course. The corinthian spirit is birthday caird pish, mostly. McGregor took a huge risk and, honestly, must be pretty surprised that nobody laid anything on his face at all.
  3. "Let's condemn" was fantastic commentary tbf.
  4. Aye I da want to be disturbed, or tempted to use it. Keeps a solid demarcation that the bedroom is for sleep. My brain likes solid boundaries, I think. E.t.a. what Gordo the polis said.
  5. Aye I Cannae mind how much it was, and I'm with Gordo on this. My phone is in the living room when I'm in bed.
  6. I bought one of they funcy Philips alarm clocks a couple of years back. Absolute game changer and, believe it or not, worth every penny of the 150 notes I spent on it. A light comes on half an hour before I'm due to get up and gradually gets brighter. It means that when the alarm sounds (gentle music that gets louder) there's no "from sleep untimely ripped" feeling so I generally wake up in a much better mood. I do spend an hour snoozing the fucker though because my room is cold and there's no risk of gbh from a nearby significant other .
  7. I dunno man, he's beginning to grow on me.
  8. I'm beginning to come round to the idea, mainly because of the commercial benefits. The tech is improving all the time so we could probably afford a decent ane. Looking forward to streaming this tomorrow. I hope Queens are as pish as their fans say they are.
  9. I'd say he lunged at the ball rather than the opponent. Maybe he can take his leg away at the last moment but I'm not sure, apart from not going for the ball, he can do there. I get that the rules don't seem to leave much room and if the studs are up on the shin then it's a red. I'm a massive fitba da' though, so I'm just going to stick with my "might as well ban tackling" huffiness around it. And @Pie Of The Month, aye I'd take Arbroath winning it over us this season. I'll still love it if we do, but the magic of Arbroath winning it, and all that this would mean, is irresistible. I've seen us almost go to the wall, so another season knocking about the second tier won't hurt.
  10. Exactly this. It's one season and I've been following Thistle for 35 years and saw us win a few league titles. We'll win more in future. Arbroath winning promotion to the top tier would be a magnificent and joyous occasion that, honestly, would bring a warm smile to the hearts of most fans.
  11. I fuckin love Arbroath. They could have won by about 3 there, save for two arse collapses and one unlucky bounce in front of goal. Killie needed to get Glass on the ball more than they did. Him and the boy out left (Murray?) were causing problems. On the red card, I don't like that it's a red mainly because he's (as far as I could see) lunging for a relatively free ball (McKenzie isn't in possession of it) to poke it through to a teammate. He "follows through" because that's just physics. What else does he do? Not go for a ball that is essentially a 70-30? I see why he's given it but it looks more like an accidental collision. I get that in modern football that's a red, but it seems very harsh. Anyhow. Ollie Shaw is a League 1 level striker at best, and Lafferty looks pretty done. Killie should still have enough to win the title, but I'm praying for Arbroath to do it. Splendid team.
  12. This pitch is better than the one at the AFCON last night.
  13. Actual pttgomn. Food products that have nutrition information "per 100g" but don't put the weight of the product on the packaging, giving me no context for said nutrition info numbers. Presumably they expect folk to cut about doing their messages with a set of scales up their jook.
  14. Just remembered that there's a community art project based in, I think, Garthdee, called "da dee at" which is fuckin delightful.
  15. Saying that Ice Dancing is boring while lionising curling is an utterly baffling position to take. I can't wait for the figure skating. It's fucking gorgeous. I'll probably give the downhill skiing a watch too as the quine in the studio says it's a fairly open field, with 15 chaps (they were just talking about the fellas, but the reasons she gave will probably apply to the women too) capable of winning gold. I'm a nordic ski nonce, so I'll try and watch a lot of that. The winter olympics are absolutely the best games. I don't give much of a shit about the new stuff (the funcy jump based skiing) and I only like the speed skating when somebody decks it, but the skiing, the ski jump and the ice ballet are what I'm getting excited about. Utterly disgusting giving these games to China though. Brutal government akin to the Nazis tbh. This opening ceremony is classic "nothing to see here look at the shiny thing" distraction. I hope somecunt takes to the podium with some sort of protest placard. In fact, I hope that stuff is rife. Thomas Bach's response to China's human rights abuses was a bigger riddy than anything the Raith chairman came out with this week.
  16. Why would you reckon that Souttar won't be trying against Rangers? I don't know the player that well but what indication has he given that he would down tools against his future employers?
  17. The split is good when you're 7th or 8th and are safe. Not so great when you finish in the top 6 and then spend the last 5 games being utterly ridden. Smashing thread this. I love looking at football from an anthropological and psychological view, and I value the contributions of older posters to provide context through their own experience, so I've been enjoying this.
  18. "native habits you've picked up and are embarrassed about" for this pish, perhaps. I've been picking up Doric phrases over the years and now mostly converse in it (with my pseudo weegie accent) and it is, I think, the highest form of Scots. It's a delight. But Aberdonians have this filthy habit of saying stuff like "that forks" or "this books", using a singular (accusative?) pronoun with a plural noun. At best it's idiosyncratic, at worst it's illiterate nonsense and I've managed to avoid this. Until today I referred to "that claes" and I now think I need to take a vow of silence for a bit. Shameful.
  19. Lovely heid's gone from Queroz. Delicious. Cameroon look an utter gang now.
  20. Disappointing lack of dynamism in this Cameroon midfield. The keep playing slowly, then try and go wide, firing in shite or blocked crosses. Aboubakar, for all that I love him, is being utterly wasted up top on his own right now. I don't know enough about Cameroon's squad to know how to change it.
  21. Are Cameroon groundsharing with QP as well? Tattie field (yam field?).
  22. Same. They're the better side right now, but not by much. I can't root for them though, mainly for the histrionics you mentioned. Disgraceful. E.t.a. the referee falling for it is precipitating a mini heid's gone here.
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